Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Writing shenanigans!

The lovely Kay Berrisford interviewed me on her blog (ETA: here! I fail at all the linking today, yikes)! Kay's good peeps, writes awesome and sexy fantasy stories, and you should check her out if you have not yet. (Prisoner of the Mountain Watch is her new short freebie, if you want to dip your toes in before jumping into the deep end with one of her novels. :3 Link is to ARe, but it's available most retailers for free.)

... distracted. Uh, but if you're inclined, stop by and check out the interview, and toss your name in the hat for the giveaway (backlist book or serial time!). 

Also, M and I totally collab'ed in a mutual 'verse sort of way to bring you the following short stories, due out in June. They're all vampires and witches and shenanigans, oh my. :3 Will be up with official blurbs at some point tonight, but I'm impatient and posting them now (even though I'm in charge of posting them to LT3, yes, I know, but logic and I never get along).


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