Friday, March 1, 2013

Clive & Noe - 04

Clive fought a yawn as he stumbled out of his room, the need for the bathroom tugging him unfailingly across the hallway. Stretching slowly – hoping that someone would wander out of their room and be traumatized – Clive padded across the soft carpet to the bathroom. The other doors along the hallway were all shut firmly though, and they stayed shut as Clive stepped from carpet to linoleum.

Taking care of business quickly, Clive paused to wash his hands, wondering what to do with himself today. There was the obligatory sleeping late, which he’d already taken care of. Something to eat… he’d finished the book Eric had given him, at least, so he should have lots of spare time to bug Noe. Grinning a bit as he shut off the water, Clive snagged a towel and dried his hands quickly.

Noe was adorable, Clive had decided at some point. Clive was kind of amazed because he’d somehow hadn’t managed to screw their budding ‘friendship’ up and because it seemed like Noe was doing well enough on the touching front, and maybe Clive wouldn’t press for sex either.

Though he did like the way Noe looked, with his fluffy black hair, such a contrast to pale, smooth skin and his timid bluish-grayish eyes. He had a nice body too, from what Clive had seen of it, which was admittedly not much. (Though he had managed to get Noe to bend over to pick up something at the mall and Clive definitely had enjoyed that view).

Making his way out of the bathroom, Clive grinned a little, pausing when a sound caught his ears. Soft, quiet singing, and he glanced down the hallway to see Noe carefully inserting a key into the lock of his door. He had a pretty voice, and Clive waited to see how long it would take before Noe noticed him.

The door clicked loudly, and Noe slid the key into the front pocket of his jeans and Clive coughed a little, drawing Noe’s attention. Noe immediately stopped singing, turning with a flush that Clive only got to see a few seconds of as Noe whirled to face the other end of the hallway.

“What?” Clive grinned, knowing full well what. “It’s not like you didn’t see it the other day.”

“You’re shameless.” Noe muttered under his breath, and Clive wondered if he’d been meant to hear that. “You could’ve gotten pajamas.” Noe told him louder, not turning around, and Clive couldn’t resist padding down the hallway to where Noe was obstinately not looking at him.

“Pajamas are like underwear. Confining and unnecessary.” Clive told him cheerfully, and Noe flushed even redder, sneaking a peak at Clive’s face as Clive stopped next to him. “So what’s up? Going somewhere?”

“Breakfast.” Noe was fighting a smile, at least, so Clive grinned and ruffled his hair. Noe jerked away, startled, but didn’t actually voice a protest as he straightened. “Please warn me.”

“Nope.” Clive denied, not missing the way that Noe’s eyes tried to dip down to stare at the floor before guiltily jumping back up. Wincing a little, Noe stared at him with a slightly pained look, and Clive sighed dramatically. “Look, you have to get used to unexpected touches too, right? I promise I won’t grope you or anything, unexpectedly.”

“Clive.” Noe sounded exasperated, and Clive grinned, taking it as a victory.

“I know, I know. Go put on pants, Clive.” Clive mimicked, making a face, and Noe flushed again but his lips tilted up a little at the corners.

“I – yes, please.” Noe agreed solemnly, and Clive laughed, bracing his hands on his hips (which brought Noe’s eyes to his hips, and Clive was being such a shameless flirt, really).

“I’m hurt.” He declared cheerfully.

“Clive.” Eric’s voice cut through the hallway exasperatedly, and Noe flushed again. Clive was amused when he tried to duck his head only to realize that wouldn’t really help matters.

“Yes?” Clive turned, giving Eric a view of what he’d missed out on the other night. Smirking, he watched as Eric rolled his eyes, stepping out of the little alcove that held the stairwell to the kitchen.

“Go get dressed.” Eric ordered, glancing past him to Noe. “Noe?”

“Hmm?” Noe asked, and Clive sulked a little before turning on his heel. Winking at Noe quickly, Clive padded down the hallway without protest. He’d wait until later to completely piss Eric off.

“I have everything set up downstairs.” Eric told Noe, his voice gentle, and Clive rolled his eyes. Noe wasn’t about to break – though he had seemed more fragile a few days ago, when Clive had first gotten here. Letting himself into his room, Clive stretched again before heading to the piles of bags in front of the bureau.


Noe stumbled out of the basement door, nearly tripping over the top step in his exhaustion. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the kitchen slowly. It was empty, and Noe decided he’d be better off going upstairs now instead of sitting down. If he sat down he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get back up again without considerable stimulus.

A glance at the microwave clock as he walked across the tile floor told him it was past nine, and Noe frowned a little as he reached the carpeted stairs up to the second floor. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a drilling session that had gone that long, and he was half-suspicious that Eric had done it that way on purpose.

He hated the drills, even if they were necessary. Climbing the stairs slowly, Noe pushed it out of mind. He’d have to be even more careful now – Eric wasn’t happy, either disappointed in his progress or disappointed in his association with Clive. It wasn’t really right. Clive was helping, and he – he wasn’t out to hurt Noe. At least it didn’t seem like it, and Noe really couldn’t believe that. Eric was probably just worried that Clive would hurt him.

Reaching the landing, Noe paused for a moment, glancing down the stairs behind him. Eric was cleaning up from their session, something Noe normally helped with but Eric had taken pity on him and sent him off after the eleven-hour session. Moving into the hallway, Noe slipped a hand into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out the key to his door.

His eyes slipped down to Clive’s door – there was light showing in the slim crack under the door and Noe wondered if he should bug Clive – but no, he didn’t want to be a bother, and he was tired. Moving towards his door, Noe removed the key from his pocket, pausing when a door opened – Chrissy’s behind him.

“Finished?” Chrissy asked, and Noe nodded, turning to face her. Chrissy nodded, padding across the hall in her socks. “How’re you doing, hon?”

“Fine.” Noe shrugged, a little warmed by the concern in Chrissy’s eyes. “Just… tired.”

“What did Eric have you do?” Chrissy asked, looking a little annoyed. Noe hesitated for a moment before realizing that she wasn’t annoyed at him, which meant that she was probably annoyed at Eric.

“Drills.” Noe shrugged again, too tired to muster any sort of smile to convince her that he was fine. “Faster than usual and stronger.”

“Ah.” Chrissy smiled, her face relaxing. She’d probably scold Eric, since she was two years older than her brother and was constantly berating him for what she saw as lapses in his training techniques. “Alright then. I bought things for the broccoli cheese soufflĂ© you like, so don’t miss dinner tomorrow, alright?”

Noe nodded, smothering a yawn behind his hand. “Okay.”

