But back to Vixen -- if you are at all interested in F/F, you should definitely check it out. I really love all of the stories in this anthology, though my favorite is The Thicket by Liz Lambdin. It's a Rapunzel remake, and a super awesome one at that. ^__^ I love it. Cavatina, Cabaletta by Rachel White is also really cool (it has an operatic setting, which is awesome). The other stories are no slouches either. You can check it out here. ^__^
Next point of business. ^__^ There's an LJ comm called pic for 1000 (linked 'cause LJ tags don't work on my website), that challenges you to write exactly 1000 words, no more, no less, based off a picture prompt. This was my picture, this is my story. Enjoy! ^__^
Last up, I signed up for another challenge (b/c I don't have enough to write, apparently. :3) in the M/M Romance community on Goodreads. It's called Love is Always Write, and members of the comm put forth "Dear Author" letters with a photo and prompt. Authors then go and pick one, and write a short story for it. ^__^ This is my prompt, and it should be a lot of fun!
And now there are things in the shadows, things that want him. And he's not sure if he can hold out any longer. If only he hadn't picked up that apple on that fateful day, then the ones in the shadows would have noticed his presence.
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