Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Contest and Web Geekery

The Trouble with Magic Giveaway

This is just a reminder that the giveaway contest for a free copy of The Trouble with Magic is still open until next Tuesday, September 27. You can enter both the contest here on my website and the contest open in the GoodReads group; we'll just pick again for the second contest if the same person wins both. Good luck!

Web Geekery

I love creating websites. ^__^ I'm not an expert, but I'm a pretty fair hand at it, if I do say so myself. (Humility, what?) One of my biggest stumbling blocks, though, is color. I'm good at basics; blue and orange are complimentary colors! No dark backgrounds and light text unless you like giving your readers eyestrain! But color schemes? I'm not so good. I'm especially bad at picking the perfect shades of colors to match a pretty header. It usually takes a bit of trial and error before I'm happy.

Usually I pick a color from the header and toss it in a color scheme generator (usually whichever one pops up in Google first). I also really like Kuler, which is an Adobe project, which has some really dynamic color selection tools. I totally burned my Sunday re-doing Megan's LJ layout, and I went to Kuler to find a color scheme to match her Halloween-y banner.

Only to find they've made a super awesome cool enhancement. You can upload an image--any image--and Kuler will automatically generate a color scheme based off that image! It worked really damn well with M's header image, though I haven't tried anything else, but it was really, really exciting for my color-challenged self. :3 Exciting enough I had to share. ^__^

Other than web stuff, I'm diligently working on editing, not dying, editing, writing, keeping the kitties in line, cooking, writing, editing, cleaning, and breathing. All worthy endeavors.

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