“Goodnight, Noe.” Chrissy smiled at him again before heading to the stairway. Probably to go scold Eric. She really wasn’t fond of having people miss dinner, and she’d probably not think that any extra drilling had been worth it.

“So…” Clive spoke up, and Noe jumped near out of his skin, whirling to stare down the hallway. “Do your training sessions usually take that long or was this special?” Clive asked, smiling a little as he leaned against his doorframe.

“I –” Noe paused. “Not usually that long.” He admitted, fingering the key to his room for a moment before starting down the hallway. Clive nodded thoughtfully, watching Noe’s progress.

“What do you do?” Clive asked curiously, standing back to let Noe into his room. Noe hesitated, because this was a lot different than the living room or the kitchen, but then decided he was too tired to care.

“I block and shield alternately while Eric does his best to upset me, or I have to keep from shielding.” Noe shrugged, tensing when Clive snagged his hand, though he really should’ve expected something like that.

“Sounds like fun.” Clive winked, and pulled him all the way into the room, shutting the door behind him and that wasn’t a big deal. Clive just didn’t like Chrissy and Eric eavesdropping on them, and really Noe didn’t much either because they might expect him to be talkative all the time.

“It’s… repetitive.” Noe murmured, letting his shoulders slump a little. He was tired.

“Isn’t that how most things are taught? Hammered into your brain until you can remember them?” Clive asked, letting go of Noe’s hand to wander around the clothing and price tags he’d littered across the floor. Flopping down on his bed, he grinned at Noe. “Come sit.”

“You’re after my virtue.” Noe accused, the words slipping free before he could think about it. Clive laughed loudly though, his brown eyes crinkling with amusement.

“I promise your virtue is intact.” Clive told him as his laughter died down. “And I promise I won’t bite, either.”

“Thanks.” Noe murmured, half-serious as he picked his way across the room, avoiding little bits of plastic, a shirt and his old, shredded jeans. Sitting down cautiously on the other side of Clive’s bed, Noe folded his hands in his lap and waited.

“Ulgh, not like that.” Clive grumbled, sitting up. “Lie down, get comfortable.”

“I am comfortable.” Noe protested, but let Clive pull him down to the soft comforter.

“Put your feet up.” Clive ordered, sitting with his legs curled towards Noe so that he had the proper leverage to make Noe stay down. Giving up, Noe just did as he was told, letting his eyes slip closed because he was tired and Clive’s bed was entirely as comfortable as his.

“Good.” Clive declared, and then paused. “Don’t get up now.”

“Mmkay.” Noe murmured sleepily, and Clive’s hands (and weight) disappeared from his shoulders.

“Okay, so that ruined my plans for today. Which was probably Eric’s plan, but we’ll let it slide this time.” Clive started rambling, and Noe listened half-heartedly. He should’ve just gone to his room, really. “Do you work tomorrow?”

“No. Unless they call.” Noe replied, keeping his eyes closed. Clive seemed to have laid back down and he apparently hadn’t noticed or didn’t care.

“So we’ll go out tomorrow. I know this great place that shouldn’t be too far from here where we can get matching prison tattoos.” Clive told him enthusiastically, and Noe almost nodded.

“What?” His eyes snapped open, and Clive snickered, his grin far too close to Noe’s face. Noe almost jerked away but his reactions were dull enough that he didn’t actually manage it before his brief spurt of panic faded.

“You don’t want to get a tattoo with me?” Clive pouted outrageously, and Noe wondered if there were very many people with Clive’s name tattooed on their arms.

“I… no.” Noe denied. “I’ll watch if you get one?”

“Nope. You don’t get to unless you get one too.” Clive grinned. “Come on, I’ll get a heart with Eric’s name in it and you can get something embarrassing done on your dick.”

Noe flushed darkly, pulling the pillow out from under his head and smothering his face in it. He could hear Clive laughing, but he determinedly ignored it, sinking even deeper into the mattress.

“I’m kidding.” Clive picked up a corner of the pillow to tell him, and Noe sighed, tucking the pillow back under his head. “Wanna sleepover?”

“Why?” Noe asked, turning his head to stare at Clive instead of at the ceiling.

“Because…” Clive shrugged, looking a little uncomfortable for a moment. “Okay, so it’s like this.” Clive began, then paused. “Don’t laugh. And don’t… I don’t know, go running scared.”

“What?” Noe prompted, confused. Though he supposed Clive could want sex. Noe’s stomach flipped uncomfortably – he wasn’t ready for anything at all on that scale. Noe paused, wondering if that was his only objection.

“I’m used to sharing.” Clive shrugged. “Yes, usually not platonically, but I don’t expect that at all.” Clive hastened to reassure. “It’s just… kind of lonely, you know?”

“I – not really.” Noe confessed, watching Clive’s tentative smile flicker out for a second before he forced it back on. “But I mean – you help me? If… don’t smother me.”

“Really?” Clive brightened, and Noe flushed, tempted to smother his face in the pillow again.

“You’re wearing pants.” Noe told him, and Clive laughed, sitting up quickly.

“Thanks.” Clive grinned cheerfully, rolling off the bed. “Go get pajamas.”

Noe nodded, and picked himself up off the bed, trying to not think about how much of a bad idea this probably was.


Clive woke up slowly, happily fuzzy and with a warm body next to his. Noe, his mind supplied after a moment, and Noe was currently stretched out over him, snuggled close against his chest instead of across the bed barely touching Clive like he’d been last night. Smiling a little, Clive just stayed relaxed, not bothering to move because he really did like the comfort of sharing a bed.

Noe had been asleep in minutes last night, which either spoke wonders for the amount of trust he put in Clive or the wearing quality of Eric’s drills. Since his faith in his interpersonal skills only went so far, Clive was inclined to blame it on Eric.

Still, it didn’t really matter. Clive smothered a snicker because he would love to see Eric’s reaction to this, even if he thought it would make Noe self-conscious.

“Mm.” Noe mumbled in his sleep, his fingers curling against Clive’s bare stomach. Clive kept his breathing even, pretending to sleep – Noe had won on the pants last night, but Clive steadfastly refused to wear a shirt to bed. Noe stilled again, his breath warm and steady against Clive’s chest.

Deciding he wanted Noe to ‘wake up’ first, Clive let himself fall back into a doze, waiting for Noe to wake. If Noe woke up first, he’d probably detangle himself without panicking, but if Clive did it, he’d probably take it as some sort of rejection or worse, think that Clive was trying to take advantage of him.

It didn’t seem to take too long – Clive was still mostly dozing though, so it could’ve been more time than that it seemed before Noe mumbled sleepily again, his palm pressing into Clive’s ribs as he pushed himself up.

