Friday, May 17, 2013

Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia

HAHAT imageTransphobia and homophobia are major issues IRL, but I rarely, if ever, include them in my stories. My portrayals of homosexuality in the context of my fictional societies are idealized, I won't front. (I can't speak to trans* characters because I haven't written any(1), but I can tell you that I'd probably do something similar.)

I've heard it said more than once that excluding transphobia or homophobia from fiction isn't realistic, even in fantasy (which is my first and true love; coffee, I'm sorry, you're taking a backseat) and other non-contemporary genres.

I think that's horseshit. (I'd say pardon my language, but fuck that noise. ;3) To say that a world cannot be realistic unless there's some segment of society that rails against LGBTQ persons in vicious and often violent ways is absolute horseshit. I write my worlds without transphobia and homophobia because I believe that's something to aspire to, that's something societies can be capable of, be they fantasy or contemporary.

When I was younger, I was teased a lot (not viciously, but normal kid stuff). I was shy and introverted, and my escape was my books. I loved seeing new worlds where silly things like weight and clothing and that sort of thing didn't matter. It's important to have books that deal with transphobia and homophobia, but I feel it's equally important to have books that show places and times where it's not an issue.

Books that normalize LGBTQ characters, that show them as primarily a king, primarily a mage, primarily an accountant, and oh yeah, they're trans*/lesbian /bi/etc. are, to me, just as important as those that deal with the wrongs of society. That's what LT3 is aiming for, and that's why I write what I write.

(1) Footnote! I'd love to write a trans character, but quite frankly, I don't have the guts. I'm entirely and thoroughly cis-gender and I'm not sure I could do a trans* character justice. Maybe one day I'll have the courage and ability to make it work. In the meantime, I'm going to search harder to find and support the awesome work that's already out there.


Definitely go and check out the rest of the Hop posts; they're sure to be poignant and much better written than my little, non-scholarly thing. ^__^

Okay, so, giveaway. I'm offering up (1) a $50 donation in your name to The Point Foundation, an LGBTQ scholarship foundation that provides financial support to at-risk gay and lesbian students and (2) an ebook from my backlist, in the format of your choosing, anthologies included.

Winner will be picked at the conclusion of the hop using If you're reading this on my LJ, please hop over to my website to post a comment, as I'll only be picking from the website comments. To enter, please include your email address and what your absolute favorite LGBTQ story is. (You can leave multiple comments, FYI, on the off chance you forget something, but I'll only count you once. ^__^)


  1. Madison Parker17 May, 2013 08:53

    I agree, Sasha, that both realistic and idealistic portrayals of gender and sexual identity are important. I'd love to include a trans character into a future story as well. I've been reading a lot on the subject, and my #HAHAT post talks about my own transphobia and books I've read featuring trans characters. Thanks for the post! xoxo

  2. E.E. Ottoman17 May, 2013 10:24

    I really like this. Very rarely do I have homophobia and trans*phobia as it exists today in my fantasy. Not all my fantasy are devoid of sexual and gender based prejudice it's just not usually in the same way we think of it now. I totally agree with not putting in at all though, I think that's a totally legitimate way of dealing with the issue.

  3. Hmmm... An absolute favorite? That's a tough one. Probably either Bareback by Chris Owen or Latakia by JF Smith.

  4. Absolute favorite is really, really tough! Probably the one I keep going back to, problems though it may have, is Jim Grimsley's Comfort and Joy. I really loved Marion Bradley's The Catch Trap until I learned about a lot of problematic things later, and saw a lot of it in the story.

    I think it's absolutely possible to tackle a trans* character and do them justice, but it's important to do research and have a trans* person be one of the pre-readers. :)

  5. Here, here, Sasha! I also write in a fantasy/paranormal setting where fluid sexuality is a normal part of the society. I think stories that document the struggles of the queer community are necessary, and I appreciate the authors out there doing it right. As a Queer Person of Color, it's just as important to see representations that are celebratory. It gives a glimpse of what the world will look like if we keep pushing and refuse to take second class citizenship as an option.

    Thanks for being a positive voice out there!


    My HAHAT Contribution: Writing From the Middle: BiVisibility & BiErasure

    Xakara at Xakara dot com

  6. That was an awesome post. Thanks for doing the hop!


  7. Oops. I forgot. My favorite LGBT book at the moment is "Into This River I Drown" By TJ Klune. But that chances by the month;)

  8. Harper Kingsley17 May, 2013 17:11

    My favorite... hm. I really love "The Merro-Tree" by Katie Waitman as a gender identity science fiction novel, but "Comfort & Joy" by Jim Grimsley will always have a place on my shelves.

    When I'm writing, I do idealize my worlds somewhat ^_^; People are just people living their lives and falling in love.

