Monday, February 2, 2015

The Errant Prince

The Errant Prince releases this month! (How is it February already? IDEK, but I feel there are some shenanigans at work here.)

I wrote The Errant Prince in its entirety last February, because my writing process can typically be described as "working on what I planned, working on what I planned, working on what I planned, fuck everything I'm writing this random short story goddammit it's a novella" and then restart (see also: Drinker Class X). :3

The Errant Prince features two stubborn idiots who are sometimes awkward, sometimes flirty, and definitely suck at doing anything normally (also my first trans MC!). In celebration of its release, I'm doing a giveaway, wherein you have the chance to win one of two copies of the ebook. (Provided the rafflecopter works. I am always iffy on my ability to embed these things. ;3)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you if you've already preordered! If you don't want to take the chance on winning, you can still grab a copy from LT3 for 15% off until February 17! It's also up on Amazon, Kobo, and ARe for preorder if you prefer one of those vendors. ^^


  1. This would be a great introduction to books with trans MCs. I've wanted to read one, but don't like super angst.

    1. Hi Susan! Have you looked at LT3's Geek Out collection? It's a collection of books featuring geeky trans characters, and most of the books are pretty low on the angst scale. ^^ LT3 also has a bunch of other trans books, too, that run the gauntlet from fantasy to historical/steampunk to paranormal.

      (If you want to scope outside LT3, there's a Goodreads list going for romance ft. trans characters. I can't speak to most of the books, but you could give that a perusal if you're inclined.)

      ...I may have gotten a little excited there, sorry. :3

  2. Currently reading Frankie and Al by Sue Brown. Congrats on the upcoming release!

  3. I'm excited for this book! I'm currently re-reading the Fairytales Slashed collections from LT3.

  4. New Sasha book, hurray! I look forward to this! :)

    1. Don't we all look forward to new Sasha books?

  5. Also, I am currently reading Irregulars by Nicole Kimberling.

  6. Currently rereading Tinker by Wen Spencer...well..listening.
