Friday, March 1, 2013

Taking Back Home (Caralta) - 03

Tei sat down heavily in the chair across from Makoto’s desk, staring flatly across the desk at Makoto. Makoto set down the letters he’d been reading, slowly looking up. He needed to send a servant to collect lunch for them soon, because otherwise Daichi would start pelting him with things again like he had the last few days when Makoto had gotten too involved in working and forgotten to eat.

“Yes, Tei?” Makoto asked mildly, glancing over to where Daichi and Ryota were sitting, having made the couch their permanent station. Daichi was asleep again – he tended to doze off a lot, even with Makoto making an effort to let them sleep longer. Ryota just looked bored, running his hand through Daichi’s hair slowly. Daichi had a small smile on his lips, so either he was pretending or he was dreaming pleasantly.

“Cleanup’s nearly done, except a few areas you need to take care of.” Tei jerked his thumb towards the adjoining study, where Shiro had conducted most of his business.

“It can wait.” Makoto frowned, not at all pleased with the prospect of spending a day or so going through Shiro’s office.

“It can’t.” Tei refuted, frowning. “Festering magic is a bad thing, especially when it’s of the kind Shiro was performing.”

“I know.” Makoto sighed, staring thoughtfully at the door into Shiro’s office. The other entrance had been barricaded off, and warded besides. This one was lightly warded, and even still Makoto could see the growing malevolence of the energies left inside. He could… maybe today. “How are we doing this?”

“My mages are drained, ‘Koto.” Tei sighed, making a discrete gesture back towards the twins. “And Emi’s caught the plague, though she should be fine in a day or two.”

“I have daylong guards.” Makoto raised his eyebrows. “If you want to take Kei, Jinsu and Taiki and use them for other things. Daichi’s recovered enough that he can take care of any threat long enough for reinforcements.”

“I don’t know.” Tei frowned. “I’ll think about it. For now they stay. You’ll need to be doing Shiro’s bedroom as well, though most of that is simple blood spatter.”

“Lovely.” Makoto sighed, wondering how much Daichi and Ryota would pester him if he skipped lunch. He wasn’t feeling very hungry anymore.

“A lot.” Daichi grumbled, squinting at him without lifting his head from Ryota’s lap. Makoto fought a smile, amused as usual and Daichi just shut his eyes. Ryota didn’t stop combing through Daichi’s hair, looking almost casual but for the tenseness in his shoulders.

“I can probably start this afternoon.” Makoto decided, glancing down at his desk for a long moment. “Tomorrow, worst case.”

“Good.” Tei declared, standing up. “I need to go organize some new recruits.”

“Don’t be too rough.” Makoto muttered distractedly, shifting piles of papers. If Shiro’s office was as bad as he thought it was going to be… well, he should have the rest of the day cleared for that, and probably some of tomorrow, for Shiro’s rooms. There were too many things in those places that would require his touch to deactivate.

“What are you doing?” Daichi inquired, padding across the room to peer at his desk. Makoto blinked at him for a moment, watching Ryota follow.

“Making sure I have nothing pressing.” Makoto replied, setting aside Fuhiro’s latest letter. They were coming almost daily, with the food supplies, and it really was very good that some sectors of the country had managed a surplus this year. “If you want, you can order lunch in.” Makoto gestured to the bell pull, and Daichi nodded agreeably, wandering across the room to the rope.

Both he and Ryota looked a lot better with new clothes, something he’d had the chatelaine dig out for them after the third day of them wearing the same clothes (and there’d been a pleasant trip to the bath where he’d learned that Daichi was much more modest than Ryota and that the twins could indeed splash enough water out of the hot water pool to coat the floor).

Daichi tugged on the bell pull, and Ryota frowned down at the acceptance letter one of the merchants had sent back, effusive and thrilled about being chosen for the council.

“What’s this about Shiro’s rooms?” Ryota asked after a moment when Makoto did nothing but shift his piles of papers around (into three piles – immediate attention, tomorrow’s attention, and much further in the future attention).