“Oh.” Noe breathed softly, and Clive worked to keep the smile off his face. If he played innocent maybe he could get this tonight too. Noe wasn’t really moving though, having only levered his head up just a little, and his hand was still pressing against Clive’s ribs.

Clive focused on breathing, and not on thoughts of what he could show Noe to do with his hands, besides simply resting it against Clive’s ribs. Of course, then Noe had to blow that away by setting his head back down and gently laying his arm back down across Clive’s stomach.

“Noe?” Clive whispered, but otherwise didn’t move because he was confused and a little horny but he wasn’t ready to scare Noe off quite yet. Noe tensed, but didn’t say anything. Clive waited patiently because Noe couldn’t keep that up forever, but he could keep this up forever.

“Sorry.” Noe mumbled finally and Clive shrugged, wrapping his arm around Noe’s back so that he couldn’t roll away. Noe tensed, his fingers balling into a fist against Clive’s ribs.

“It’s comfortable.” Clive told him, keeping his tone sleepy. “Thank you.”

“Mmm, but –” Noe started, sitting up a little even with Clive’s arm around him. Blinking sleepy bluish eyes at Clive, Noe managed to look adorable and anxious and Clive decided he was stupid and shouldn’t have said anything.

“But what?” Clive prompted, yawning widely. Noe stared at him solemnly for a long moment.

“I think I should go.” Noe told him, and Clive ignored it, focusing on the bed-head hair that was flying in every direction (some in defiance of gravity) on Noe’s head. Reaching up, he smoothed down the worst of it, watching Noe’s cheeks flush with color.

“Stay.” Clive told him, using his arm to tug Noe back down. Noe didn’t relax though, and Clive sighed a little. “It’s just friendly.”

“You’re not wearing a shirt.” Noe shifted his legs under the covers, and Clive laughed a little.

“Didn’t stop you before.” He told the top of Noe’s head, feeling Noe’s face warm where it was pressed against his shoulder now.

“I – sorry.” Noe murmured, shifting uncomfortably.

“Don’t be.” Clive brushed it off because really, it wasn’t that important. “Just relax.”

“I can’t.” Noe denied immediately and Clive laughed.

“Relax or I’ll make my personality seduce yours again.” Clive threatened, earning a slight bit of relaxation from Noe’s shoulders.

“That’s not funny.” Noe told him, sliding his head an increment to the left, along Clive’s skin and perhaps this wasn’t the best idea.

“It was a threat.” Clive yawned, then decided that was his escape. “Now go back to sleep.”

“I can’t.” Noe repeated, breathing against Clive’s skin. He wasn’t panicking though, so Clive was entirely counting this as a win.

“Then just stay there and don’t move.” Clive ordered sleepily, shifting so that he was slightly turned towards Noe. Noe made a small, startled noise, but didn’t protest otherwise, and Clive relaxed, luxuriating in Noe’s warmth and closeness. He really did miss this.

“I don’t –” Noe started, stopping again, and that wasn’t a good habit of his.

“Shh.” Clive scolded playfully. “I’m sleeping.”

“Clive.” Noe sighed, exasperatedly, and hot air puffed against Clive’s skin tantalizingly.

“Asleep.” Clive insisted, closing his eyes. Noe didn’t protest further, and Clive waited until Noe had relaxed against him to move, flipping them to pin Noe underneath him. Noe stared at him, wide-eyed. Clive just grinned, waiting for Noe to make the next move.

“What are you doing?” Noe asked quietly, his hands fisted and his back straight.

“Teasing.” Clive winked, and bent down to press a kiss to Noe’s forehead. Rolling away, he waited as Noe sat up slowly, a hand moving to rub at his forehead even as his cheeks flushed again.

“Don’t.” Noe told him quietly, and Clive shrugged, flashing a grin.

“Can’t help it.” Clive stood up, stretching slowly. “Come on, let’s go see if we can’t slip out. If you want to, that is?”

“I –” Noe glanced up, dropping his hand from his forehead.

“Please?” Clive begged shamelessly, dropping down to kneel in front of Noe. He was in a brilliantly happy mood this morning. Such a difference a warm, cozy bed made. Noe stared at him incredulously as Clive stuck his lower lip out and blinked rapidly as though he was trying to keep back tears.

“Stop it.” Noe told him seriously, and Clive grinned, refraining from perching on one of Noe’s legs because he’d already pushed a number of boundaries this morning. “I’m going to shower.”

“I’ll come with you.” Clive chipped in cheerfully, earning a flush and Noe muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, ‘too pretty to say no.’ Grinning madly, he sat down completely instead of kneeling in front of Noe. “You think I’m pretty?”

“What?” Noe’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped a little, and Clive watched Noe’s cheeks turn a deep red.

“It’s okay.” Clive reassured, winking. “I won’t tell.”

“But –” Noe protested, then slapped a hand over his mouth. “I have to go.” He stood up quickly, nearly knocking the askew blankets off the bed. “I have to go shower.” He repeated.

“Noe.” Clive snagged his arm before he could run off. “Calm down.” Noe was shaking a little, and Clive frowned. He hadn’t meant – drawing Noe close, he wrapped him in a hug, throwing caution to the wind. He’d already messed up a little and besides, it was just comfortable to touch Noe.

“Let me go.” Noe told him, tense and still shaking.

“Do you think I’m pretty?” Clive asked seriously, giving him a bit of room to back up but not letting him go completely. Noe shook his head.

“Stop it.”

“Noe.” Clive sighed, exasperated. “Really, it’s okay. Just – I think you’re pretty?” Noe paled, and Clive sighed. Really, really hit and miss here. “And it can mean whatever you want it to mean. You can be a pretty little piece of art or you can be a pretty person or you can be my pretty little kept boy or I can be your pretty kept boy –”

Noe laughed a little, shaking his head back and forth. “Clive –”

“Seriously. If you want to make something of it, go ahead. If you don’t, that’s fine.” Clive soothed a hand up and down Noe’s back, hoping to comfort him a bit. Noe stared at him for a moment.

“I can’t think.” Noe informed him carefully, staring right at him.

“Why not?” Clive asked, wondering how this would work out. Hopefully not with Noe retreating back into his tough, five-diamond-layers thick shields.

“You’re too close.” Noe replied, reaching out hesitantly towards Clive. He paused a few inches away from touching Clive’s chest, looking up at Clive questioningly.

“It’s okay.” Clive smiled, and Noe nodded, pressing his hand against Clive’s chest.

