Friday, March 1, 2013


Greg sighed, staring at the huge stacks of books. He was going to get lost in there, and emerge years later with a knee-length beard, half starved and much smarter. Of course, then he wouldn’t get his paper turned in and he’d fail the class anyway, so what was the point of trying in the first place? He didn’t want a knee-length beard.
“It’s just a library.”
Greg turned, leveling a less-than-amused look on Lance. “You say that now.”
“It’s not going to kill you.” Lance continued, clapping Greg on the shoulder. “Sure, maybe a bookcase will topple over onto to you and crush your internal organs, but that’s really not very likely.”
“I hate you.” Greg grumbled, brushing off Lance’s hand and pushing through the library doors. Maybe if he got this paper done quickly enough he’d have time to go out dancing tonight.
“Nah, you love me for keeping you from completely flunking out of Statham’s class.” Lance told him, giving the aging librarian manning the front desk a nod and smile in greeting.
“No, I was living in happy bliss.” Greg refuted, setting his bag down with a thunk on an empty table.
“Happy, failing bliss.” Lance looked far too pleased about this as he set down his own stack of books.
“Shut up. It was happy.” Greg muttered half-heartedly, digging out his worn notebook. He’d need at least six book references for this paper too. “Lance.”
“Yes, old buddy, old pal?” Lance drawled, looking up from where he was rearranging no less than ten books.
“How did you do that?” Greg asked, suspiciously.
“I was here earlier, numb nuts.” Lance rolled his eyes, settling into his chair. “I only left to drag your sorry ass here.”
“Did I thank you for that yet?” Greg asked with an oversweet tone. “Because really, there’s nothing I’d rather be doing with my weekend.”
“Fucker.” Lance threw a pencil at him. “Just shut up and get to work. If you do well enough, you’ll still have time to make it down to the club.”
Greg made a face, and turned to stare at the stacks of library books. “How did you find those in there?”
Lance stared at him. “Greg. You’re a sophomore in college. Don’t tell me you don’t know how to ask a librarian for help.”
Greg snickered. “Cheater.”
“Better than spending the better half of my life picking through reference books. There’s this kid though, I think he’s read all the books in here. He knows where to find anything.” Lance looked awed for a moment. “Don’t know if he’s still here though.”
“Eh.” Greg stood up. “It can’t hurt to ask. What does he look like?”
“Tall. Darkish hair.” Lance shrugged. “He’s got glasses too.”
“So helpful.” Greg shoved his chair back under the table. “I’ll be back.”
“Yay. Something to look forward to.” Lance deadpanned, flipping open a book. Greg scooped up Lance’s pencil and chucked it back at him before wandering towards the front desk.

“’scuse me.”
Tyler whirled, startled, and almost fell from the short footstool he was perched on.
“Sorry.” The guy looked sheepish, and Tyler steadied himself on the bookcase behind him.
“It’s okay.” Tyler blinked, shoving his glasses back up to where they were actually useful.
“I was wondering – the librarian up front said you were good at finding books?” The guy had shaggy brown hair and looked familiar.
“What’s the topic?” Tyler asked, plucking the book he’d been searching for from the shelf and clambering down awkwardly from the little ladder.
“Uh, Statham’s paper. The one on the Renaissance inventions. I’m stuck with leatherwork.”
Tyler frowned. “You need six references for that one, right?”
“Yeah.” The guy grinned. “Can you help?”
Tyler resisted the urge to snort. “Yes. Just, let me put this away.”
Tyler blinked as he was positively beamed at. “Great, thanks!”
Tyler smiled back, folding the ladder with quick, jerky movements. He was going to make a fool of himself any minute now, he knew it. Seriously, people should come with warning signs. Or badges. Then Tyler wouldn’t be horribly surprised when they went and smiled so beautifully.
“You’re welcome…” Tyler trailed off awkwardly, not knowing the guy’s name.
“I’m Greg.” Greg grinned again, falling into step beside him. “Lance said you’ve read every book in here.”
“Lance?” Tyler repeated absentmindedly. Greg’s name fit his face, but Tyler still couldn’t place where he knew him from.
“Oh, he’s a friend. He said you helped him out earlier today.” Greg didn’t stop grinning, gesturing wildly as they walked. Tyler tucked the small ladder behind the check out desk, smiling politely at the old librarian and handing her the book she’d sent him to fetch.
“Ah.” He replied, almost wincing. He couldn’t hold a conversation to save his life, why did he expect that to change now?
“So where do we start?” Greg asked chipperly, bouncing on his heels a bit. Like he couldn’t keep still for the life of him.
“The art history section.” Tyler replied absently, wandering through the tables for students to work at. There were a dozen, but only two were occupied. The library was always quietest on Saturday mornings.
“For inventions?” Greg sounded skeptical.
“Leatherwork is generally classed as an art.” Tyler shrugged. “Most books will only have a short section for you to reference, but I think there’s a book that mostly focuses on how it’s manipulated.”
“Awesome.” Greg grinned again, strolling casually beside him into the bowels of the book stacks. Tyler paused, studying the shelves.
“Here.” Tyler pulled out a thick, worn book with a dark cover and silver lettering on the spine. “This one’s good for renaissance inventions.” Tyler shifted a shelf lower, pulling out two more books, each a bit thicker than the last. “That should get you started. I’ll keep looking, if you want to see if there’s anything useful in those.”
Greg nodded amiably. “Thanks.”
Tyler shrugged. He couldn’t accept a compliment gracefully either, at least not here. “It’s my job.”
“Well, I hope they pay you excessively.” Greg’s grin was contagious, and Tyler smiled a bit back.
“I wish.” He murmured, his mind shifting to other books that might be helpful as Greg gave a little wave and headed back to his table. Tyler sighed, fixing his glasses again as he turned back to the bookshelf. Greg was cute.
Tyler smiled wistfully, wishing he had the self-confidence to slip his number in one of these books. But even if he did, Greg likely would think it an ancient love relic or not be at all interested. Dismissing it, Tyler turned back to the shelves and looked to find a few more references for Greg’s paper.