“Shiro left traps and spells, keyed only to him.” Makoto shrugged. “I can break them, but the other mages can’t.”

“You can’t leave them?” Ryota frowned, glancing fretfully at the office next door. He probably saw with more clarity than Makoto did, since his mage sight was a lot stronger.

“Shiro’s energy festers.” Makoto sighed, watching as Daichi wandered back over. “We can’t leave it too much longer or it will be dangerous to dispel.”

“Even more dangerous.” Daichi interpreted, and Makoto nodded, pausing as someone knocked politely.

“Come in.”

A young woman in a page’s uniform slipped in, dropping a bow and waiting anxiously. She was one of the newer recruits the chatelaine had found, so at least the anxiety was because of the newness of her position and not anything to do with Daichi and Ryota.

“Run to the kitchens please, and get enough for four of whatever the cook is preparing for lunch.” Makoto ordered, smiling a little as the page bowed again.

“Right away sir.” She offered a tentative smile back before slipping out the door.

“Four?” Daichi asked, confused as he leaned against the desk.

“In case you’re still hungry.” Makoto replied, smothering his amusement a little. Daichi flushed, because Makoto had noticed yesterday that the twins had both cleaned their plates. “Otherwise they’ll just take it back, no harm done.”

“How dangerous is this cleaning?” Ryota asked, not distracted. Makoto shrugged, leaning back in his seat.

“Dangerous enough.” Makoto shrugged. He didn’t really know, but it would probably be worse than dispelling their shackles had been, especially in Shiro’s office.

“Are we helping?” Daichi asked, wide-eyed as he turned to stare at the office. His face paled a little, and Makoto sighed, frowning a little.

“Tei suggested that, but if you’re not comfortable with the idea I’ll make him help.” Makoto replied quietly, and Daichi glanced at Ryota. Ryota frowned a little, but nodded at him, like he’d suggested something.

“We’ll help.” Ryota replied, and Daichi nodded his agreement, offering a little smile.

“We’re supposed to keep you from getting hurt.” Daichi murmured, and Makoto did his best to not think that was sweet, but Daichi flushed anyway, and Ryota seemed almost as embarrassed, ducking away to stare at the door to Shiro’s study.

“Have you been in there?” Makoto asked quietly, and Ryota shrugged, turning back with a frown turning his lips.

“Once or twice.” Ryota admitted slowly, and Makoto stood up, wandering closer. Ryota watched him without suspicion, and Makoto simply draped an arm over Ryota’s shoulders, hoping to give a little comfort. Daichi smiled brightly, moving to Makoto’s other side and draping Makoto’s other arm around him.

Makoto laughed lightly, wondering how he’d managed that first week here without the twins. Daichi burrowed closer, his arm snaking around behind Makoto to touch Ryota’s back lightly.

“Why do you have to do it?” Ryota asked after a minute, and Makoto frowned a little, not sure they’d like the answer.

“Shiro’s a blood relative.” Makoto murmured. “A brother of mine.”

“A brother?” Daichi asked, and Ryota nodded, like Makoto was confirming something he knew.

“I have four.” Makoto smiled. He liked his siblings most of the time. “And four sisters.”

“Really?” Ryota blurted, pulling away a little to stare at him in surprise. “That’s a lot.”

“Those are the living ones. I have two dead brothers too, one who died in a drunken brawl, and Shiro. A sister of mine also died when she was young, of the red fever.” Makoto elaborated.

“What do you do with all of them?” Daichi asked, wonderingly, and Makoto laughed again. Daichi made a face, pinching his side. “Where are they all then? Did Shiro run them off?”

“No.” Makoto sighed. “Fuhiro assigned him here. Shiro was… he wasn’t as open about his hobbies and plans as he was within the last few months. There was always something off about him, but Fuhiro couldn’t assign anyone else here – our other brothers were too young, and I’m not mage-capable.”