“You’re too nice to me.” Noe told him, his eyes fixed on the hand that rested against Clive’s chest.

“You’re nice to me.” Clive pointed out, drawing Noe closer. Noe let out a small startled noise, and Clive grinned, hugging Noe tight.

“Am I?” Noe wondered out loud, and Clive growled softly at him because of course he was.

“You slept with me.” Clive told him, ignoring the way Noe had tensed a bit.

“That’s not funny.” Noe muttered, wiggling away from Clive’s grasp. Taking a few steps away, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Clive wide-eyed. “Now what?”

“But it is true.” Clive teased, winking. “As for now… well, whatever you want.”

Noe opened his mouth, then shut it.

“What?” Clive prompted, curious.

“Even if I wanted to get married?” Noe posed hesitantly. Clive laughed, grinning widely at Noe’s unexpected humor.

“Sure, why not. Though I don’t think my uncle would approve.” Clive smirked. Noe smiled hesitantly, and shrugged. “So marriage? I don’t have a tux. We’ll have to go shopping –”

“Clive.” Noe cut him off, but he was smiling still and Clive grinned, padding across the room to Noe.

“So?” Clive asked, carefully keeping a bit of distance so he didn’t scare Noe off.

“I don’t know.” Noe admitted, staring down at Clive’s chest, his cheeks a pale pink.

“Why not?” Clive grinned, giving Noe a quick once-over. His pajamas were sleep-wrinkled, and he looked deliciously rumpled.

“I’ve never done anything before.” Noe murmured quietly enough that Clive almost missed it.

“But do you want to?” Clive pressed, taking another step closer and carding a hand through Noe’s hair. Noe’s head tilted with the action, and he met Clive’s eyes, looking more than a little lost.

“I don’t know.” Noe admitted, but he didn’t duck away from Clive’s touch.

“I’m going to kiss you.” Clive warned and before Noe could protest he slid his hands under Noe’s chin and tilted his head up to the proper angle. Brushing his lips softly against Noe’s, he cautiously waited for Noe’s reaction, backing off a little.

Noe’s eyes had shut, and his posture was stiff, and Clive wondered if he’d pushed a little far, too fast. Noe took a stumbling step back, blinking his eyes open rapidly, one of his hands rising to touch his lips softly as he stared at Clive. Clive waited, doing his best to be patient as Noe just stood there, staring wide-eyed.

“Noe?” Clive asked tentatively, throwing his patience to the wind. He sucked at being patient anyway. Noe blinked once, letting his hand fall, and Clive almost smiled to see the blush painting Noe’s cheeks a pale pink. He had to ignore the urge to extend a bit of influence – it would be so easy. Noe probably would only need a little bit of encouragement – but that would destroy all the trust Clive had somehow managed to cobble together over the last few days and he didn’t want to do that. Besides, Noe would probably notice and that would scare him off faster than Clive’s kiss had.

“I –” Noe started, and then shook his head, dropping his eyes to stare at the carpet. Clive took the two steps separating them, making Noe jerk his head back up with surprise or alarm and hopefully it was the first.

“You?” Clive prompted, carefully not touching Noe (no matter that he wanted to show Noe what a real kiss was and perhaps more).

“You.” Noe repeated, a bit of the rigidity seeping from his shoulders. “You’re… I can’t think around you.” Noe murmured, quietly but not so quietly that Clive couldn’t hear him fine. “Can I – would it be alright if I came back?” Noe asked, not quite meeting Clive’s eyes.

“I should hope you would.” Clive grinned, reaching out slowly to run his fingertips lightly across Noe’s flush-stained cheek. “Since we’re going downtown.”

“Are we?” Noe asked, curious. “For what?”

“Dunno. There are things… places.” Clive shrugged, ignoring that Noe was a pace away and well within reach. “It’s something to do.”

“Okay.” Noe accepted after a moment. “I’m going to – shower.” Noe told him but didn’t move, and Clive grinned again, because Noe really was too cute.

“Do that. I’ll go bug Chrissy for money.” Clive replied flippantly, taking a step back before he could do something stupid like try and kiss Noe again.

“Okay.” Noe repeated, and Clive heard him sigh, the soft exhalation of air sounding of relief or disappointment, and Clive smothered a smile, turning off towards the bags bunched in front of the dresser. Noe’s footsteps were soundless in the carpet, but as Clive hooked his fingers in the pajama pants’ top to tug them off, the lock clicked and the door opened, and a moment later Clive was alone and naked in his room.


Noe shut the bathroom door behind him slowly, letting it click shut securely before flicking the lock on it. Eric and Chrissy were big on letting the patients feel secure, even if they had keys to every room and he really needed to stop calling them all patients because he was the only sick one – every other student had been able to manage their feelings and their powers, together.

Setting down the small pile of clothing he’d brought from his brief trip to his room (and he hoped that neither Eric or Chrissy had knocked last night because he entirely wasn’t up to explaining that he’d spent the night in Clive’s bed), Noe turned to the shower and started the water, all hot to warm it up.

He was still shaking, just a little, but that was the only outward sign that anything was wrong. Peering at himself in the mirror, Noe couldn’t find anything wrong – there was a bit of extra color in his cheeks, maybe, but that could be explained by the shower, after. His lips hadn’t turned blue, though he could still feel the tingling warmth of Clive’s breath and the soft, barely there pressure of his lips before he’d backed off.

Pressing his palms against the cool porcelain of the sink, Noe took a slow, deep breath. He had no clue what to do now. Clive would want – something, at least, and Noe didn’t know what to give him. It was his own fault too – he hadn’t thought to say anything concerning Clive’s prettiness out loud, but he had, and now… Clive thought he was pretty, too.

Noe’s cheeks heated again, and Eric and Chrissy were going to figure out something was wrong. Not wrong. Different, because he didn’t know how Clive wanted to play it around them, but it probably would be on the open and touching side. Pressing his porcelain-cooled hands against his cheeks for a moment, Noe closed his eyes.

It wasn’t bad, at least. He trusted Clive for some reason, and he didn’t expect – he could always shove Clive away if Clive got too forward. Taking a deep breath, Noe opened his eyes again, watching the steam from the shower dust the top edge of the mirror with a film of fog.

Clive had asked if he wanted to go out. Noe smiled a little – he’d say yes and they could take things from there. Noe tugged off his shirt slowly, dropping it to the bathroom floor as he turned back towards the shower. Turning the cold water up, Noe decided to stop thinking for awhile. He spent too much time over-thinking things anyway, and he didn’t want to over-think Clive.