“Lance, you bastard.” Greg greeted his friend cheerfully as he set down the stack of books.
Lance looked up and laughed quietly. “Found him, I see.”
“Why didn’t you tell me he was cute?” Greg hooked his ankle around the chair’s leg and pulled it out, flopping happily into the seat.
“Uh, ‘cus I don’t look at other boys like that?” Lance snickered.
“You should.” Greg leered. “I’d –”
“Finish that sentence and I’ll make you eat that stack of books.” Lance cut him off and Greg laughed, flipping the first book open to the back index.
“I wonder when he gets done working.” Greg muttered out loud, not paying the least bit of attention to the words on the page.
“You know Greg, that Statham will have your ass if you don’t finish this paper.” Lance was smirking, the bastard.
“I know.” Greg grinned. “I just don’t care.”
“Oh, yes, I forgot you swing that way.” Lance taunted.
“And Statham’s got just what I’m looking for – that hot, old man body with the graying hair, beer belly and likely limp –”
Lance choked, and Greg cut off as Tyler set a stack of three books on the table next to him. Lance started laughing, and Greg grinned, unrepentant. Tyler’s face held a slight pink tint, making the dark, olive green of his eyes stand out beneath his glasses.
“Hey, Tyler. That was fast.” Greg commented blandly, ignoring Lance’s laughter.
“I, um, they were nearby.” Tyler stammered, his flush darkening, and Greg felt bad for a moment. He hadn’t meant to get the shy library boy all flustered. Even if was cute.
“Can you help me though? I can’t make sense of this.” Greg gestured to the page. Tyler blinked, casting a wary glance at Lance as he stopped laughing.
“Greg’s helpless.” Lance told him with a smirk. “He can barely read.”
“Lance!” Greg glared, making a note to humiliate Lance the next time he tried to hit on a pretty girl.
“What?” Lance asked innocently, flipping a page in the ugly green book spread open in front of him.
“I hate you.” Greg grumbled, distracted as Tyler leaned over his shoulder to eye the index. He smelled like oranges.
Tyler reached past him and flipped a page, running his finger down the margin until he found what he was looking for. “Here. This’ll be helpful.”
“Thanks.” Greg tossed a grin over his shoulder. Tyler seemed to realize how close he actually was at that point, the almost-gone flush coming back with a vengeance as he backed off. Greg flipped to the page Tyler had pointed out, ignoring Lance’s smirk.
Tyler snagged the next book on his stack, flipping to the back. Greg raised a triumphant eyebrow at Lance. Surely Tyler hadn’t done this for him. Greg was special, obviously. Greg absently stared at the page in front of him, plotting how best to ask Tyler out.
Subtlety was hard, and Greg hadn’t ever been able to pull it off. He watched as Tyler pulled a handful of short bookmarks from his shirt pocket, and stuck one in midway through the book he was holding. Maybe if he asked as a thank you. Like, gee, thanks Tyler for helping absolve me of my stupidity.
Yeah, Greg liked that one. He could wait to go out dancing and just hang around here until Tyler was done and take him out then. Greg grinned as Tyler set down the last book, two bookmarks peeking past the edge of the pages.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
Tyler shrugged. “I don’t mind. It’ll make it easier for you.”
Greg’s grin grew a notch, and he ignored Lance’s less-than-covert coughing from across the table. “Still, above and beyond. Can I take you out? As a thank you?”
Tyler’s eyes went wide behind his glasses, and Greg wondered if he’d misjudged. Still, normal librarians didn’t run around actually book-marking the pages in reference books for patrons.
“Um…” Tyler blinked rapidly, his cheeks flushing cutely. “Sure?”
Lance snickered, and Greg kicked him under the table, not bothering to be discrete about it.
“Awesome.” Greg enthused, beaming. “When do you get done today?”
“Today?” Tyler looked a bit stunned.
“Yes. Unless you have plans?” Greg turned to face him squarely in his seat, hoping against hope that Tyler didn’t.
“No, not really.” Tyler shrugged, attempting to be nonchalant. Greg resisted the urge to bounce in his seat. Tyler was so cute. “I’m done at four.”
“Then I’ll take you out then.” Greg decided, cheerfully. “There’s a new coffee place just off campus? Unless you don’t want to go off campus. Then we can go to the student center?”
“The coffee place?” Tyler looked unsure, shoving his fingers into his pockets and standing there awkwardly.
“’Kay.” Greg grinned. “Just come break me from my studies when you’re done work. I won’t mind the interruption.”
Tyler nodded faintly, and Greg’s grin grew that much wider when he realized the tips of his ears were a light red too.
“I should –” Tyler gestured towards the front desk. “There’s shelving to do.”
“Right.” Greg agreed sagely. “I’ll see you in a bit.” He winked, enjoying the way it made Tyler’s face flood with color again. Tyler nodded jerkily, smiling a bit before wandering off towards the front desk.
“Smooth, Greg, smooth.” Lance snickered.
“What? You’re just sore I’ve got an excuse to skive out at four.” Greg pelted Lance with an eraser. “Now shush, I need to look studious while I stare at his ass.”
Lance caught the eraser and laughed at him, tucking the rubber square away in a pocket before turning to his own supplies again.

Tyler dropped thirteen books, tripped three times, and had to search a shelf four times before finding a book with a bright lime cover. He kept sneaking covert looks at the table where Greg and his friend still sat, wondering when Greg would get up and leave.
Because it had to be joke. Or a figment of Tyler’s imagination. Hell, he didn’t even like coffee. Coffee places had more than coffee, though, right? Tyler winced. He’d spill whatever it was on his bright white work-shirt, and Greg would see him for the clumsy, boring fool he was and leave him there.
Tyler glanced at the clock, an armful of books balanced on one arm. Ten minutes. Glancing over at Greg’s table, he caught Greg looking at him, and flushed a bit. Tyler sighed, cursing the fact that he spent most of his time indoors. It left his skin all pale and let anyone see when he was embarrassed.
Greg winked, and the tips of Tyler’s ears heated. Ducking into the stacks of books, Tyler hastened to shelve the books he’d collected from the front desk. God, he was hopeless. Greg was going to get bored so quickly.
Tyler shoved the last book into its spot, and ran a hand through his hair. At least he’d showered this morning, so his hair wasn’t greasy. And the shirt and slacks he was wearing were neat. And he wasn’t wearing a tie. It could be worse.
Gathering his courage, Tyler turned and headed out of the bookcases. If he was going to get laughed at, he’d rather it was sooner than later. Frowning, he stepped out and glanced at the table Greg had been at. Had been at, because now only Lance was there, scribbling furiously in his notebook.
Tyler sighed, more disappointed than he wanted to let on. Greg was confident and cute. It was flattering to think that Greg had liked him well enough to ask him out.
“Hey.” Tyler whirled, startled, his hand going to his chest as he stared at Greg. Greg just smiled that bright, cheerful smile.
“Um, hi.” Tyler managed, his cheeks heating again.
“I’m all checked out and everything.” Greg hefted a short stack of books. “You ready to go?”
“Um, I just have to-” Tyler motioned to the front desk. “Sign out and let the – let Ms. Pritchett know I’m leaving.” Wow, Tyler thought dazedly. That had been almost coherent but for the stumbling.
“Fantastic.” Greg beamed. “Shall we?”
“Sure.” Tyler smiled shyly, stubbornly ignoring the way his cheeks wouldn’t cool as he followed Greg towards the front desk.

