I am really failing at the "posting more when I have no day job" thing. >_>;; Ah well, in any case, I come bearing news!
First up, I'm participating in Dear Author's August giveaway extravaganza. ^__^ You can see the calendar of giveaways here (it shows the current month, so if we're still in July when you click that link, you'll have to change the month, which I'm only saying because it took me forever to realize that was why it wasn't working for me >__>;;).
Anyway, I am scheduled for a giveaway on August 2, in which I'm giving away a signed paperback from my backlist, international winners included. Megan's post is the following day -- she's giving away copies of Dance, and LT3 has its own giveaway on the 18th, so keep an eye out for that as well. ^__^ I'll try to post a link to it directly when my giveaway is live but...
Travel! I'm dragging Megan up to New York for family stuff. We're visiting my parents for a few days, and then heading over to my sister's (about 4 hours away) for wedding shenanigans. Should be good times, but we'll be on the road and out of touch a lot, so uh, replies and posting of giveaway links may be delayed (at least on my part, I am terrible at remembering things when I'm not in front of a computer).
The More Travel bit comes in with Authors After Dark, which LT3 will be hitting up in a few weeks. Me, Megan, and Sam will all be there. It's our first time at AAD, but should be good times. ^__^ We're renting an SUV to haul all the crap we're bringing, which should be fun. ^__^
In non-travel news, I've spent most of July working on three things (1) HR stuff for LT3 (which you probably don't care about ;3), (2) website stuff for LT3 (still in progress, but definitely getting there on the rehaul!), and (3) writing, mostly on my Proud to be a Vampire story, which is titled Drinker Class X and mostly deals with how I feel government would bureaucratize the hell out of vampires. :3
For the interested, an excerpt...