Clive padded down the hallway slowly, smiling a bit when he heard the shower running. Naked Noe… but that was a bad thought to be having when sex was likely a long ways off, so Clive pushed it away and refrained from knocking on the bathroom door (or trying the knob – Noe liked to lock doors, after all).

Reaching the top of the stairs, Clive started down equally slowly, lost in thought. He’d take Noe downtown – maybe they could catch a movie. Clive grinned – it could be a scary movie and Noe could be afraid and hide in Clive’s arms and if that wasn’t sappy Clive didn’t know what was.

“-Noe.” Eric’s voice broke into his thoughts, and Clive paused, a few steps up from the bottom of the stairwell. The door was actually shut for once, but it was a thin, flimsy wood panel door that was completely the opposite of soundproof. Clive wondered for a moment why they’d bothered to shut it, but decided he didn’t really care.

“Eric.” Chrissy sounded exasperated, and Clive smirked. Her hair was probably all frazzled again too – the woman didn’t seem to understand the concept of defrizzer. “He probably means well.”

“I don’t know, Chris. I haven’t seen anything that makes me believe he’d be good for Noe.” Eric replied, sounding solemn and Clive scowled because it entirely sounded like they were talking about him.

“He got Noe out shopping yesterday.” Chrissy pointed out. Clive nodded. He was too trying to help Noe. He was an ass to Eric because the man deserved nothing less.

“And Noe lost control.” Eric refuted. “Did you ever get out of him why?”

“He said someone got too close.” Chrissy’s tone was absent, and Clive frowned a little. He still needed to thank Noe again for that – both the shielding and the covering of his ass. He might be open with Noe, but he didn’t want Chrissy or Eric to find out anything more than what he was willing to tell them.

“And how do you know that someone wasn’t Clive?” Eric demanded, and Clive scowled, flipping Eric off through the door. A steady thuck-thuck-thuck noise started up, and it took Clive a minute to recognize the sound as something being chopped.

“It was accidental, Eric.” Chrissy sighed. “I think he’s good for Noe. They were shopping a few hours before the shield went up, and then it wasn’t a trance so it was something Noe was doing consciously.”

“Noe seems more nervous.” Eric countered. “How is that good for him?”

“He’s being thrown out of his comfortable rut.” Chrissy replied sharply. “We’ve probably been a little too safe for him, Eric. He still doesn’t trust us completely, you know. If Clive can open him up a little – like he seems to be doing – then I say all for the better. If he’s just playing with Noe, we can deal with it after. Honestly though, I don’t think he’s that malicious.”

“He’s probably desperate.” Eric snorted derisively, and Clive scowled, taking a step down.

“Eric.” Chrissy scolded, and Clive decided he didn’t mind her as much.

“What? His power won’t work on me and he wouldn’t be interested in you. Noe’s practically defenseless. I’m just afraid he’s going to get Noe to open up to him, get what he wants and then move on.” Eric elaborated, and Clive decided he’d had enough.

Taking the last two steps as one, he pushed open the door and fixed Eric with a cold stare. Eric had the good grace to look guilty, and Clive fixed him with a cold stare.

“I’m not a whore.” Clive snapped, and Chrissy set down her knife, frowning a little.

“Clive –” She started, and Clive turned to glare at her for a moment before letting his gaze soften. He didn’t really mind her, after all she’d almost sort of defended him.

“Can I get some money?” Clive asked, ignoring Eric completely. “Noe and I wanted to go downtown.”

“Alright.” Chrissy smoothed a bit of hair out of her face. “What’re you planning to do?”

“Why?” Clive asked suspiciously, and Chrissy smiled a little.

“Because that’ll determine how much I give you.”

“Oh.” Clive shrugged, curling his toes against the kitchen floor. “Maybe a movie, maybe some shopping.”

“How about I give Noe my credit card again?” Chrissy decided. “Just don’t do anything extravagant.”

“Oh, but we’re planning a wedding.” Clive smirked, tossing a dark look at Eric. Eric frowned at back at him, but Clive ignored it, wondering if he’d get away with taking Noe out for breakfast too.

“What are you doing with him, Clive?” Eric asked, and Clive scowled, whirling to face him.

“What do you care? Haven’t you already decided? I’m just using him or something, right?” Clive snapped out, anger burning through his veins. He wasn’t a whore, just because his powers tried to make him one.

“Clive.” Chrissy frowned at him. “Go on, go get Noe.”

“He’s in the shower.” Clive replied sullenly, hating that he sounded like a petulant child. Chrissy sighed, offering a gentle smile.

“Alright, why don’t you have something to eat while you wait for him, then?” She gestured to the table, which had a selection of fruit as well as some muffins and odd frosted pastries. “Eric, I’m sure you can find something to be doing.” Elsewhere, her tone implied, and Eric nodded stiffly, standing up from his seat at the kitchen island and pacing from the room into the front hallway. A moment later a door slammed, and Clive resisted the urge to flip the doorway off.

“He means well.” Chrissy told him, but she was his sister so Clive supposed she couldn’t hate him and had to make excuses for him.

“How was that meaning well?” Clive asked shortly, making his way across the kitchen to the living room. Chrissy followed with a platter of strawberry slices, setting them down into a free spot on the table.

“Noe’s been here for a year, did he tell you that?” Chrissy seated herself across the table from Clive, picking up one of the muffins and setting it on her plate. “Eric’s more attached than he’d like to admit, and he worries. I’m sorry he acted –”

“Don’t apologize for him.” Clive snapped, annoyed as he reached for the pastries. Fruit was too healthy, though he didn’t doubt that Chrissy did her best to make everything healthy. She seemed the type. “It’s good if he’s sorry but it doesn’t matter if you are for him.”

“Alright.” Chrissy accepted easily. “He was out of line, and I will be yelling at him later for that.”

“Good.” Clive took a bite of pastry, wishing Noe would hurry up so that they could get the hell out of here.

“Just don’t write him off yet, alright? He’s just a little jealous that you’ve gotten Noe to open up before he could.” Chrissy smiled, pouring herself some orange juice from a far-too-pretty-to-be-used-for-a-casual-breakfast pitcher.

“Jealous?” Clive smirked, amused. “Eric’s a bit old, isn’t he?”

Chrissy shook her head, fighting a smile. “Not that kind of jealous, Clive. Noe’s like a brother to him.”

“He does seem rather asexual.” Clive agreed with a wicked smile, earning a laugh from Chrissy.

“That’s just mean.” She scolded after her laughter died out, and Clive crammed the rest of the pastry in his mouth, not caring that it made his cheeks bulge like a rabbit’s. Chrissy rolled her eyes but started to pick apart her muffin, eating more slowly than Clive.