The coffee place was warm compared to the cool fall chill of the outdoors, and Tyler dug his fingers deeper into the pockets of his jeans. Greg grinned at him, all bright smile and warm eyes, and Tyler smiled back shyly.
Greg had kept up an easy banter on the trip over, mostly about the research project he was working on. It wasn’t the most exciting of topics, but Greg’s enthusiasm was nice to watch. Tyler smiled a bit – he vividly remembered that project from when he was an undergrad, and Statham’s rigorous rules for it.
“So, have you worked at the library long?” Greg asked, flashing that bright, beautiful smile at him again. Tyler nodded.
“Since freshman year.” He shrugged.
Greg grinned, rocking back and forth on his heels a bit. “And have you really read every book in there?”
Tyler laughed a bit, smiling. “No. I’ve just done most of the projects people come in asking about, and I do get bored on my shifts at the beginning of the semester when there’s no one working on projects.”
“What –”
“Can I help you?” The bored-looking cashier asked loudly as the group in front of them dispersed, clutching tall, steaming cups as they scattered, chattering.
“Um, I’ll take a tall decaf  iced coffee with a double hazelnut flavorshot.” Greg ordered, stressing the decaf. The young man nodded, and jotted down short notes on the side of a paper cup.
“And you?”
“Uh, a tall… hot chocolate?” Tyler offered.
“Whipped cream?”
Tyler wondered idly if the bored tone of voice came standard as the cashier stared at him flatly.
“Um, sure.” Tyler shifted the strap of his bag over his shoulder.
“My treat.” Greg winked, and Tyler’s cheeks heated a bit as the cashier hit a couple of buttons on his register.
Greg nodded, and fished out a handful of crumpled bills and coins, dropping a five-dollar bill and a quarter onto the counter before shoving the whole mess back into his pocket. Tyler blinked, but dismissed it, moving down the counter to wait for their drinks.
“So Tyler, what do you attend uni for?” Greg asked, leaning casually against the counter. His shirt slipped up a bit, revealing a swath of smooth, lightly browned skin. Tyler blinked, shifting.
“Literature.” Tyler supplied, smiling a bit. “Which is why I like working in the library.”
“That’s awesome.” Greg declared, picking up his cup from the counter. Tyler smiled a bit wider and snagged his own, steaming cup. “I’m only taking Statham’s class because I needed the elective, but literature’s neat.”
“What are you attending for?” Tyler asked, following Greg to a booth. Greg was easy to talk to at least, Tyler reflected as he settled across from Greg, setting down his cup and ducking out of the strap to his bag. Greg’s backpack landed on the floor heavily, and Tyler almost winced for the poor books inside.
“Would you believe mathematics?” Greg’s grin was wide. “’Cus most people don’t.”
“Why not?” Tyler blinked.
“I think it’s the way I act.” Greg took a swig of his drink. “Apparently I’m too happy to be a math major.”
Tyler laughed, swiping a bit of the whipped cream off the top of his drink with a finger and tasting it. Greg snickered too, watching him a bit too nonchalantly, and Tyler flushed.
“Statham’s class is normally sophomores?” He tried, snagging a napkin and wiping his finger clean.
“Yeah, I’m a sophomore.” Greg grinned, leaning back against the side of the booth behind him. “And you are?”
“Second year graduate.” Tyler murmured quietly, and Greg’s eyebrows rose.
“No wonder you know that library so well!”
Tyler wondered idly if his cheeks would ever cool.
“I don’t know it all that well.” Tyler disclaimed, contemplating the still steaming hot chocolate in front of him. He’d wait until the whipped cream melted before trying to drink it, he decided.
“Better than me, at least.” Greg declared, taking a deep drink from his coffee. “What do you do with a degree in literature?”
“A lot of reading.” Tyler replied dryly, poking at the half-melted whipped cream. Greg snickered, and Tyler smiled, taking a tentative sip of his chocolate. “It’s not so bad though. I generally like what I read.”
“I like my math.” Greg smiled widely. “The math professors are some of the wickedest professors you can get. They’re all insane.”
“I haven’t had to take a math course since freshman year.” Tyler confessed. “A perk of being a literature major.”
“Well, what did you take?” Greg asked curiously, fiddling with his cup. Tyler smiled a bit – Greg looked completely at ease in the booth. Tyler was a bit surprised, to be honest. This was going better than anything he could’ve predicted. Greg was easy to talk to, and there was something about him that just made Tyler relax.
“Uh… some statistics course and an advanced algebra course or something.” Tyler shrugged. “I just wanted to get them over with.”
Greg snickered. “But math is fun!”
“Your opinion doesn’t count. You’re a crazy math major.” Tyler stated dryly. Greg pouted for a moment.
“That’s discrimination.” He accused, his eyes glinting with amusement, and Tyler smiled, settling into his seat.
“Maybe.” Tyler teased, wrapping his fingers around his cup. “But you’re still a crazy math major.”
Greg smiled. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with math.”
“Except the letters.” Tyler replied.
“Hey, I’d think you’d like the letters best, lit major.”
“I like my letters to mean legible things.”
“Ah, but that’s the fun. Finding out what the letters mean.” Greg sat up. “So, Tyler, where are you from? Got any siblings? Pets? Parents?”
Tyler blinked, thrown. “What?”
Greg grinned. “I’m…” He looked about the coffee shop for a moment before leaning forward conspiratorially. “… getting to know you.”
Tyler smiled, flushing a bit. “Oh. Um, I’m from Scarletville.  It’s a suburb.”
Greg nodded. “Siblings?”
“One. A brother, younger. He went into the army when he graduated high school, and he wants to be an engineer. I don’t have any pets, I’m allergic to dogs, and have two parents.” Tyler reeled off, then smiled shyly. “You?”
“Oh, don’t get me started.” Greg grinned. “I’m from the city. I have four siblings, all sisters and all crazy. Two older and two younger. I have two nephews and a niece, and they all live here still so I see them all the time. I have a cockatiel named Sammie that my parents keep for me, since my landlord doesn’t let us keep pets in the apartment.
“You’ve met my roommate Lance, he’s an English major. Uh, I like to procrastinate, and I’m good at pulling things out of my ass at the last second. Also, I’m handsome, charming and intelligent.” Greg batted his eyelashes, and Tyler laughed. Though he agreed – Greg was, if not handsome, rather cute, charming and a math major.
“I’m quite a catch, you see.” Greg went on, smiling widely.
“I hadn’t noticed?” Tyler tried, almost knocking over his drink as he fidgeted with the rim of the cup.
“Hah.” Greg pointed a finger at him. “You’d have to be blind to miss it.”
Tyler flushed, smiling shyly, and adjusted his glasses. “Only slightly out of focus.”
Greg winked. “Still, you have to be getting some of it. I can’t have beguiled you here on sheer luck.”
“Beguiled?” Tyler laughed, and Greg couldn’t help but grin wider. He was beginning to develop a massive crush on this sweet library boy. Who was likely four years older, but really, who was counting?
“Yes.” Greg stated solemnly, absently taking another swallow of his drink. Decaf because he didn’t like the effects of caffeine, hazelnut to make it taste delicious, and iced so he didn’t burn the roof of his mouth badly enough to put him off anything resembling warm for a week again.
Tyler had a nice laugh, Greg thought absently, and such pretty eyes behind his glasses, and the fringe of dark hair that tried to hide the dark green from sight.
“I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?” Greg asked suddenly, as the thought occurred to him that maybe Tyler had had something else planned for the afternoon.
“No.” Tyler smiled that quiet, shy smile again, and Greg’s stomach fluttered. He shifted in his seat – beguiled or not, he didn’t think Tyler would be too appreciative of Greg leaping the table and kissing him senseless.
“Oh, good.” Greg grinned. “Because I think I want to monopolize you for a bit longer.”
“I… can live with that.” Tyler’s cheeks gained a hint of pink, and Greg grinned.
“Wanna go for a walk?” Greg suggested. “I mean, when you’re done. Unless you want to take that with you.”
“I… I can take it with me.” Tyler seemed faintly surprised, and Greg nodded.
“Okay, cool.” He beamed as he slid from his seat, fetching a lid for Tyler’s cup and tossing his mostly empty one in a trash can. Tyler thanked him quietly, with a soft smile, and let Greg hook arms with him as they left the coffee shop. Greg couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