“Fuhiro’s a brother?” Ryota asked, and Makoto’s eyebrows rose.

“Yes. And the king.” Makoto smothered a smile as Daichi tensed in surprise. Ryota ducked away, frowning at him.

“You’re royalty?” Daichi asked with a small voice, and Makoto nodded, shrugging a little as Daichi detached himself as well.

“Just a little. I have two sisters between me and the throne, though.” Makoto reassured. “And unless something catastrophic happens, I won’t be getting anywhere near the throne, since Fuhiro’s got a good half-dozen children already. I think his wife is pregnant again, too.”

“Good.” Daichi murmured, startling when another polite knock on the door sounded.

“Come in.” Makoto called out, and the young page opened the door, balancing two platters carefully. Another page, a young man with the same curly brown hair, followed her in, and they both dipped bows before hesitating, a lack of presentable surface for setting the platters they carried down on.

“Just put it on the desk.” Makoto directed, and they moved to obey quietly, carefully setting down the porcelain plates on the mostly cleaned-off desk. They dipped bows and Makoto smiled, ignoring the impending task of cleaning Shiro’s room as they left.

“Why did you get sent here?” Daichi asked, his tone trying to be casual, but he wasn’t managing it as well as he normally did as he wandered closer to the desk where the food was.

“Because I’m most suited.” Makoto shrugged, picking up a sandwich. “Much though I lament it, I’m not… terrible at politics, especially the delicate kind that’s needed here. And most of my siblings are mage-capable, which Fuhiro decided was a bad idea after Shiro.”

“But you can still break Shiro’s spells?” Ryota frowned, staring thoughtfully at Makoto. “How?”

“He’s my brother.” Makoto smiled, and Daichi’s eyes widened and he clapped a hand over his mouth to keep from spitting out his sandwich. Makoto laughed and took a bite of his sandwich, waiting for Daichi to swallow and spill what he’d heard from Makoto’s thoughts.

Ryota stared at Daichi for a long minute before taking a sandwich for himself, turning to pull one of the comfortable visitor’s chairs close. Daichi coughed a few times, making a face at Makoto.

“You don’t look much like Shiro.” Daichi accused, coughing again. Makoto shrugged, moving to pour Daichi a drink. Daichi accepted it, making another face as he coughed.

“We’re not identical.” Makoto shrugged, taking another bite of his sandwich. Ryota ignored them both, thoughtful as he worked on clearing his food.

“Good.” Daichi proclaimed, clearing his throat before attempting another bite of his sandwich. “Because then you wouldn’t make the best choice to be sent here.”

Makoto laughed, amused. “Yes, I can imagine that would have everyone up in arms, not just Shiro’s supporters.”

“That’s not really funny.” Ryota muttered, and Daichi bit his lip to smother a smile.

“He doesn’t like the idea of everyone hating you.” Daichi whispered, and Ryota rolled his eyes, but flushed a bit and stared at the floor instead of meeting Makoto’s eyes. Makoto smiled, ruffling Daichi’s hair.

“Don’t tease your brother.” Makoto chided softly, but his smile probably gave him away.

“That’s what brothers are for.” Daichi murmured, taking a few tiny steps closer and Makoto tucked an arm around him easily because that was probably what Daichi was looking for. Ryota glanced at them and smiled a little, and Makoto decided that he hadn’t completely screwed up with them (and Daichi pinched his side, grumbling something about his tendency to belittle himself).

“Stay there.” Makoto ordered softly, taking another step into the foul-smelling room. Ryota had no problem obeying, even as he watched the room warily. Hopefully the spells would think Makoto close enough to Shiro to not attack full out. Makoto stopped three steps inside the room, pausing in front of a rather nasty looking spell in the middle of a dark and stained rug.

Daichi was tense and worried right next to him, and Ryota wished he could comfort him, but he wasn’t any better. Makoto knelt down slowly, and ran his fingers through the intersecting lines, hissing as the negative, tainted energy snaked up his arm before dying out completely. The spell on the rug disappeared, and Makoto stood, shaking his fingers carefully.

