Thursday, August 29, 2013

Misc and sundry

I think I update like, once a month now? It's quite ridiculous. Also ridiculous is the way I start every post talking about how often I post. ;3

In any case, Seattle! In two weeks, Sam, Megan, and I will be flying out to Seattle for Gay Romance Northwest, which looks to be all kinds of awesome and fun (and short! a two-day affair, it's quite refreshing!). If you are attending, say hi! Megan's doing a reading and a panel, Sam is doing a panel, and I'm there for decoration. ;3 Regardless of whether you're attending, you should definitely check out the GRNW goodreads group. It's a public group, so anyone can join, and they've got all sorts of awesome stuff, including author interviews and this secret story thing (wherein a bunch of the GRNW attending authors anonymously wrote stories, posted exclusively in the group). I can neither confirm nor deny that I wrote one (secret), but you should check them out regardless. ^__^

Elsewise, I'm working on writing and editing and web stuff. It's all Big Project stuff right now, so it seems like I'm doing nothing when in reality I'm slowly getting there. The new LT3 Book Market is going to have some pretty neat features, so I'm really excited about that ... but with all the travel and other projects, it's (and the new web design) are probably a few months out still. x__X;;

That's all I got for now. Hope ya'll had a good August, and have a bodacious September.

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