Tyler lived in a fairly nice apartment complex, on the second floor. His door was nondescript, with a two and a ‘c’ tacked on in shiny brass lettering. It was also only five blocks from Greg’s apartment, Greg noted with a bit of happiness.
Tyler smiled shyly at him, obviously unsure, and Greg grinned. “Did you have fun?” He posed the question innocently, unsurprised when Tyler flushed a bit.
“Yeah. I did.” Tyler’s smile grew a bit. “Um, can we do this again?”
Greg laughed. “You stole my lead-up!”
“Sorry?” Tyler offered, not the least bit contrite. “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, it’s a yes.” Greg confirmed, not giving himself time to think about it as he stepped close and kissed Tyler quickly on the cheek. “Shall we do dinner next time?”
“Okay.” Tyler agreed readily, smiling shyly. “Monday?”
“Monday.” Greg grinned.
“Alright.” Tyler’s quiet smile was just… enchanting. It made his eyes light up, Greg thought, wondering if Tyler was going to reclaim his personal space soon. “What time?”
“Uh, six? Thirty?” Greg suggested, fighting the urge to fidget, or kiss Tyler again. Though really, Tyler should’ve stepped away if he didn’t want to be kissed again.
“Six-thirty.” Tyler ducked his head a bit, and kissed Greg square on the lips, lingering briefly before backing away and almost running into his door. Greg tasted chocolate briefly, and smiled slowly. Tyler was blushing again, too.
“Goodnight.” Tyler murmured, fishing out his keys.
“Night.” Greg grinned. “See you Monday.”
“See you.” Tyler tossed him a last shy smile and slipped inside.
Greg maintained his composure until he was outside, at which point he let loose a whoop and did a short little dance on the sidewalk, much to the amusement of the foot traffic.

“Lance. Lance!” Greg burst into the apartment loudly, slamming the door behind him.
“Greg! Oh my, Greg.” Lance mocked, poking his head out of the kitchen. “Date went well, then?”
Greg paused, opened his mouth, then shut it. “Yes.”
Lance blinked, one eyebrow slowly raising.
“He’s so… perfect.” Greg sighed, leaning against the kitchen doorway. “Just, wow. And his smile! And he kissed me!” Greg paused, considering. “I think I’ve got a bit of a crush, Lance.”
“You think?” Lance asked rhetorically, turning back into the kitchen. “It’s eight, you know. You were gone for hours.”
“Really? It didn’t seem that long.” Greg blinked. “Did I tell you we’re meeting again? On Monday. Why isn’t it Monday yet?”
“Oh, god, I’m going to kill you, aren’t I?” Lance groaned, fishing free a bottle of water from the fridge.
“Likely.” Greg chirped. “But remember, this is all your fault. I didn’t have to go to the library today.”
“Go change.” Lance ordered, pointing his finger. “We’re going out, and you’re going to dance yourself to exhaustion so I don’t have to listen to you rave.”
“I do not rave!” Greg protested, but he was turning around already. “Oh, hey, have you heard anything about the Shakespeare guy?”
“No.” Lance followed him out to the hallway. “Except that maybe he’ll be making an appearance sometime this week. Everyone’s talking about it. They say he might even give you a run for your money.”
Greg laughed, stripping off his long-sleeved shirt as he wandered into his bedroom. He dropped the shirt on the floor and searched for something showy and thin. Greg loved to dance, but it definitely made him sweat and he hated the feeling of being trapped in cloth.
Dragging out a thin, sleeveless t-shirt with a low collar and a deep V-neck, Greg pulled it on, admiring the slightly metallic silver color as he shucked his shoes and searched out his favorite jeans and a pair of slightly less worn sneakers.
“Hair.” Lance prodded when he returned to the hallway. Greg made a face.
“It’s fine.”
“It’s not.” Lance eyed him critically. “It’s all flat. And don’t you want to touch up your makeup?” Lance snickered.
“Hmm, good point. Want to make a good impression if I do run into Shakespeare guy.” Greg grinned. “Oh, hey do you think Tyler would like to go dancing sometime?” He asked, ducking into the bathroom. “That would be so wonderful.” He muttered, eyeing his hair in the mirror. It was a bit limp, but that was the humidity’s fault.
Lance sighed loudly. “You know, you really, really need to stop obsessing over every third nerd you meet.”
“Tyler isn’t a nerd.” Greg grinned. “He’s very knowledgeable though. Did you know he’s here for his master’s degree?”
“So he’s old enough to buy for you.” Lance grinned. “Play nice then.”
“Lance!” Greg turned, affronted as he brushed his hair. It would be flat again in an hour, but by then he wouldn’t care. He’d be dancing.
“What? I want to make some use of this too, if I have to hear you raving about it all the time.” Lance snickered, and Greg dug through the drawer on the sink bureau before pulling out a light eyeliner and mascara.
“Oh, you’re such a girl.” Lance mocked, leaning against the door.
“You’re just jealous.” Greg muttered distractedly, carefully applying a thin layer of eyeliner. Not too much, he didn’t want to smear it later, or for it to run when he was on the dance floor. The same went for the mascara, and Greg grinned at the effect. Dark, smoldering eyes – he’d have to wear makeup for Tyler at some point. Tyler seemed to like his eyes.
“Come on, princess.” Lance shifted impatiently. “I want to get there sometime tonight.”
“Yes, mother.” Greg quipped, slipping his wallet into his back pocket and his keys into the front before following Lance from the apartment.