“How many can you do?” Daichi asked, his voice quiet, and Ryota squeezed his fingers lightly, earning a solemn, wide-eyed look with pretty grey eyes.

“I don’t know.” Makoto admitted and made a bit of a face. “All of them, hopefully.”

“Don’t strain yourself.” Ryota told him flatly, hoping he wasn’t being as lovesick and worried as Daichi. Makoto nodded, taking the few steps back to the doorway even as Daichi eyed him knowingly. Ryota ignored him, watching as Makoto took down the doorway spell, doing his best to not show how much it burned as the energy tried to integrate into his system.

Makoto had a magical signature a lot like Shiro’s, which was why he could dispel Shiro’s spells. The problem with dispelling the energy was that it wanted to integrate back in with Shiro and Makoto wasn’t Shiro, so it hurt before it died out. Ryota frowned – he didn’t like this but it was important. If the energy sat there too long without Shiro around it would go haywire and cause a lot of harm.

Makoto dispelling the energy was easier than having other mages do it, and safer. If Daichi tried it, he’d probably end up setting off some of the spells and that would be far more dangerous than simply dispelling them.

“Ah –” Makoto hissed, and Daichi stepped forward, biting his lip.

“No.” Ryota tugged him back before he could step into the room. “Don’t.”

“But –” Daichi glanced back at him, and Ryota shook his head.

“You can’t.” Ryota muttered, and Daichi sighed, watching Makoto work his way around the room. He skipped over a chest set against the far wall, working his way along the bookcase. Ryota watched with growing concern as each dispelled spell’s energy snaked higher up Makoto’s arms, towards his chest.

Makoto didn’t pause though, and Ryota hoped the man knew his limits. Makoto paused in front of a bookcase practically radiating with bad energy and hesitated, tracing a hand over a few of the books before turning around to face them.

“Daichi, I need your help on this one – don’t come in.” Makoto frowned a little, glancing back at the bookcase. “Once I dismantle the spell, I need you to destroy the books. All of them, and if it’s simpler, just get rid of the entire bookcase.”

“Okay.” Daichi nodded, stepping away from Ryota with a sigh.

“Don’t hesitate.” Makoto ordered, and turned back to the bookcase. “Ready?”

“Yes.” Daichi twisted his hand free of Ryota’s, stepping up to the doorway. Ryota kept his eyes on Makoto, because this was one of the larger spells and would probably have a much bigger effect than any of the other ones.

Makoto took a deep breath, and ran his hands along the front frame of the bookcase, trailing down the sides. It took a moment – the spell hesitated for a long second before surging up along Makoto’s arms and across his chest. Makoto buckled, gasping and dropping to his knees with a wince.

Ryota flinched, and Daichi jerked forward in surprise but didn’t release his spell – but he’d stepped into Shiro’s office. Ryota stepped forward but froze because the books – books he’d seen Shiro use time and again, books of pain-giving enchantments and disfiguring spells and there was a reason Daichi needed to destroy them right away – the books ignored Makoto and shot their spells right for the intruder in the office – Daichi.

Daichi crumpled immediately, gasping out a soft cry as he hit the ground. Ryota flinched, stepping up to the doorway but not entering – the spells wouldn’t leave the room. Makoto stumbled to his feet, heading towards Daichi – probably he was going to attempt to dispel them, as well, but it wouldn’t work since Shiro hadn’t cast the spells. The spell on the bookcase had been in place to keep the books in check, and hadn’t been malevolent.

The spells should die if the books were destroyed though. Ryota took a deep breath, staring at Daichi for a moment. Daichi had to be unconscious for this to work – and he was, passed out because there was no way he could’ve taken the spells he had without passing out, and the hurt would linger, too.

“Don’t move him out.” Ryota snapped as Makoto knelt down by Daichi. “Just – wait a moment.”

