Sunday, June 16, 2013

Remedies and other misc

So as ya'll are probably aware, Beach Remedy and Herbal Remedy are now out and about. If you've had a chance to read, I hope you enjoyed! <333

Beach Remedy Herbal Remedy

If you haven't had a chance to read, and want to throw your name in the pot for a chance at a free matched set, there are two giveaways going on as part of our haphazard blog tour. You can stop by Babes in Boyland or The Armchair Reader (both awesome sites, by the by, in case you were looking for places to follow ;3). The giveaways there include a copy of Beach and a copy of Herbal, and both giveaways close on Tuesday whenever I remember to go pick a winner (so probably mid-afternoon or early evening Eastern time. :3)


Randomly, because I've seen it asked, I am planning to jump feet first into the sequel to Stolen Hearts: Book 2 once I clear off some of the other projects (anthologies!) on my plate. ^__^ Other writing plans include (1) a fairy tale rewrite of Snow White, (2) a follow-up to Living Words, and (3) a vampire story for the vamps anthology (so, so late on that), and stories to catch up on all of LT3's active anthology calls.

If there's anything you're specifically looking for outside of the above, let me know! I'm always curious to see what peeps want to see. ^__^


So right now, Sam and Kathrin are visiting, so the house is kind of full and we're running around doing awesome things. So far, Sam and Brandie have gotten new tattoos (Megan and I are slated for Wednesday this week), we've gone to the Battleship North Carolina, hit up a bar downtown called Hell's Kitchen (no relation to the show), seen Man of Steel (my review: meh), and celebrated LT3's full-time situation at The Melting Pot (so, so good).

Not sure what else we'll be getting up to before Sam and K go home on Thursday, but Friday, M and I are driving over to Georgia to hit up the Neil Gaiman signing in Decatur. Should be fun.

Also other boring life shit: (1) monitor and report any further issues with the internet, (2) call M's insurance for busting up her car's bumper on a blown-out 18-wheeler's tire, (3) bridesmaid stuff for my sister's wedding, (4) uhhh, all the LT3 things? IDK. LOTS TO DO. GOING TO GO WORK ON STUFF NOW.

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