Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lucky 7 Meme

I blame Megan. Everything can be blamed on Megan.

Go to page 7 or 77 in your current manuscript
Go to line 7
Post on your blog or Facebook page the next 7 lines, or sentences, as they are – no cheating
Tag 7 other authors to do the same.

WIP - Untitled demon hunting magic fantasy story (this is a working title. :3) This might be 8 lines. I'm counting the dialogue as sentence, however, b/c I can't count. :3


It had definitely been the source of the blast. The door had been blown off its hinges, and it lay crookedly across the hallway. The door was smoking, but not on fire, though judging from the smoke billowing from the room, something was.

The guard Noah has left to keep people out was standing outside the room, on the far side of the fallen door. "I'm sorry. He said—"

Noah didn't bother to listen to the man's excuses, ducking into the room instead. The cot was … disintegrated, nothing but the support beams and a few frayed, smoldering bits of rope littering the floor where it had stood.


Uh... tagging. I'm going to cop out on that and say, consider yourselves tagged if you like. But no more than 7 of you! You'll probably have to coordinate that somehow. Good luck. :3

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