The club was packed, with a long line out front that Greg ignored. This was his favorite club, and they liked him well enough too. Greg waved carelessly to the bouncer as he and Lance slipped in. The man grinned wordlessly, and then they were in the club.
He’d heard the beat from outside the club, but inside it was overwhelming, the lights flashing erratically as the latest pop song burst from the huge speakers across the large, open room. Dark booths lined the walls, and the only really bright spots were the bar and the DJ station.
Greg grinned wildly. He lived for this – the dark, the noise, the beat. Even now it compelled him to move, and he slipped into the center of the mass of moving people without a look back for Lance – he’d find his own group to dance with or hang out in one of the booths or at the bar.

Sunday afternoon found Greg heading to the library. Lance had only smirked at him when he’d loaded up his bag and drifted out the door half asleep. He hadn’t left the club last night until it had closed at two, still buzzed from the fabulous date and the hours of dancing.
Greg stopped by the coffee shop, grinning wickedly at the booth he and Tyler had occupied the day before. Right now it was occupied by a trio of young business people, each ignoring the other in favor of their coffees and newspapers.
“Can I help you?”
Greg turned his smile on the young woman behind the counter. “A large decaf iced coffee, with a double hazelnut shot.” He winked, and she smiled back, jotting down the instructions on a clear cup.
“Three dollars and twenty four cents.” She pronounced, passing the cup along to her associate. Greg forked over the money and moved on, deciding this was his favorite drink now. And that maybe he should lay off a bit because the next step was likely along the lines of ‘oh my god, Tyler held this hand, I’m never washing it again.’
Now the question was – should he find a quiet classroom to finish the paper in, or brave the library again, and have Tyler think he was stalking him? The library. For all he knew, Tyler wasn’t even working today. And he might need more books, though he doubted that.
Grinning, Greg sauntered down the sidewalk, sipping his iced coffee and humming off-key cheerfully.

Greg’s paper was nearly finished. It had taken him three hours, and all of the books with the little white bookmarks Tyler had given him, but he thought it was a passing effort. Staring blankly at the white, graffiti-covered wall of the cubicle he’d commandeered, Greg searched for a good closing line.
“Gah!” Greg jumped, his eyes widening as a hand landed on his shoulder out of nowhere. His pencil flew, hitting the wall and falling to the desk with a clatter. “Oh, man.” He blinked at Tyler for a minute, calming himself. Tyler smiled shyly, fixing his glasses.
“Sorry.” He murmured, and Greg grinned.
“It’s okay.” Greg reassured, leaning back in his chair. “I was hoping you’d be around.”
Tyler’s smile grew a bit, and he fidgeted with a button on his plain white shirt. “How’s the paper?”
“Almost done.” Greg sighed, staring at the pages in front of him. “I just have to tack on a conclusion and type it up.”
“That’s good.” Tyler sat down in the chair from the next cubicle over. “So the books were helpful?”
“Oh, definitely.” Greg thumped his chair back down on all four feet. “So were the bookmarks.” He grinned, and Tyler flushed a bit.
“Well, I’m glad.” Tyler decided, watching him almost hesitantly, like he expected Greg to rebuff him at any moment. Greg’s grin widened.
“I think Statham will be surprised.” Greg snickered. “He doesn’t think too highly of me.”
Tyler looked adorably perplexed. “Why not?”
“Well, that might be my fault.” Greg looked sheepish for a moment. “I haven’t exactly put forth my best effort in this class.”
“Not as interesting as math?” Tyler asked, with that sweet, shy, smile again.
“Sort of. I think it could be more interesting if it had a bit more play in what we’re supposed to do for assignments.” Greg shrugged. “But it’s not too bad.” He grinned. “I’m also very lazy.”
Tyler laughed, crossing his legs and leaning back in his chair. “If you need help, I have taken that class.”
“You already helped me.” Greg pointed out cheerfully. “But the offer is appreciated. I might just impose upon you for the next paper too.” He winked, unsurprised as Tyler’s cheeks turned the faintest shade of pink.
“It’s not imposing if I don’t mind.” Tyler pointed out shyly, and Greg wondered if they’d get kicked out if he climbed into Tyler’s lap and kissed him breathless. And if Tyler would let him climb into his lap and kiss him breathless.
“Have any ideas where we should go tomorrow?” Greg asked casually, changing the subject before he climbed any deeper into that hole.
“Um, actually, yes.” Tyler pushed his glasses back into place again.
“Really.” Greg didn’t bother keeping his amusement from the word as Tyler stopped. “Where?”
“Can it be a surprise?” Tyler’s smile lit up his eyes, and Greg wondered if he’d ever go for glasses. And a hairstyle that kept the longer fringe of his hair from his face. Tyler had nice eyes.
And Greg needed to stop staring and answer the question. “Oh, sure. Do you want me to meet you at your place?”
“Alright. Would you mind meeting before six-thirty? We can go to the – this place and then to dinner after. I’m done with classes at four.” Tyler offered.
Greg beamed. “Sure.” He sat up straight and leaned forward. “You should tell me where though. Now I’m curious.”
“You said it could be a surprise.” Tyler smiled widely, tugging at the hem to his shirt. “So I’m not telling you.”
Greg pouted. “Please?”
Tyler laughed. “No, I like my secret.”
Greg smirked. “Could I perhaps, entice it from you then?”
Tyler’s eyes widened, but he admirably stood his ground. “Entice?”
“Yes, entice.” Greg winked, shifting forward in his seat. “Apparently I’m this awesome kisser –”
Tyler started laughing, sitting up straight in his chair. “Sorry –”
Greg pouted again. “Fine, don’t appreciate my charms. My very wiles.”
Tyler grinned, his hand covering his mouth. “Sorry, it’s just –” Greg fought a grin – Tyler’s soft laughter was contagious. “Your very wiles?” He asked, slightly incredulous, smiling widely.
“Yes.” Greg replied, sticking by his wording steadfastly. “But if you don’t like my wiles, I suppose I could take them elsewhere?”
“No, no, don’t do that.” Tyler’s smile lit up his whole face, making his eyes crinkle at the corners. His eyes were such a lovely shade of dark, olive green, Greg thought dreamily before shaking himself out of his stupor.
“I think your wiles are winning.” Greg informed Tyler mournfully, and Tyler blinked rapidly.
“My wiles?” He asked. “I have wiles?”
“Yes.” Greg replied solemnly. “It’s the smile most of all, I think.” Tyler flushed, and Greg grinned. “That too.” 
“What, too?” Tyler asked, then shifted, uncrossing his legs and sitting up straight.
“You’re modest.” Greg winked. “So, where are you taking me on Monday?” He slipped the question in, and Tyler laughed.
“You’ll find out on Monday.” Tyler shifted and stood up slowly. “I have to get back to work.” He explained reluctantly, and Greg nodded, standing up too.
“Okay. I need to finish this up anyway.” Greg winked. “You’re a bit distracting.”
Tyler’s cheeks predictably flushed, and Greg grinned, ducking close to steal a kiss. Tyler started, but kissed back readily, tilting his head for better access. Greg’s eyes slipped closed – Tyler tasted warm, of oranges and Tyler – and he threaded a hand into Tyler’s hair.
Then Tyler broke away, flushed and slightly out of breath. Greg grinned. “Sure you don’t want to tell me?”
Tyler blinked, then smiled widely. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.” He promised, pressing a soft, almost hesitant kiss to Greg’s cheek. “Bye.”
Greg sighed dramatically. “Alright. Tomorrow.” Tyler smiled again, more shyly, and turned away, heading back through the stacks of books. Greg sat down and stared blankly at his paper for five minutes before any of the words he’d just written made sense.

