Monday, September 29, 2014

Giveaway! The Heart of the Kingdom

Holy crap how is it nearly October already? I don't know, but October means Halloween, Megan's birthday and shenanigans, and The Heart of the Kingdom comes out as an ebook/paperback release!

The Heart of the Kingdom is a novel based (extremely loosely) on Snow White. I had a ton of fun writing it, and I adore both the MCs to bits. Cenric has the (mis)fortune to buy an ostensibly cursed bit of jewelry, and gets stuck with Hunter (a.k.a. Rylan), who is a Huntsman who doesn't always think things through and is trying to get the necklace back to its owner. There's curses, shenanigans, dwarves, elves with sharp, pointy teeth, and general ridiculousness in all the best ways. (Or so I like to think ;3)

This is Book 1 in the series of at least two, potentially three. Each book features a different couple, though, so you're good to read this one and then never look at another of my books ever again. :3 Book 2, The Northern Wall, is about 90% done, but uh, other projects have shuffled it off the prime burner despite my sulking at it.

Uh, but enough of that. Celebration time! Have a giveaway. Two winners, both for any format(s) of The Heart of the Kingdom that you'd like.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ends on October 15, release day. ^^ If you want to broaden your chances, make sure you hop over to the LT3 Goodreads Group and throw your name in the hat there. Good luck, and I hope you're all enjoying the start of fall! (I know I am!)