Monday, November 17, 2014

Featured author!

I totally meant to post this earlier, like, Nov 1 or 2, but as you can see that did not happen. I fail at keeping my social media stuff up to date, ack.

In any case, if you've been waiting for a sale to buy my books, LT3 has me as featured author for November! To save $$ on my books, enter code MILLER during checkout, and that'll get you 20% off. It applies to ebooks and preorders only (b/c bundles and paperbacks are already discounted), but that gives you plenty to choose from. ^^ You can also grab any of my books in print for 25% off at any point, btw, so if you want those, you can get them at any point.

Speaking of which, The Heart of the Kingdom has been out for just about a month now! I hope those of you who've read it enjoyed (and if you haven't picked it up and are eying it, November is the time to get it! ;3). If you're inclined to review it, that'd be cool, though for personal sanity reasons I do not look at reviews. My poor, soft heart can't take it. :3

The sequels are taking shape in my head, though I haven't had a chance yet to work on them more (NaNo projects are other little things I'm finishing up. Oh, hey, I can blame that for my lack of updating!) I'm still working out whether it'll be three or four books, though after Book 2 I may break to see if I can't (finally) knock out the Stolen Hearts sequel. (Seriously I fail so much I can't believe people still follow me. :3)

Oh, and Heart is a full and complete stand-alone book, btw. No cliffhangers, though one of the planned books (#3 or #4, depending on whether my idea for the currently slated #3 book works out or needs scrapped) is a follow up with the two MCs.

Links below if you're interested in picking up The Heart of the Kingdom:

All Cenric wanted was a necklace to gift to his lady love, in the hopes it might persuade her to actually become his lady love. Instead of love, however, Cenric is informed of her engagement to someone else, wakes up to find his house burning down around him, and is dragged away by a man who might have saved him, but won't say much about why one necklace has Cenric running away from someone willing to kill to get it back.

Less Than Three Press
Barnes & Noble

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