“You will be back for dinner, right?” Chrissy asked after a moment, and Clive shrugged. He hadn’t planned to be, but he hadn’t planned not to be.


“I’m making Noe’s favorite for dinner tonight, as a treat. Oh, that reminds me, is there anything you particularly like, foodwise? I know your medical file said you weren’t allergic –”

“My medical file?” Clive cut her off. “You have my medical file?”

“Yes.” Chrissy replied calmly, raising an eyebrow. “We’re fully equipped and trained to take care of any medical emergencies that might happen during training, so it’s a requirement of being enrolled here.”

“Oh.” Clive frowned, still a little upset. He didn’t like that – did they have an edited version, or would the multiple assault treatments be on there? Picking up another pastry, Clive attempted to ignore it. Chrissy didn’t offer anything further, and Clive let it drop. It was better to assume that they knew nothing about it, since no one had said anything yet.

The door to the stairwell swung open again, and Noe stepped into the kitchen, carefully shutting the door behind him. Clive grinned, instantly cheered up. Noe’s hair was wet and sagging with the weight of the water, but he looked neater than usual, with pants that actually fit well and a t-shirt that wasn’t an extra size big.

“Good morning.” Chrissy greeted with a smile, and Clive fought a smirk as Noe flushed a little. He paused at the little sidebar just outside the dining room, and Clive listened to the sounds of Noe puttering around – he couldn’t remember what had been there that would capture Noe’s interest.

“Good morning.” Noe greeted quietly, a mug of steaming something – coffee, Clive figured out when he set the mug down on the table. It was dark and completely uncreamed, and Clive grinned, wondering what Noe would do if he stole his cup.

“How’d you sleep, hon?” Chrissy asked, and Clive didn’t hide his smirk as Noe flushed, ducking his head a little.

“Ah - fine.” Noe murmured, and Clive caught his eye, winking. He should’ve put in his contacts, they looked better than the boring brown of his regular eye color.

“Chrissy’s giving you her card.” Clive told him, reaching out and snagging Noe’s coffee mug. Taking a gulp, he watched Noe blatantly while ignoring the way Chrissy was smiling. “Ulgh, sugar.”

Setting the cup back down in front of Noe, he stood up and wandered over to where Noe had gotten the coffee. The cabinet there had a coffeemaker, half-full on the lower, open-air shelf, and the upper shelves shut behind glass-fronted cabinet doors and filled with glasses and mugs of varying shapes and sizes. Picking a clear mug out of the sheer aesthetics of it, Clive filled it with coffee, admiring the way the coffee was visible through the glass.

“Mmm, coffee.” Clive grinned, setting the mug down before sitting down heavily in his chair. Noe had tugged his mug back into it’s proper place, and selected a bunch of fruit. Chrissy shook her head tolerantly.

“You should drink juice, too.” She told them, and Clive made a face, snagging another pastry. They were tasty, some cream cheese strudel thing.

“Coffee is all the nutrition I need.” He told her solemnly, and Noe nodded a little.

“Alright, but if you’re having coffee, you have to have some fruit, too.” Chrissy gestured, standing up and picking up Eric’s empty plate. “Eat as much as you like, you two. Just come find me before you leave and I’ll give you my card.” Chrissy threw a muffin, some of the pastry and some of the fruit on the plate before picking up her mostly full glass of orange juice.

Noe nodded a little, focusing on the little sprig of grapes he’d liberated from the bowl in front of him. Clive ignored the admonition for fruit and snagged a muffin as Chrissy headed the way Eric had gone.

“So, Noe.” Clive grinned, watching cheerfully as Noe flushed. “Want to see a movie?”

“Okay.” Noe agreed quietly, giving him a quick, shy glance before focusing on his plate again. Clive smirked, and let him be, munching contentedly on his muffin. “Um… yes.”

“Yes, what?” Clive asked, curious as he glanced up at Noe. Noe flushed, his hands underneath the table.

“You asked – yesterday.” Noe started, pausing. “Um, if I wanted to go out. Yes.”

Clive let that settle for a moment before grinning. “So you do think I’m pretty.”

Noe glanced away, off to the wall behind where Chrissy had been sitting. “Um, yes.”

“I knew it.” Clive declared triumphantly, grinning. “Okay, so dear boyfriend of mine, let’s go see a movie. We’ll call it… a date.” Clive announced dramatically, just to watch Noe blush again.

“Alright.” Noe agreed quietly, drinking the rest of his coffee. “Chrissy will want us back for dinner.”

“She said.” Clive agreed, snagging his mug as Noe stood up. “Did you eat enough? Fruit isn’t enough, have a pastry.” Noe looked startled as Clive shoved the bit of pastry into his hand, but Clive didn’t pay it any mind, standing up and taking a swig of his coffee. Damn, he loved having coffee, and this wasn’t some cheap brand either.

Noe stared at the pastry in his hand for a minute before taking a small bite. Clive laughed, amused as he headed for the door. Hopefully Eric wasn’t badmouthing him again, because then Clive would need the mug of coffee he was carrying to throw at the bastard’s head. Noe trailed behind him, and Clive resisted the urge to do something foolish like snag Noe’s hand because he was relatively sure that Noe wouldn’t go for that somewhere Chrissy or Eric could catch them.


Noe fought the urge to look around them to see who was staring. Clive’s arm was looped around his waist casually as he peered at the huge movie posters plastered against the wall. He didn’t mind, except that people would be staring which really shouldn’t matter so Noe wasn’t going to look.

“What do you think of scary movies?” Clive asked cheerfully, and Noe paused to absorb the actual words, too close to Clive’s mouth as he spoke.

“Um. I don’t know?” Noe offered helpfully, and Clive mock frowned at him.

“If we watch one, will you get scared and climb into my lap?” Clive asked, and Noe flushed, turning to stare at the movie posters again.

“No.” He murmured, because he’d never be brave enough to do that, no matter how scary the movie was.

“Damn.” Clive cursed cheerfully, his fingers tightening briefly against the skin of Noe’s side – well, his shirt, but under his shirt was his side. “How about that one?” Clive pointed to a poster with a stern-looking man, a scantily clad woman and a smoking gun.

“It looks stupid.” Noe confessed, daring a glance at Clive. Clive snickered, not looking the least bit offended that Noe had shot down his option.

“Okay, so… that one?” Clive gestured to the poster underneath the gun-movie. Noe stifled a smile.

“That’s a kid’s movie.” Noe pointed out, eyeing the animated creatures on the poster.

“So?” Clive argued, turning them around. Noe determinedly didn’t watch the people around them. “Kid’s movies are fun and half the lines tend to be funny. And they always have a happy ending.”