“Okay.” Makoto accepted, carefully pulling Daichi’s arm from beneath his chest, where it had been trapped at an awkward angle. “What do you plan?”

Ryota ignored him, shutting his eyes and pulling. Daichi had a bit of energy stored up, and Ryota took as much as he could and threw it into the most destructive spell he knew – a fire spell – and turned it onto the bookcase.

It incinerated immediately, the books burning in seconds and before they could let off the last of their dangerous energy. Ryota took the shock without a word, stepping back one step as they flared to ash, and Daichi groaned softly.

“Okay.” Ryota managed, swaying a little as he tried to not pass out. Borrowing Daichi’s powers was always hard, but he couldn’t let go quite yet.

“I can bring him out?” Makoto asked, and Ryota nodded, backing up a little as Makoto scooped Daichi off the floor, not faltering even though he couldn’t be in the best shape either after the bookcase spell. Daichi didn’t wake – he wouldn’t for a bit, after that attack, and Ryota followed Makoto as he carried Daichi over the couch and set him down gently.

Kneeling down (faster than he’d meant to, and his knees cracked against the floor painfully), Ryota brushed the curls off Daichi’s forehead, and fed a bit of healing energy into him. Daichi’s breathing smoothed out, from the sharp, too-fast gasping he’d been doing, and Ryota sagged, feeling more than seeing Makoto sitting down next to him.

“Are you okay?” Makoto asked quietly, but he did everything quietly, carefully and with too much regard for everyone else.

“You’re not.” Ryota reached out and grabbed the front of Makoto’s shirt. “No more.”

“No more for today.” Makoto agreed, and Ryota met his eyes, finally tearing his gaze from Daichi.

“Good.” Ryota mumbled, letting Makoto gently push the hair off his forehead.

“How did you do that?” Makoto asked quietly and Ryota shrugged a little, directing his attention back to Daichi.

“It’s an emergency thing.” Ryota murmured because there was no reason to not tell Makoto since he did like the man. “I can borrow Daichi’s powers when he’s unconscious or asleep.”

“I’m glad.” Makoto offered a small smile, before slowly climbing to his feet and walking back over to shut the door to Shiro’s study. Ryota sighed, resting his head against Daichi’s arm, feeling more than a little drained. And they’d have to do more tomorrow, though hopefully Daichi wouldn’t do anything stupid again.

“Sit down.” Ryota ordered as Makoto came back over.

“No.” Makoto shook his head. “I don’t think he’s going to wake anytime soon. I’d rather move him someplace more comfortable.”

“Your room.” Ryota mumbled, forcing himself to his feet. Makoto laughed lightly, leaning down to scoop Daichi up again, and he really had a lot of strength for his slenderness.

“Did you borrow Daichi’s telepathy too?” Makoto asked, and Ryota flushed, moving to open the door ahead of Makoto and Daichi.

“No. Just, it’s comfortable.” Ryota offered, blinking up at the guard outside the door. The man glanced at them curiously, moving away from the wall.

“What happened?” He asked, and Makoto sighed softly.

“We were working on Shiro’s office.” Makoto offered as explanation. “There was an accident.”

“Do you need a physician?” Kei, Ryota thought this one was. Kei asked, and Makoto shook his head, stepping out into the hall and attempting to shut the door with his foot. Ryota sighed, slightly exasperated and moved to shut it for him.

“Just rest. We’re going to my rooms.” Makoto replied and Kei nodded, gesturing for Makoto to go first. Ryota followed close behind, watching the hallway as they went because it had only been a few weeks since Makoto had gotten here and there had still been threats against him from a few of the more hidden of Shiro’s loyal men.

Kei followed, a quiet presence, and Ryota wished Makoto’s rooms were closer because he was seriously at the end of his energy. Walking slowly helped his balance at least, and Makoto was walking slowly too, probably because of Daichi and the energy dispelling he’d done.

