Monday, October 29, 2012

Update update update

I'm sure it's no surprise that I suck at updates by this point. :3



Yaoi-con was fantastic, and I have a lovely, lovely tattoo to show for that trip to CA.


It hurt, of course, both more and less than I thought it would. IDK why I assumed every stab of the needle would hurt the same, duh of course not. Things I did not know: it itches like a mother fucker and it loses a layer of inked skin. Seriously, why does no one talk about the itching? Because holy mother of god, did it itch. (Did I mention it was a tiny bit itchy? :3) Also, you're supposed to not wear constricting/rough stuff over it (a.k.a., jeans) and I totally planned ahead and packed mostly ... jeans. >_>

GRL was next, which was cool in some ways and utterly frustrating in others. The peeps we met were the highlight, ffs. Putting faces to names and just hanging out with peeps was totally awesome. ^__^ Hopefully the frustrating parts will smooth out in future years as the con is around longer.



Private Dicks: Undercovers is out! ^__^ I love this anthology, no lie. There are some super awesome stories in here, and you should definitely check them out when you get a chance. Everything from contemp to paranormal to knights (::coughMegancough::) to sci-fi (me? WTF?).

With a Touch is my contribution to the Halloween Rentboys collection that comes out tomorrow. It's fantasy, as per usual, and is a cute little short about a man who's trying to find a missing person of magical means, and finds much more than that.

With a touch


I think that's it? IDK, I thought I had more. We'll go with it.

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