Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Catch up post!

Okay, so this is going to be a huge ass long ass post, so you are forewarned.

First up! M and I sort of kind of collab'ed a few months back to write a matched set of stories featuring a pair of hedge witch brothers. Beach Remedy and Herbal Remedy are set in the same 'verse as my story Quality Control, in That Famous Happy End anthology and also M's story The Werewolf of Grey Lake Inn in the Bad Moon Rising anthology.

Basically, Quinn is one of the main chars in Quality Control; M stole his brother Astor for Grey Lake Inn. Lee, the MC of Beach Remedy, is Astor's cousin, and he ends up with Jayden, whose brother Jordan is featured in M's Herbal Remedy. :3 Confused yet? :3

You can preorder them for another week and then buy them thereafter. ^__^ Also, I reaaaally like the covers.

Beach Remedy Herbal Remedy

Second up. I no longer have a day job! I am working LT3 full time, though my mind hasn't quite wrapped around that yet and I keep telling myself I have to go to bed to get up for work in the morning despite not having to get up until I want to. :3

Some of my major projects include setting up HR stuff (401k, health insurance, etc.) for us, doing a complete rehaul of the LT3 website (upgrade software, webhost, other software, look and feel, etc.), and ALL of the writing (anthology story catchup, Stolen Hearts book 2, a snow white fairy tale rewrite, and more). Should be funtimes. ^__^

Oh, and if anyone has anything they'd like on LT3 with the site overhaul, let me know and I will see what I can do. <3

Third up, this is going to be a busy summer/fall season for travelling. o_O;;

June 22 - M and I are gallivanting off to Georgia for a stop on Neil Gaiman's last U.S. signing tour.
July is pretty quiet
August 2-4: My sister is having her bachelorette party and bridal shower, which will necessitate a trip to NY
August 7: Goo Goo Dolls and Matchbox 20 concert in NC
August 15-18: Authors After Dark convention
Sept 14: NW Gay Romance Meetup in Seattle
October 12: Sister's wedding in NY

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