Monday, February 9, 2015

Housekeeping Post

All righty, so it's currently four in the a.m. (my hours are SO WEIRD right now, I can't). But this is a housekeeping, linky, all the news sort of post so it doesn't really require any sort of brainpower (I hope, b/c I am lacking in that).


OK, so ya'll know this one is coming out this month, February 18. It's a pretty damn good book. I really suck at marketing my own books (possibly b/c I'm too close to them? IDK), but I really liked writing this one, what with the flirty soldier dude and the cranky stubborn prince dude and the drama that could've been but totally wasn't. :3 Plus MAGIC. I <3 magic.

Ahem. So. Giveaways! There are three. If you follow my blog, you know about that one. If you follow LT3's anything, you know about the Goodreads group one. There's also one at Hearts on Fire Reviews. And you can pick it up from LT3 (15% off until Feb 17), Amazon, ARe, and Kobo, if those are your druthers.


I'm not sure I've talked about Losing Ground yet? If not, bad self. Losing Ground is preeettty much the closest I'll ever get to contemporary. It's urban fantasy, basically elemental magic and territories in a modern-day setting. The romance in this one was super sweet and low key. I really enjoyed writing it, particularly with the contrast of Carter, who's v. knowledgeable about magic and is outgoing and stuff, but very low in power, versus Tai, who knows next to nothing about magic and is super shy and very much a homebody. I also worked very hard at making them both bisexual; they both have ex-girlfriends, but in my typical low-key style, (AKA no one gives any fucks about that).

This one is running as serial at the moment, but it'll release at LT3 on March 4 (which is less than a month away!). No giveaways up yet, but I'll probably pop one up once The Errant Prince's giveaway ends, and obviously you can watch the LT3 GR group for when March's giveaways go live. It is up at LT3 for preorder, and also at Amazon, ARe, and Kobo.

FAIRYTALES SLASHED: VOLUME 6Fairytales Slashed: Volume 6

This one is also a soon-to-be-released serial thing. I've got two fairy tales in this anthology. The Dragon of Bellerose Island is a (vaguely if you squint) beauty and the beast spin. It features Leandre, who's been kidnapped and forced off to this mysterious, magical island that no one ever returns from (because the villain thinks he's like, special or something and finds it more fun than throwing people from a cliff). Leandre finds far more than he bargained for. I have in mind a couple of other stories with this 'verse, but I'm not sure when I'll fit them into my schedule (see also: the first one is in an anthology).

The second is called The Cursebreaker, and it's a short, sweet little original fairy tale. The two of them are 100% ridic in all the best ways, and also magic. (Theme? Theme.) This one was only just listed on LT3, so that's the only place you can get it ATM, but I will keep ya'll updated as it gets around to third parties (usually 3-4 weeks in advance of release date).


Axbridge is the last one (everyone goes oh thank god the post will end soon). This is a short story that I wrote for a charity thing I did last year? The year before? In any case, it took me an age and a half (and approximately seven scrapped false starts), but voila!

Axbridge is the name of the town the story is set in. It's set in the same 'verse as Battle of Will, but is completely stand alone. (Features other characters.) It was a lot of fun to explore some of the aftermath of the end of the war that happened in Battle of Will, and Isani and Tannis were equal parts fun and had me on the edge of tearing my hair out. ^^ (I think that's a good sign? People seem to like the books I struggled the most.) It's due out May 20, so again, it's only up on LT3 ATM, but you can nab your copy for 15% off if you are so inclined.


I'd give you a writing status update, but (1) this post is hella long already and (2) I want to try and actually hit some sort of milestone first. :3 So until next week. I hope ya'll are having a good February. ^^

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