The club wasn’t as busy on Sunday nights, but Greg went all the same, dressing in a thin silk shirt and the same jeans as the previous night. Lance didn’t come – he was still working and fuming over Statham’s paper. The music was the same – thick, heavy beats that echoed through Greg’s bones and compelled him into the thickest part of the dance floor.
Grinning, he shoved his hair from his face and bumped hips with a brightly dressed young woman. She grinned back, showing off bright teeth. In the next moment though, she was gone, melted into the crowd. Greg laughed, too softly to be heard beneath the pulse of the music. A slightly older man replaced her, and Greg danced with him for the next few songs, trying to outdo the man with increasingly showy moves until he gave up.
Greg couldn’t keep the smile from his lips, the music filling his ears and the flashing, spinning lights catching his eyes. He loved this – the people, the music, the lights, the motion. Reaching out as a new song started, he grabbed a fresh dance partner.
He looked to be about the same age as Greg was, with unnaturally bright green eyes, and spiked black hair. His shirt fit tightly and flashed brilliantly whenever the lights hit it. He grinned, his teeth bright in the dark of the club as he matched Greg move for move.
Thrilled, Greg stepped it up, moving closer. Sparks danced across his skin whenever they brushed against each other, and Greg watched with amusement as those intense green eyes hooded. They were gaining a bit of an audience, people half dancing and half staring as they moved with the music and each other, but Greg didn’t care. The music was more important.
Half a dozen songs later, Greg was sure this was the best night of his life as his partner dragged him off the dance floor and towards the bar. Greg was breathless, sweating, and quite sure he’d met his equal. Grinning, he threw a five at the bartender and collected two bottled waters.
“Hi!” He shouted, unable to keep the smile off his face as he passed the second bottle to his dance partner. Who smiled and saluted him with the bottle, but didn’t bother trying to talk over the loud music.
Greg was undaunted though, blinking through the flashing siren lights. “Come here often?” Greg shouted, knowing the answer already. He’d have noticed someone who danced at least as well as he did.
He got a shake of the head and another flashing of bright teeth. It was dark enough that he still hadn’t gotten a good look at his enrapturing dance partner, but his eyes were vivid enough that Greg didn’t really care – he’d be able to pick him out in a crowded room with ease.
“What’s your name?” Greg asked, trying to confirm a dawning suspicion. He got another smile, and the young man capped his drink before leaning close and speaking directly in Greg’s ear.
Greg laughed – he’d found the Shakespeare kid, and he was everything the rumors had said he was. Drinking the rest of his water quickly, Greg left the empty bottle on the bar and grinned at ‘Mercutio.’
“Would you like to dance?” Greg asked, holding out his hand. Mercutio left his bottle half full on the counter and took his hand without hesitation.

Greg was in a state of complete and utter bliss. Smiling hazily at the ceiling, he started reciting prime numbers as he tried to sink into the couch more. He was only on 117 when Lance tried to smother him.
Greg fought back valiantly, knocking himself onto the floor, but managing to snag the pillow and pull it with him.
“Fucker!” Greg accused cheerfully, thwacking him with the stolen pillow. “Stop disturbing my happy!”
“You’re scaring me.” Lance informed him primly. “And I’m jealous so shut up.”
Greg snickered. “If I have time after my date with Tyler I’ll take you dancing.” Greg winked. “Maybe you’ll get to meet him too.”
Lance snorted, and grabbed a fresh pillow to hit him with. “Does Tyler know you’re cheating on him?”
“I’m not cheating!” Greg protested, looking hurt. “Dancing isn’t cheating!”

Lance frowned. “I’ve seen you dance.”
Greg glared. “You’ve killed my happy.”
Lance rolled his eyes. “I’m just pointing it out. I don’t want you to have problems later.”
“Dancing isn’t the same as dating.” Greg sighed. “It doesn’t have the same emotion. I liked dancing with the Shakespeare guy because he was good at it. I’d like to dance with Tyler because I think it’d be fun, and because I like Tyler. It wouldn’t matter if he was good at it or not.”
Lance’s forehead creased. “That shouldn’t make sense.”
Greg shoved his shoulder lightly. “You’ve seen me dance. I don’t give them any… emotional attachment.”
“You’re a girl.” Lance declared abruptly, smirking. “Who says ‘emotional attachment’?”
Greg snickered. “I don’t have the right parts to be a girl, Lance. Wanna see?”
“Okay, that was cruel. I may have killed your happy but that doesn’t give you any right to kill my brain.” Lance glared, but his eyes abruptly widened. “Oh my god, you’ve got me doing it too! Happy is not a noun!”
Greg laughed, and pushed up from the floor. “I live to corrupt. And go to class.”
“And dance. And woo nerds.” Lance tacked on, clambering to his feet too.
“Tyler’s not a nerd.” Greg smiled, a bit dreamily. “We have a date tonight. I’m meeting him in two hours.”
“Gee, I never would’ve guessed, seeing as how you’ve only mentioned it six times. In the last ten minutes.” Lance glared.
“Two, three, five, seven, eleven.” Greg recited cheerfully, wandering out into the hallway and snagging his bag. Lance groaned. “Thirteen, seventeen, nineteen –”
“I hate you, so very, very much.” Lance told him, and then disappeared to hide in his room.

“Hi.” Tyler greeted breathlessly. Greg grinned.
“Hi.” He returned, dropping a hello kiss on Tyler’s lips. He tasted minty.
“Come in?” Tyler asked shyly, shifting nervously. Greg nodded, following Tyler in and shutting the door behind him. Tyler was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, loose, but not too loose. Tyler was thin, Greg noted, but not horribly bony.
“Nice place.” Greg commented, smiling at the slightly cluttered hallway. Tyler smiled and led the way into the kitchen. “So what did you have in mind?” He asked, leaning against the doorway.
“If you laugh, I’m not leaving with you.” Tyler threatened, leaning against the counter. Greg grinned.
“I won’t laugh.” He promised solemnly, moving into the kitchen and leaning against the counter a short distance away from Tyler. Tyler smiled mysteriously.
“The arcade.” Tyler revealed. “Unless you have an objection?”
Greg beamed. “Can I keep you? Really, the arcade?”
Tyler laughed, reaching out and brushing a bit of Greg’s hair out of his face. “Yes, really, the arcade.” Greg watched Tyler’s hand fondly, amused at the slight pink tint Tyler’s cheeks held.
“I love the arcade.” Greg professed solemnly, and Tyler smiled widely.
“Really? Which arcade do you normally go to?” Tyler asked curiously, rubbing the side of his foot against his jeans.
Greg shrugged. “There’s one that’s near my apartment building, just down the street. Lance loves the one at Broomfield Mall. I’m not too picky, as long as they have DDR or Pump-It-Up.” Greg grinned. “I like to dance.”
Tyler smiled slowly. “Really.”
“Really.” Greg confirmed, then pushed away from the counter. “Have you ever played either?”
“On occasion.” Tyler’s smile widened, making the corners of his eyes crinkle. “It’s… fun.”
Greg laughed. “Come on then. I challenge you, and I promise not to be too hard on you.”
Tyler laughed at that. “Alright. But if I beat you, you’re buying dinner.”
“You’re on.” Greg grinned, following Tyler out into the hallway again.

