Saturday, December 28, 2013

Facebook page for Sasha L. Miller™

What the title basically means is that I've set up a FB author page (you LIKE it instead of FRIENDing it, I guess?). I was (mostly out of deference to family), not really using my FB profile for promo and author stuff. This way, anyone can opt in to the page updates and I won't have to worry about crossing personal/professional streams. (Not that I'm particularly worried about that, but I do so love to complicate things.)

In any case, if you are on FB and would like to follow author updates, this is the author page:

Peace out, homies, and I hope ya'll are having a good weekend.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hello from the new website

As I mentioned the other day, I was changing up my website to something that would require less maintenance and less cost. Blogspot was the answer, much though I loathe the "I agree" button required each time I visit a blog with 'adult content.' So here it is! You can still go to to see all the web content, and this is where I'll primarily be posting for the foreseeable future. I am trying to set up crossposting to LJ, but we'll see if that works (if you see this post on LJ, hooray, it worked!)

Not everything is 100% up and running. Some of the free fics I used to have on my website aren't up here yet. Blogspot has a limit of 20 pages, and I had more pages than that for those fic. I'm going to backdate posts and then link them on the Free Reads page, but that'll take a few days (or weeks, depending on how easily I get distracted ;3). If there's anything you're clamoring to read, let me know and I'll expedite its posting.

The Published Works page is updated with my latest and greatest, though it was a sad few titles this year (three, saaaaaaaad ;_;). Hopefully next year will be more productive.

In honor of the new space (and shiny new layout!), have a snippet from The Heart of the Kingdom. (Not the start, since that's less... invigorating. ;3)