“If I said no, would you change your mind?” Noe asked as Clive pulled them into line for the ticket booth.

“Nope.” Clive grinned, winking at him. “When was the last time you saw a kid’s movie?”

“Um.” Noe hesitated because he honestly couldn’t remember. His tutor had only shown him artistic or educational films. He’d probably seen some when he was younger than that, though.

“If you have to think about it, it’s been too long.” Clive told him solemnly, pulling him up to the window. “Two for Happy Feet.”

“Clive.” Noe flushed, digging out the card Chrissy had given him. The woman didn’t bat an eyelash as she took it, more interested in whatever she was tapping out on her computer keyboard. She swiped the card through the reader and shoved it back through the little mouse-hole-shaped cutout in the Plexiglas. Picking a pen up off the top of the keyboard with too-long, manicured nails, she tapped out an impatient little rhythm as she waited for the slip to print. Tearing it off, she shoved that and the pen out, finally glancing at Noe as he bent slightly to sign the slip.

“Thanks.” She took the top copy and the pen, shoving out the tickets and dismissing them. Clive let his arm fall away finally, deeming instead to snag his hand, and Noe fought a flush as Clive led him further into the movie theatre.

“Come on, let’s buy a ton of snacks and ruin our lunch.” Clive grinned, pulling Noe over towards the concessions. Noe laughed quietly, letting the smile linger on his face as Clive paused to stare at the prices listed above. He whistled under his breath, then turned to Noe with a grin. “So how much do you think is excessive?”

“Ah –”

“And keep in mind, I can make it up to you later.” Clive winked, and Noe flushed, using his free hand to rub at his cheek self-consciously.

“What did you want?” Noe asked, deciding to ignore that. It worked better if he wasn’t thinking about later, after all.

“Popcorn. And we have to be cheesy about this and get only one thing of it and both reach for it at the same time and have our hands meet in the popcorn.” Clive rattled off, and Noe fought another smile because that was cute. “And we should share spit.”

“What?” Noe asked, half because he hadn’t been paying attention and half because Clive was entirely mistaken if he thought he was going to get fresh during a child’s movie. Or ever, Noe added on after a moment, flushing.

“Same soda.” Clive grinned as though he’d figured out how to read Noe’s mind. “We can get the jumbo ultra-super refill sizes.”

“Okay.” Noe accepted, stepping up to the counter and placing the order. He added in a packet of twizzlers, and twisted his hand free of Clive’s to fish out the credit card again. A moment later, they were headed into the theatres, and Noe resisted the urge to freak out because even though this was his first date, it was Clive and nothing was going to happen so it was okay.


Clive smirked as he followed Noe up the front sidewalk. Noe was blushing, but he’d been blushing all day and Clive was getting fond of seeing how many ways there were to make Noe flush. There were a lot, so far. But Noe hadn’t freaked out when Clive had stolen another kiss – just as short and frustratingly sweet as the first – so Clive was counting his progress as good.

Noe opened the front door and slipped off his shoes, his attention caught by something in the house. Clive followed with a grin, kicking off his shoes and loosing half his sock as he did so. Noe had wandered further inside, and he was halfway across the hall, handing Chrissy her credit card.

“Did you have fun?” Chrissy asked, tucking the card into her back pocket.

Noe nodded, and Clive smothered a grin, deciding it was time to drag Noe up to his bedroom for an attempt at a make-out session.

“Alright, well, run off now. Dinner will be ready in about an hour and a half, and you both have lessons after that.” Chrissy announced with a smile, and Clive groaned half-heartedly. He hoped he got Chrissy again, after Eric’s bastardly performance earlier.

Noe nodded and turned back to him, padding across the living room in his thin black socks. Chrissy disappeared into the room behind the staircase, a study or something – probably where they kept the files, and Clive made a note to sneak in there some point to figure out just what his file said. Medical and/or other.

“Come on.” Clive grinned, snagging Noe’s hand. Noe didn’t protest as Clive dragged him up the stairs. He liked that the house had two sets of stairs – it made things convenient for sneaking around. His bedroom was off to the left when they got to the top and Clive paused a moment to unlock it before dragging Noe in. Noe was blushing again, and Clive grinned.

“So now I get to ravish you.” Clive winked, amused when Noe’s flush intensified, and he frowned a little.

“But –” Noe started, before hesitating and staring down at the floor. Clive grinned and tugged Noe against him, giving him a brief, tight hug before letting him go.

“Just kidding.” Clive announced brightly, but Noe still put a few steps between them (nearly tripping over a discarded pair of Clive’s pants).

“Okay.” Noe accepted, and Clive grinned, wandering over to his bed and flopping down on it. Patting the rumpled blankets beside him, he beckoned Noe over.

“Sit.” Clive ordered, tucking his arms under his head for a moment before substituting a pillow as Noe picked his way across the room carefully.

“You should clean.” Noe murmured, sitting down gingerly. Clive ignored the gingerly part of it, pleased that Noe had actually sat down. He’d almost been sure that Noe would avoid anything to do with beds and him for a while yet after this morning.

“Cleaning takes the fun out of…something.” Clive grumbled, eyeing Noe suspiciously. “Stop looking so stiff.”

“What?” Noe looked startled, and Clive grinned, shoving himself into a sitting position.

“I can help relax you.” Clive winked. Sitting up properly, he maneuvered into a cross-legged position, facing Noe across the bed. “Seriously, though. If you ever think I’m getting too fresh, feel free to throw me into a wall again.”

“I will.” Noe promised, and Clive snickered, making a face.

“Don’t sound so enthused about it.” Clive reached out and tugged on Noe’s arm. “Sit properly.”

“I am.” Noe protested, but pulled his legs up on the bed. Clive sighed, unfolding himself and scrambling off the bed. Walking around to where Noe was sitting, watching him with a curious gaze, Clive grinned.

“Face the wall.” Clive pointed to the wall with the dresser. “Back to me.”

“Why?” Noe asked, but he was moving, and Clive grinned because he had that much trust.

“We’re going to work on relaxing you.” Clive murmured, deliberately dropping his voice and being rewarded with a little shiver. Noe was just too cute, Clive decided, cracking his knuckles quickly.

“How?” Noe asked quietly, glancing over his shoulder. Clive smiled reassuringly, resting his hands lightly on Noe’s shoulders. Noe didn’t tense up, just sat quietly, and Clive grinned.

“A massage.” Clive dropped the words dramatically.

“I’m not taking off my shirt.” Noe told him and Clive laughed.

