Friday, March 1, 2013

Ficbit: Dancing Interlude

Tyler glanced up at the clock and immediately wished he hadn’t. Resolutely returning his eyes to the pages of the book he was supposedly reading, Tyler sighed. Four hours and ten minutes to go until the end of his shift. Four hours and ten minutes left on the most boring shift the library ever saw – the last day of finals, the day before spring break.

Unfortunately, Tyler was the only graduate student who wasn’t taking off to enjoy summer break, so he was the lucky student who was scheduled for the last shift of the semester.

Shifting in his seat behind the check-out desk, Tyler tried to focus on the words on the page in front of him. It was a good book – one of his favorites – but it just wasn’t holding his attention. He wanted to be finished with his shift so he could start to enjoy his vacation, too.

Tyler gave up after another two minutes – as another glance at the clock told him – shutting the book and setting it down on the counter. He was the only student worker in the library today, which meant he was chained to the desk.

Surveying the empty lobby bleakly, Tyler aimlessly tapped his fingertips against the counter, contemplating the possibility that he’d get to leave early. Unfortunately, it was unlikely; his normal supervisor was a nice woman, but she’d left early for break too. His boss for the evening wasn’t anywhere as nice – Ms. Pritchett hated desk duty, so she wouldn’t let him off until the library closed.

Four hours and six minutes to go. Tyler gave up, standing up and wandering along the long counter that served as the check-out desk. There were no loose books anywhere, he had no homework, and he’d stupidly come straight here from his last final so he didn’t even have his cell phone to pester Greg with.

Not that he could – Greg was busy taking his last final, so he wouldn’t be able to reply to any of Tyler’s texts. Turning as he reached the end of the counter, Tyler started back towards his seat, idly running his fingers along the back of each chair he passed. He was halfway there when the main doors to the library opened and Greg stumbled in.

Tyler smiled, even as he checked the clock again. Four hours and two minutes. Greg was out of his final very early, too. Greg paused just inside the doors, scrubbing his wind-blown hair out of his face before turning towards the counter. He beamed when he caught sight of Tyler, and Tyler waved a little before he realized how dorky that was and dropped his hand.

Not that Greg really minded when he was dorky. Tyler skirted the last few chairs carefully, not trusting himself to keep from stumbling over them in the face of Greg’s smile.

“Hi,” Greg said cheerfully, dropping his backpack with a thump next to the desk. Ms. Pritchett looked up with a faint frown on her face, distracted from whatever she was mucking around with on her computer.

“So, did you find it?” Greg asked, his smile slanting towards mischievous. Tyler stared at him blankly for a moment. “The book?”

“Oh, right,” Tyler said, wondering what Greg was up to. “Uh, hold on, I think it’s around here somewhere.” He went through the motions of looking for the book, smothering a grin as Greg leaned over the counter and helpfully pointed out more places for him to look.

“Maybe it got put back?” Greg finally offered brightly, drumming his fingers against the countertop rhythmically. Which meant that he’d been sitting still too long today and they were probably going to have to go dancing to wear him out later.

Not that Tyler objected to that; he was feeling a little stir crazy himself.

“That’s… probably what happened,” Tyler conceded, almost forgetting there wasn’t actually a book waiting for Greg. “I can go look for you.”

Ms. Pritchett looked up, a frown pinching her lips together, but she just waved him off. Probably she didn’t want to deal with any students and was willing to take the risk that she’d be alone if a student came in looking for help.

Resisting the urge to hurry, Tyler straightened his shirt and headed for the hip-high swinging door that separated the back offices of the library from the lobby. Greg met him there, jerking his head discreetly towards the left side of the library where the cubbies were all hidden.

Tyler ignored the heat in his cheeks, recalling the last time Greg had visited him at the library when he’d run out of work. Not that they were first students to use those cubbies for a make-out session, but Tyler couldn’t go within three shelves of those cubbies without blushing now.

“Hi,” Greg said again as soon as they were out of earshot of the main desk. “So, that was easy.”

“Your final?” Tyler asked. “Or getting me away from the desk?”

“Both,” Greg said cheerfully, grabbing Tyler’s hand as soon as they entered maze of shelves. “How long before she gets suspicious, do you think?”

“I think she’s already suspicious,” Tyler said dryly, squeezing Greg’s hand. “It’s the last day of finals and you’re looking for a book?”

“Good point,” Greg said thoughtfully. “But I could be a graduate student, or have an extension on a paper because I’m taking extra classes or doing extra credit or something.”

“You’re a math major,” Tyler said, unsurprised when Greg took the lead, pulling him further into the shelves. Surprisingly, they didn’t seem to be headed for the study cubicles. “You don’t have papers.”

“Well, she doesn’t know that, does she?” Greg asked, skipping for a few steps. Tyler smiled, shaking his head. “Still, we better make this quick.”

“Make what quick?” Tyler asked, blinking as Greg pulled him through the microfilm section of the library. “Where are you dragging me off to, anyway?”

“My visit?” Greg offered innocently – too innocently. “You’ve got keys to everywhere, right?”

“Mostly, yes,” Tyler said slowly, blinking as they reached the back of the library – and the audio-visual rooms at the back.