And they’d be doing this tomorrow too, and the next day likely, for Shiro’s bedroom. Ryota sighed – he wasn’t looking forward to that – Shiro had done most of his torturing in his sitting room, seemingly not minding that it was a room he spent a lot of time in even when he wasn’t torturing.

Shaking his head, Ryota flinched when Kei steadied him discretely, almost knocking himself over before he managed to get himself together enough to flash Kei a smile because the man was being helpful and most people here wouldn’t.

“Ryota, can you get the door?” Makoto asked, shifting Daichi a little. Daichi didn’t seem to mind, and Ryota moved quickly to get the door, holding it open for them both even as he gave the room a quick scan. Nothing turned up though, and Makoto didn’t hesitate as he crossed the room and set Daichi down in the center of the bed.

“Thank you, Kei. You can wait outside.” Makoto dismissed, and Kei nodded respectfully, one of the few mages who didn’t seem to have the knack of being informal around Makoto.

“Ryota.” Makoto drew his attention, and Ryota turned to look at him, startled into moving a little too fast. Losing his balance, he sat down heavily on the floor and gave up the pretense of being able to move properly.

“What?” Ryota asked, letting himself fall back to the floor and the soft rugs that covered it. Makoto’s soft footsteps approached and Ryota let his eyes slip closed because he was comfortable and too tired to do anything else.

And then there were warm, strong arms under him, lifting him up and Ryota might have let out a little startled noise but he didn’t fight Makoto, leaning into the warmth of Makoto’s arms. Makoto laughed a little, a nice sound, and carried him over to the bed to settle him next to Daichi.

“You too.” Ryota demanded, shifting closer to his twin as he opened his eyes to stare at Makoto suspiciously. Makoto nodded, carefully removing the knives from his boots and then removing his boots. Ryota winced because both he and Daichi were still wearing their new boots and that couldn’t be good for the bedspread.

Makoto took care of that though, moving to the foot of the bed and pulling off their boots for them, and Ryota smiled, relaxing again as Makoto stripped off his shirt and tossed it off to the side (because for some reason Makoto liked to sleep without his shirt on).

He managed to wait until Makoto slid in next to him, but Ryota fell asleep immediately after that, warm and exhausted but able to relax with Daichi and Makoto on either side of him.


Ryota woke up suddenly, startled into sitting up quickly. He was breathing too fast and he couldn’t remember anything at all from the dream he’d been having, only that it wasn’t pleasant and that he really would be better off not remembering.

Makoto stirred, his arm in Ryota’s lap, and Ryota flushed because it probably hadn’t been there until he’d sat up. Makoto stirred too, and Ryota winced, hoping he didn’t wake up Makoto again. It was bad enough he had these dreams, but worse when it affected Daichi and Makoto, too.

“Ryota?” Daichi asked, and Ryota sighed, glancing over at his twin with a frown.

“Are you okay?” Ryota asked, twisting a bit so he could set his hands on Daichi’s chest. Daichi squirmed, but Ryota flooded him with a heaping douse of healing energy anyway because he’d rather have wasted energy than have Daichi in pain.

“I’m okay.” Daichi murmured, pushing into a sitting position and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Are you?”

“I borrowed from you again.” Ryota murmured, and Daichi shrugged, running his hands through Ryota’s hair soothingly. He smiled a bit, and Ryota raised an eyebrow, wondering what his brother was up to because that sly expression meant he was up to something.

“So suspicious.” Daichi murmured, shoving the bedclothes back and off of them, and Ryota wasn’t too surprised when Daichi shifted around, moving to straddle his lap. “You need to relax, Ryota.”

“Daichi –” Ryota protested a little, and Daichi reached out to run his hands through Ryota’s hair again, tugging him close enough for a proper kiss. Ryota sighed into it, but Daichi was insistent, kissing sweetly and slowly, and Ryota finally kissed back, hoping Makoto didn’t wake up yet because he wasn’t sure how the man would react to this yet.

