Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Battle of Will

Drive-by-posting, wheee. So, due to reasons, Battle of Will has been bumped up from its February debut to uh, yesterday. I really like this story, NEGL. It's an enemies-to-lovers mixup, which is something I haven't done before, and I really, really like my two mains. Ackley is a mage from Skirfall, which is at war with Morcia. Ackley tries to stop a curse cast by one of his (sort of) comrades from hitting the Morcian Crown Prince, Beorn, and uh, manages to instead get himself magically bound to Beorn. As in, can't leave Beorn's side, magically bound. They are both THRILLED with this, and also that pesky little side effect where if one of them is injured, it affects the other in full and equal measure (so no shanking each other, much to their displeasure).

You can read the first chapter for free here. I hope ya'll like! <3

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


My angel story is up on LT3's Something Happened on the Way to Heaven serial (also, note that this will be the longest anthology title ever or else whomever comes up with longer is getting voted off the island, my tweeting can't take it).

Uh, but The Book of Judgment! It's a nasty little spell book that could destroy the world! Recently found by a professor/mage (Reza), it needs to cross the country to be archived in the sanctuary of the goddess, where it will be safe from those who would use it in their attempts to take over the world. Reza gets to go with it, 'cause he's a very strong mage, trustworthy enough he won't sell the book off to the highest bidder, and the book needs protections that only a mage can provide.

Of course, he can't make the journey alone! That's way too dangerous. Enter the mercenary: Edmé. A former battle priest (called angels for the terrible destruction they wreak), he's to escort Reza to the sanctuary and protect him and the book. Granted, not the best job, since Edmé is preeettty sure Reza is a n00b in all of the things except puttering around in his professorial duties.

Obvs, they're both in for some surprises with each other (and the goddamn book has its own surprises to throw at them), and shenanigans and shit go down.


In any case, if you are interested, definitely drop by the serial site! $3.25 a month for biweekly updates of five stories!

That's all I got for now. ^__^ Oh, except also managed to clean up the website a bit over the past weekend. Published works is now up to date for the first time in like, six years (or six months; time, it is not my friend). THAT'S all I got. :3

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December interview/giveaway

I've been interviewed! ^__^ K-lee at Chaos in the Moonlight is running a series of author interviews and giveaways on her blog throughout the month of December. You can check out my silly, off-the-cuff interview here, and leave a comment for the chance to get a free copy of any of the titles in my backlist for free. ^__^