Thursday, October 24, 2013

Drinker Class X - Giveaway!

Drinker Class X is being released next week on October 30 (just in time for Halloween!). I'm really happy with this story, and I hope ya'll will like it as well. ^__^ I wholeheartedly and completely blame it and all my other vampires on Megan, b/c when I started this writing stuff I was vehemently anti-vampire in any way, shape, or form. She has convinced me otherwise, so you can blame my bastardizations on her. :3

In any case, to celebrate, I'm throwing a giveaway because why not. Comment on the website post (not on the cross-posted LJ post*) with your favorite Halloween candy or tradition. Giveaway is open until Wednesday, October 30th around noon Eastern Time (basically if I haven't commented with the winners, you're good to enter). I will pick two winners with and they'll have 24 hours to claim their prize of any e-format of Drinker Class X that they would like.

If you'd like to just buy the book (I LOVE YOU), it's on preorder until Tuesday, October 29 for 15% off at LT3. ^__^

Drinker Class X

Drinker Class X
Bitten on the job, Laurence is left to readjust to living as one of the drinkers he has always hunted. In order to be declared a stable citizen—and get back to work—he must attend a series of court-mandated sessions with a psychiatrist specializing in newly-turned drinkers.

The worst part of being a drinker, besides adjusting to life without sunlight, is that it's mostly doctors and red tape and tedium—right up until it isn't.




(*I'll shut comments off there, but if LJ has opened that up on me in the past after I close it, so just in case.)

Thursday, October 17, 2013


It is available for preorder! About two weeks until it drops, so you've got that long to snag it for 15% off. ^__^ I'm quite fond of it and it's lovely ridiculousness. It focuses on Laurence Wickes, a newly turned drinker (a.k.a., vampire, but no one calls them that anymore b/c it's soooo outdated), and his psychiatrist, Dr. Ira Ashdown. Laurence was a hunter, in charge of keeping drinkers in line, right up until he was bitten on the job. To keep that job--which he does want--he has to convince his government-mandated psych he's not a danger to society and get the right certification. He expects a stuffy old man and instead gets Ira, who's pretty much the opposite of stuffy old man. Everything seems to be going well for Laurence and Ira, until Ira's (secret, mysterious) past comes back to haunt them...

You can check it out here, complete with excerpt and Megan's (better than mine) summary. :3

Drinker Class X


Audiobooks! LT3 has gotten the first of many audiobooks back from Red Planet Audiobooks. We opted for Megan's Prisoner first, b/c that seemed to be most in demand. ^__^ I did a quality check (a.k.a., listened to the whole thing). It's AWESOME. Seriously, I can't even with how awesome it is. Links will go up on LT3 soon to where you can buy it, but also go visit M's blog for a chance to win a free copy. ^__^


What am I doing now? Working on my next serial (it's a Snow White rewrite that I'm already inordinately fond of) and working on my auction peeps' commissions. ^__^ Will hopefully have something to show for those soon. Also, the ongoing website update, which fell to the wayside with Proud to Be a Vampire and travel taking up ALL of my time lately. Both are about wrapped for now, so I'm hoping to really dig in and finish that up.

That's all I got for now. ^__^ Hope ya'll are having a lovely October.