The arcade wasn’t too busy, it being a Monday. There was a small queue for the brightly flashing, singing machine just inside the door, but Greg had no qualms with waiting with Tyler for their turn.
There were two preteen girls up there now, horsing around and generally making fools of themselves. Tyler was watching with a small smile, and Greg wondered idly if he could make this into a prelude and take Tyler out to actually dance later. Or tomorrow.
The girls finished their set of songs with a burst of giggles, glancing back at them. The one straightened her shirt, and the other fluffed her hair before they vacated the machine and disappeared into the depths of the arcade. Greg grinned, and stepped up as he fished out the quarters he’d changed in for.
Tyler smiled shyly, and did the same. “So how good are you at this?” Tyler asked curiously, selecting options from the menu rapidly. Greg blinked.
“I’m pretty good.” Greg answered modestly, grinning widely. Tyler had done this a few times, if he could whip through the menu that quickly. “You?”
“I have a little experience.” Tyler’s smile was almost… devious. Greg shifted, distracted as he chose his own options. The countdown started then, precluding anything Greg might’ve tried to ask and he focused on the screen. He wanted to impress Tyler.
The arrows came up quickly, and Greg concentrated on following the arrows and listening to the beat. It was a song he’d done many times, so he only missed a few thumping steps as the arrows rolled out. Kicking out the last few arrows, Greg dropped back against the bar, grinning. Glancing at Tyler, he was distracted for a moment – Tyler’s hair was disheveled, and he was grinning widely, his cheeks red from exertion.
“Holy shit.” Greg stared. Tyler ducked his head. “Just a little experience?” Greg asked, well aware of his incredulous tone. Tyler bit his lip, but he was smiling.
“Just a little.” He maintained, ignoring the ‘Full Perfect Combo’ flashing with sparkles bursting from it.
“If that’s a little, what can you do with a lot?” Greg asked, grinning.
Tyler laughed, pushing his hair out of his face, but he turned back to the screen, tapping the arrows to start the next level, and Greg faced the screen too, his mind whirling. Tyler danced. Well, DDRed. That was a bit different. Still –
The music started, and Greg jolted, missing the first arrow, but nailing the second. He’d have to ask Tyler out to dance properly. And try to kick his ass at DDR currently.

“Oh my god.” Greg groaned, letting his head hit the table. Tyler just laughed, still pleasantly flushed. They’d gone for a few hours, on and off, before heading out to get something to eat. Greg had only managed to win one song, and that had been because Tyler had glanced over when he swore at the nasty combos and gotten thrown off.
“You’re like, a DDR king.” Greg accused. “Also, I’m not moving.”
Tyler laughed again, and Greg’s insides warmed. So maybe losing hadn’t been that bad, though he’d badly wanted to impress Tyler. Propping his head up, he leveled a wounded look at Tyler.
“I thought you only played on occasion.” He accused, pouting.
“I do.” Tyler shrugged. “I used to play all the time though.”
“Oh, that’s so… sneaky.” Greg grinned, and pushed himself into a sitting position. Tyler still looked disheveled, his hair askew, and a healthy flush in his cheeks.
“Sorry?” Tyler offered, but he was still smiling, and Greg decided that he didn’t care in the least that he’d lost. Tyler’s bright smile was worth losing.
“Okay, so it’s my treat. What would you like?” Greg prodded, sliding from the booth.
“The chicken salad?” Tyler offered, and Greg blinked.
“Salad? After all that?”
Tyler shrugged. “I like salad.”
Greg grinned. “Okay. Anything else?
“Water.” Tyler smiled, and Greg grinned back.
“Alright, but you’re getting dessert too.” He threatened, heading up to the counter. He ordered Tyler’s salad, two waters, two cheeseburgers and an order of fries. Maybe not the healthiest meal, but he was starving, and he was going out again tonight, if only to show off the Shakespeare kid to Lance.

“Ow! Hey!” Lance protested, trying to shove Greg off his lap. Greg merely beamed at him, and wiggled into a more comfortable position. Lance glared. “Off.”
“Aw, but I’m just trying to show my appreciation. That’s what one does with one’s sugar daddy after all –” Greg cut off as Lance gave another, stronger shove that tossed him off of the couch and his actually uncomfortable perch on Lance’s lap.
“Alright, spill.” Lance sounded resigned, as well he should, and Greg grinned, leaning back onto the soft carpet and propping his feet up on the couch next to Lance.
“He took me to the arcade.” Greg announced, wiggling his sock-covered feet cheerfully. “We played DDR for hours.”
“Really?” Lance looked surprised. “Hours? He doesn’t look like he could do anything like that for hours.”
“Hey.” Greg kicked at him. “I’ll have you know that I only beat him once.”
Lance snorted. “Lose on purpose, much?”
“Nope.” Greg beamed. “I got to buy him dinner too.”
“You’re hopeless.” Lance sighed. “When do I get to actually meet him?”
Greg laughed. “You want to meet him?”
“I want to see if he’s as enamored as you are.” Lance replied dryly, swatting at Greg’s foot when he tried to kick him again.
“I hope so.” Greg grinned. “We’re going dancing tomorrow night.”
Lance sighed. “Are you really?”
“Awww, poor Lance. Feeling neglected? I can take you out tonight.” Greg winked, pulling his feet off the couch and sitting up abruptly. “Actually, yeah, let’s go.”
“Yay.” Lance deadpanned, but stood. “Let’s go then. Lord knows if he does well tomorrow I’ll never see you again as you’ll have sutured yourself to his side.”
Greg grinned. “I was thinking superglue. Naked, of course, because–”
Lance lunged for him. “Gregory James, what have I told you about that?”
Greg tried to dodge, but missed and was summarily propelled into the carpet. “That sounded scarily like my mom.”
Lance huffed, and thwacked him on the head before clambering to his feet. Greg winced as one of Lance’s knees dug into his ribs, but didn’t complain. His laughter followed Lance out the room.