  9. I always struggle to pick just one favourite...I'm going to have to go with a few: Andrea Speed's Prey - I love Roan as a character; he's so strong and fragile at the same time. Wicked Gentlemen (Ginn Hale) - I've read this a few times now and will probably take my paperback copy on holiday with me. Stars & Stripes (Abigail Roux) - another regular re-read; I love the interaction between Ty and Zane, and their respective families. Dark Edge of Honor (Aleksandr Voinov & Rhi Etzweiler) - loved it and couldn't put it down, despite the friends trying to coax me out the door for lunch! Also Incursion (Aleksandr Voinov) - disabled hero, shapechanging alien and some interesting ideas.
    There are many others; as someone said it does tend to change from month to month :)
    I've read a few stories with trans characters and would love to read more. The one I remember most is Portside (Elyan Smith) - beautifully written; maybe not a standard romance but still an interesting story.

  10. I'm all for stories about people whose sexuality is just a fact, not the focal point!

  11. Thank you for your great post. One of my favorite M/M stories is "Wanting" by Piper Vaughn, which I believe is free on both Goodreads and her website. Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

  12. My favorite LGBTQ story is an online work called Falls Chance Ranch by Rolf and Ranger. It's all about a group of gay cowboys being strong and surviving the odds. It's so well written, which is a bonus, but it also delves into the difficulties many of the different men who call the ranch home had to go through in order to find their slice of happiness. It's so beautiful that I find myself rereading the series over and over. I highly recommend it.

  13. I read it years ago, when it was still free on her website, and it was the very first print book I bought once Lt3 got off the ground, but Megan Derr's Prisoner remains one of my very favorite LGBT stories, to the point where I must have reread it a couple dozen times by now. I don't know what it is about Dieter and Beraht, but I love their story to itty-bitty pieces.

  14. Oh yes the safety of fantasy and the fiction novels that come along with it. I can understand the wish to create a "good" world - I mean you get enough of the nasty by just taking a look around.

    My favorite story - as long as there is a story I haven't read I can't really decide.

  15. Hi Sasha - I write fantasy as well; and I agree with you about the right for freedom to write LGBT characters, and their "worlds," however you like.

    My absolute favorite LGBT story...there are so many, but since we're talking fantasy I'll keep it to that genre: Douglas Clegg's Mordred: Bastard Son.

  16. Well said, Sasha. Write what you feel like you should write not what others tell you. You know best.

    My favorite LGBT is the Raised by Wolves series by L.A. Hoffman, particularly the first in the series entitled 'Bretheren'

  17. My favorite LGBTQ book changes depending on my mood but my most recent favorite was Where You Hurt the Most by Anne Brooke. It has stuck with me for the past two weeks - and when you read as many books as I do that is a feat. My email address is

  18. I am a huge fantasy and paranormal fan. My favorite mm books are The PsyCop series by Jordan Castillo Price. And I also love the work of Jordan L. Hawk. These Jordan's are my faves! Thank you.

  19. Thanks for sharing the great post.. and being a part of the hop :)

    BeckeyWhiteAT gmailDOTcom

  20. Great post, I personally enjoy reading books where homophobia is not the main focus, it's such a nice change.

  21. I forgot to leave my fav book, I guess it would have to be Promises by Marie Sexton.

  22. Myfavourite books tend to be by author - Kaje Harper, Jo Myles, NR Walker are a few. to narrow down to one book The Telling (eden Winters) is always a go to read for me

  23. Sophie Bonaste21 May, 2013 13:43

    There are so many books to choose from. Umm...I think that my favorite book right now is "Black Hawk Tattoo" by Aundrea Singer. It was one of the most powerful stories I have ever read. So good.

    Thank you for participating in this awesome cause and please count me in for the giveaway.

  24. I agree with you Sasha. I like reading to escape reality, not to read about the crappy things that happen in life. Sometimes, it's nice to read about a world where homophobia and transphobia doesn't exist.


  25. Have so many favorites books,love authors Andre Speed Infected series,JP Barnaby Little Boys Lost series,all Amy Lane and Mary Calmes.

  26. Fiction is fiction ^.^ While a part of the readership wants their fiction reality-based, others are reading for escapism and I'm sure there are plenty of people who welcome a fictional world without homophobia/transphobia.

    eripike at gmail dot com

  27. I like your donation idea as part of the giveaway :)


  28. shadowluvs2read27 May, 2013 14:23

    Hi! Thanks for being apart of this fantastic hop! Wonderful post. I think you all are amazing for standing for what you believe in! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful night!

  29. Congrats, you're the winner! ^__^ I'll be emailing you shortly with details, so be on the look out for that. <3