“It’s more effective…” Clive drawled, kneading lightly. Noe twitched a bit and Clive bit his lip to keep from smiling.

“No.” Noe refuted and Clive laughed again, pleased as Noe relaxed a little beneath his hands. “I don’t need relaxing.”

“You were tense.” Clive grinned, rubbing his thumbs in little circles against the back of Noe’s neck. Noe jerked away, his face flushed as he rolled away from Clive.

“Sorry.” Noe murmured, half-sprawled halfway across the bed. Clive raised an eyebrow but shrugged.

“Better than being thrown into a wall.” Clive told him solemnly, sitting down in Noe’s vacated spot. Noe’s hand had found its way to the back of his neck, and he rubbed at the skin there for a moment before letting his hand drop.

“I –” Noe started, his eyes dropping shyly to the bedspread, and Clive shifted closer, poking Noe’s knee.

“You?” Clive prompted, fighting the urge to rest a hand on Noe’s leg.

Noe sighed, running a hand through his hair nervously before glancing at Clive again. “Can you… kiss me? Again?”

“Hmm.” Clive murmured thoughtfully. “I think I can manage that.” Noe flushed, and Clive crawled across the mattress and bunched up sheet to settle next to Noe. Noe glanced at him shyly again, his hands fisted in the covers (which was a bit premature in Clive’s opinion).

Clive settled down right next to Noe, studying him carefully. Noe stared back, looking a little nervous and Clive reached up to smooth a thumb across the side of his jaw. Leaning close, Clive brushed his lips against Noe’s gently, pleased when Noe didn’t pull away. Tilting his head a bit, he ran his fingers along the slope of Noe’s jaw, along his cheekbones and up into his hair. Using both hands, he tilted Noe’s head appropriately, drawing him into the kiss deeper. Noe gasped a little into his mouth, and Clive fought a gleeful smile as he slipped his tongue into Noe’s mouth.

Noe jerked away in surprise, his cheeks flushed and his breathing more than a little ragged. Clive smiled slowly, waiting for Noe to settle down a bit before drawing him back for another kiss. It was slow and sweet and shy, and Clive rather thought he was getting addicted to Noe’s taste. Noe didn’t startle this time, and Clive slid a hand down the back of Noe’s neck, letting his hand linger for a long moment as Noe murmured a protest into his mouth.

“Clive-” Noe broke off, staring at him with wide-eyes. He was shaking a little under Clive’s hands, but Clive ignored it, letting his other hand move down to cup Noe’s cheek.

“You taste good.” Clive told him with a half-smile, and Noe ducked his head, staring at their laps. His cheek was warm under Clive’s hand, and Clive used it tilt Noe’s head back up to meet his eyes.

“So do you.” Noe told him shyly, and Clive smirked, dipping his head to capture Noe’s lips again. One of Noe’s hands came up to grip his shirt, and Clive smiled into the kiss, pleased with Noe’s – for him – boldness and the response he was getting from him. Breaking off for a moment, Clive smiled, dusting his fingers across Noe’s cheek. Leaning forward, he snagged Noe’s elbows and tugged him out of his sitting position.

“What?” Noe asked, looking confused as Clive pulled him forward.

“I’m being lazy.” Clive told him, unable to resist brushing his lips against Noe’s lightly. Noe’s nose wrinkled a bit, but he didn’t protest or try to break free of Clive’s hold. Clive stretched his legs out across the bed and flopped backwards, pulling Noe down with him.

“Clive –” Noe frowned a little, moving to sit back up, his eyes a bit too wide to be okay with Clive’s movement.

“Shh.” Clive scolded playfully, charitably ignoring Noe’s alarm. “I’m being lazy.” Clive repeated, letting go of Noe’s arms to card his fingers through Noe’s soft hair. Noe’s eyes slipped shut, and Clive grinned because that was acceptance, even if Noe was still slightly tense, half-sprawled across his chest.

“Clive –” Noe opened his eyes, his voice tentative.

“Yes, beautiful?” Clive asked, fighting a smile at Noe’s perplexed look.

“Don’t call me that.” Noe murmured, his cheeks turning a few shades darker. “What are we doing?”

“Making out.” Clive replied, leaning up to snag a quick kiss. “Objections?”

Noe shook his head, not quite meeting his eyes.

“Okay, now I’m being lazy so you have to come this way for this to work.” Clive instructed, running his fingers through Noe’s hair again. Noe’s lips twitched like he was fighting a smile, and Clive grinned, tugging him closer gently. Noe kissed tentatively, like Clive would object at any moment. Using his strategically placed hand (still threaded into Noe’s soft, soft hair), Clive pulled him a bit closer and kissed back enthusiastically.

For a moment, Clive thought he’d scared Noe off again, but then Noe yielded, practically melting against him as Clive gently ravaged his mouth. Noe made a soft little sound, and Clive groaned before he could stifle it, wanted to do nothing so much as flip Noe over and ravish him.

Noe jerked away at the noise, looking startled, and Clive grinned sheepishly, and he was absolutely not blushing because he’d done worse than kisses. Noe bit his slightly swollen looking lip, and Clive pouted because it looked like Noe was doing his best not to laugh.

“Noe –” Clive started, but Noe clapped a hand over his mouth carefully, cutting him off.

“Shh.” Noe admonished, and deliberately leaned down to press his lips against Clive’s cheek. Clive stuck out his tongue, and Noe’s eyes darted away for a second before he met Clive’s eyes again. Clive raised his eyebrows, waiting patiently. Noe hesitated, but pressed another little kiss to his chin before shifting down the bed and settling his head against Clive’s chest.

Clive grinned, wrapping his arm around Noe’s waist. Making out usually led to more, in his experience, but Noe probably wasn’t ready for anything better than making out at this point. And even that was something. It wasn’t a lack either – he liked Noe’s kisses, and he didn’t need more yet. Noe’s arm gently settled against his stomach, and Clive’s silly grin wasn’t going anywhere for awhile. At least no one could see it – except Noe, if he looked, and Clive didn’t really mind that idea.

Using his free hand, he ran it through Noe’s hair casually, brushing the soft, dark strands off Noe’s forehead. Noe didn’t move, or tense, so he apparently didn’t mind. Clive kept petting Noe’s, grinning happily.

He’d been all set to be miserable here, but Chrissy wasn’t bad and Noe was just about the opposite of bad and then slightly better, and Eric was definitely a bastard but ignorable (and had a definite potential for torture, especially with how attached he seemed to be with Noe). Relaxing just a bit more, Clive shoved away his thoughts, determined to focus on Noe and his delicious warmth and enchanting shyness.