Lance hid a yawn behind his sleeve, leaning casually on the bar. The bartender was fine with him loitering in the end, because it prevented her from having to worry about that dark, far away end. He’d lost track of Greg early on, but that was fine with him. Greg was insane on the dance floor.
Lance would’ve sprained several somethings if he tried to keep up with him. Lance smiled wryly, sipping at the light, alcoholic drink he’d been nursing for the past half an hour. He liked going with Greg, even if he didn’t like to dance as much as Greg did.
Smiling automatically at an attractive young woman, Lance leaned back against the bar. Greg had wanted him to meet the much-talked-about Shakespeare kid, but he hadn’t shown yet, and Lance was losing steam rapidly. He had classes tomorrow anyway.
Lance left his glass on the bar, tossing a casual wave in the direction of the harried, but smiling bartender and began picking his way through the crowd towards the door.
“Lance! Lance!” Greg’s voice caught his attention as he neared the end of the bar, and Lance turned. Greg was carelessly pushing through the people between them, dragging another young man.
“Hey!” Lance shouted back, glancing at the DJ stand across the room when a new song started, louder. “Him?”
Greg nodded enthusiastically, pulling the young man with him forward. Bright, bright green eyes, and his face was shadowed by drooping hair, either black, or dark enough that the dim lighting of the club painted it so.
“Hi!” Lance shouted. “I’m Lance!”
This earned him a smile, and the Shakespeare kid stepped into his personal space to state, directly into Lance’s ear, “Tybalt.” Lance laughed, glancing at Greg’s grin before returning his gaze to ‘Tybalt.’
Just in time to catch a pulse of light briefly lighting up Tybalt’s face, throwing previously obscured features into sharp relief. Lance blinked, then grinned slowly, wondering if Greg had realized yet.
Tyler looked so different, dressed in skintight clothes, without his glasses, and with his hair properly styled. How had Greg missed it? Because Greg would’ve definitely been enthusing over this already.
“- leaving!” Greg drew his attention again.
“What?” Lance blinked as a green light blinded him for half a second.
“Are you leaving!” Greg repeated, stepping closer. Lance grinned. Greg really didn’t know. How did he not know?
“Yes!” Lance nodded to underscore the shouted reply. Tybalt – Tyler – smiled at him and waved. Lance smirked, and wondered if Greg would wake him up when he came home tonight, or if he’d find out tomorrow. Greg was obsessive but sometimes he could have the thickest skull.
“Bye!” Greg shouted and beamed before pulling Tyler towards the bar. Lance grinned, and headed towards the door. He couldn’t wait to hear Greg’s reaction to this when he finally figured it out.

Tyler shifted, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything all day, no matter how hard he’d tried. And he’d tried – everything from books to television to cleaning the apartment.
The only thing he could concentrate on was his looming date with Greg. They were going dancing. Dancing – and Greg somehow hadn’t realized they’d been dancing for the last two nights anyway. Tyler sighed, scrutinizing his hair.
He didn’t do style his hair differently consciously. And the contacts were just so that he didn’t lose his glasses – they were expensive and he hated replacing them because they’d fallen in the middle of a crowd and been trampled. And well, of course he wore different clothing to go clubbing.
Tyler tugged at the hem of the shirt he was wearing, flushing a bit. He wasn’t sure he wanted to stick with this choice of clothing – the shirt was a few inches short, and clung to his thin torso, and the pants were quite a bit snugger than what he usually wore.
Tyler glanced at the small clock he’d glued to the bottom of the mirror cabinet. Greg would be showing at any minute. Tyler’s stomach flipped. Would he be mad? Tyler had honestly expected him to realize it within seconds on that first night. But he hadn’t, and Tyler had no idea how to tell him.
The arcade had been a good try, but Greg had remained blissfully ignorant, even after Tyler had trounced him thoroughly. Tyler sighed, and turned away from the mirror. There wasn’t anything he could do about it now. Not that he wanted to. But he didn’t want Greg to be upset that he hadn’t told him before.
It was five minutes after. Tyler straightened the toaster, fluttering about the kitchen. It was only five minutes. Greg was still coming. Unless he’d figured it out and was thoroughly disgusted and upset that Tyler hadn’t told him and had decided to have nothing more to do with him.
Tyler didn’t know whether to be relieved or even more nervous when a sharp rapping at the door tore him from his thoughts. Greg, because that was how Greg had knocked the last time, not that Tyler was paying too much attention to how Greg knocked.
Tyler took a deep breath and headed towards the door. He hesitated, glancing out the peephole to confirm that yes, it was Greg, and that yes, he did look as fantastic as he had last night.
Tyler unbolted the door slowly, trying without success to keep from blushing. Greg beamed at him for half a moment before the expression slid from his face.
“Um, hi.” Tyler bit his lip, shifting nervously. Maybe he should’ve picked a more conservative outfit.
“Tyler?” Greg’s tone was incredulous, his eyes wide. “You-” He blinked rapidly. “I’m not seeing things?”
Tyler shook his head, not trusting his voice. He backed up, holding the door open for Greg, who stepped inside absently, his eyes seemingly glued to Tyler.
“You were – on Sunday?” Greg asked. “Oh, god, I’m so blind. How did I miss it? Oh, wow.” Greg babbled, grinning. Tyler smiled shyly, his stomach unknotting slowly. “You – wow – can I keep you?” Greg asked shamelessly, rocking back onto his heels.
“Keep me?” Tyler asked curiously, then blinked. “Are you wearing makeup?”
Greg grinned sheepishly. “Yes. But still! You’re the Shakespeare kid! And I danced with you for two nights and I didn’t even realize it! Oh my god! Lance! The bastard, he knew and he wouldn’t tell me.” Greg blinked, falling flat onto his feet.
Tyler smiled shyly, tugging at the hem of his shirt. “You’re not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“Nah.” Greg grinned, and paced forward, standing right in front of him. “How would you have done that? ‘sides, I should’ve been more observant.”
Tyler shrugged, his smile widening a bit as Greg bounced up and down a bit in front of him. “Well, um, now you know.”
“You-” Greg smiled wider, shaking his head. “I can’t believe – you dance, and you’re cute, and you’re sweet and you like me – really, can I keep you forever?”
Tyler laughed. “Um, sure?”
“Great.” Greg pronounced, and leaned forward and up on his tiptoes to kiss Tyler softly. Tyler smiled, and brushed an errant lock of hair out of Greg’s face.
“I like you too?” Tyler offered, and Greg laughed, wrapping his arms around Tyler’s neck. Tyler didn’t protest as Greg kissed him again, smelling warm and tasting sweet. So maybe Greg wouldn’t get bored with him – Tyler smiled widely – he couldn’t see himself getting bored with Greg either. Breaking the kiss, he murmured, “I want to keep you too,” against Greg’s lips and watched from close up as Greg beamed.
“Fantastic.” Greg breathed, and kissed him again, still smiling.