“Mmm.” Daichi purred into his mouth, dipping his head and slipping his tongue into Ryota’s mouth, tasting and teasing and Ryota let out a soft noise, replying in kind as he ran his hands up the curve of Daichi’s back. Daichi drew back after a moment, grinning as he turned to Makoto.

“Like that?” Daichi inquired, and Ryota sighed, thumping his forehead against Daichi’s chest as his cheeks burned.

“Like that.” Makoto agreed, moving around beside them and a moment later gentle fingers were tilting his head away from Daichi’s chest. Ryota stared at Makoto uncertainly up until the moment Makoto’s lips pressed against his, and Daichi had probably planned this but Ryota didn’t care because Makoto could kiss, all hot lips and sneaky, teasing tongue and sharp little nips from his teeth.

Makoto pulled away with a little smile, and Ryota flushed, smacking Daichi, still perched on his lap. Makoto laughed a little, and leaned that way to kiss Daichi, giving Ryota an excellent view because they were both far too close. Ryota leaned back on his elbows, watching Daichi melt (probably much like he had but he wasn’t thinking about that) as Makoto kissed him. Daichi made a soft little noise that was sweet and sexy and Ryota wondered where Daichi planned to take this because he really couldn’t ever say no to anything Daichi planned.

Daichi was smiling brightly and out of breath when Makoto broke off, tracing a hand along Daichi’s cheek lightly.

“Minx.” Makoto accused softly, and Ryota shifted uncomfortably because Daichi was making his legs go numb.

“You wanted it.” Daichi replied shyly, and Ryota sat up again as Daichi climbed off him to sit next to Makoto. “Besides, I wanted to. And Ryota wanted to.”

Makoto glanced at Ryota with that smile still in place, and Ryota flushed, ducking his gaze away. He wasn’t going to deny it – he liked Makoto. Daichi giggled softly, and Ryota moved fast, surging up and knocking Daichi onto his back.

“I agree. Minx.” Ryota told Daichi solemnly before starting to tickle along Daichi’s ribs. Daichi dissolved into laughter, squirming as Makoto attacked his feet, bundling them under an arm and running his fingers along the bottom teasingly.

“No fair!” Daichi yelped, giggling madly, and Ryota laughed, stilling his fingers to lean down and steal a kiss. Daichi responded immediately, reaching up and dragging Ryota down when he tried to back off. Ryota lost his balance and toppled against Daichi’s chest, and Daichi kissed him again, soft and sweet.

He broke it off after a moment, bright-eyed and stifling giggles as he pushed Ryota away and sat up. Makoto shook his head, sighing but still smiling.

“You’re always going to be in my head, aren’t you?” Makoto asked rhetorically, and Ryota smothered a smile. Daichi was always in everyone’s heads.

“You get used to it.” Ryota offered, suffering Daichi’s not-at-all-discrete shove towards Makoto.

“Do you.” Makoto murmured, tugging him the rest of the distance to kiss him again. He kept it short and completely unsatisfying, but Ryota didn’t mind, shifting to sit close to Makoto because the closer the better, in his opinion. Daichi sat up quickly and squirmed in close on Makoto’s other side, smiling cheerfully.

“Yes.” Ryota replied simply, clasping Daichi’s hand when it was offered. Makoto wrapped an arm around them both and smiled softly down at them.

“Good.” Makoto declared and Daichi grinned, smothering a smile into Makoto’s chest, and Ryota could guess – getting used to it would mean they were around for a long while. Provided Daichi didn’t do anymore stupid things, like stepping into Shiro’s study before Makoto told him to.

Ryota smothered a smile as Daichi glared a little but the expression dropped away quickly, and Ryota shifted just a little closer to Makoto. Between Daichi and him, they’d keep Makoto safe – it was in their best interests after all. Daichi snickered, but Ryota kindly ignored him, deciding he wanted another kiss and moving to take it now that he could.