“Excellent.” Greg tugged him over to the closest room and looked at him expectantly. “I’m adding spice to our relationship –”

“That’s not reassuring. You said that about the jelly beans,” Tyler pointed out, but obediently fished out his keys and tried to ignore the blush he knew was heating his cheeks.

“Well, they were spiced,” Greg said, bouncing in place a little as Tyler freed his hand and opened the door. The room was dark, and Tyler paused to flick on the back row of recessed lighting before entering the room, Greg close on his heels.

“I can’t be away from the desk for long,” Tyler warned as Greg dropped his bag with a thump. “Ms. Pritchett hates desk duty; she’ll be counting the minutes until I return.”

“Okay, so, quick,” Greg said, shutting the door and flipping the lock. Tyler felt his cheeks heat again, though at least the dim lighting would hide most of that. Greg grinned at him, hooking his fingers in the collar of Tyler’s proper, white button-down shirt and tugged him close.

“Quick,” Tyler agreed, smiling a little as he ducked his head and kissed Greg preemptively. Greg snickered, but stifled it quickly, sinking his hands into Tyler’s hair and dragging him deeper into the kiss. Greg tasted of coffee and hazelnut – decaf, but Tyler’s pulse raced just from the taste --

“Mmph, hey,” Tyler objected, not getting more than that out before Greg claimed his mouth again. Batting Greg’s hands away from where they were working on unbuttoning his shirt, Tyler shifted back. “Not –”

“I want my library badge,” Greg said, and Tyler laughed breathlessly.

“No, no library badge,” Tyler said, trying without success to get away from Greg’s deft hands. Though it would probably work better if he actually moved away from Greg. “I have to work here for another semester, you know.”

“I know,” Greg said, giving him a bright, mischievous grin as he conquered another button. “But it’s the best time – the library’s deserted right? And your boss can’t leave the desk unattended, so she’s not going to come looking for us.”

“Um,” Tyler said, trying to come up with a good argument as Greg’s fingers skimmed against his chest. “Still, Greg –”

“Besides,” Greg said, stealing another kiss that left Tyler without a single coherent though in his head. “You want to.”

“That’s not – Greg,” Tyler said, a little exasperated, but Greg just kissed him again, his fingers finally undoing the last of the buttons on Tyler’s shirt. Greg hummed thoughtfully into his mouth, his fingers dancing patterns along Tyler’s skin, setting his skin to tingling.

Tyler tried to give back as good as he was getting, but Greg shook his head, his hands pulling away to grab Tyler’s wrists.

“Hands off for you,” Greg ordered cheerfully. Tyler blinked, thrown. “We’re doing this quick, remember?”

“Right,” Tyler said slowly, still confused as Greg let his hands go. “But –”

“Less talking,” Greg said, crushing a quick kiss to his lips. His hands immediately returned to Tyler’s skin, sliding with a feather-light touch along Tyler’s sides to his hips. Tyler muffled a groan, making a move to touch but aborting the motion halfway through. Greg grinned, his fingers slipping under the waistband of Tyler’s slacks – god, how was Tyler supposed to go back to work after this?

“AV room is soundproof,” Greg said, and Tyler barely had a second to process that before Greg dropped to his knees.

“That – does that count?” Tyler asked breathlessly, wondering why the hell he was even asking that as Greg deftly undid his slacks. (And it really wasn’t fair, because if Tyler tried to do that to Greg’s pants it would take him many, many more fumbles.)

“Oh, yes,” Greg said, giving him another grin and Tyler shut up as Greg’s agile fingers found his cock and stroked him a with a firm, knowing grip that made Tyler’s knees weak. Tyler bit his lip, then remembered – soundproof – but that thought fled his mind as Greg shuffled forward and licked him teasingly.

“Quick, Greg,” Tyler reminded, his face heating at how flustered he sounded. Greg snickered, flashing him a grin that was more teeth than anything else, but he obligingly left off teasing and sucked Tyler’s cock in his mouth.

Tyler swore softly as Greg wrapped a hand around the base of his cock, dipping his head slowly, his tongue tracing a simple, devastating pattern as he picked up speed. Tyler’s world narrowed to Greg’s mouth, to the hand that rested on his hip, squeezing lightly every so often, to the soft noises that Greg was making as he moved. He dimly realized he was making noise too, but that wasn’t important, Greg was (and Greg’s mouth was).

His hands were buried in Greg’s soft hair, probably making a terrible mess of it, and Tyler’s legs were feeling rather like he’d run a marathon. Greg didn’t let up once, keeping his rhythm steady and completely mind-blowing, and Tyler tensed as he neared his release, tugging as gently as he could manage on Greg’s hair to warn him.

Greg managed to snicker, then he closed his mouth around Tyler’s cock and hummed – something he knew drove Tyler crazy – and Tyler came, not really muffling the highly embarrassing noise he made as he did so.

Greg swallowed, looking up to give Tyler a dark-eyed gaze that made Tyler want to forget they were doing quick and that they were in the library so he could take full advantage of all the things Greg’s eyes were promising.

Greg sat back, licking his lips and flashing Tyler his mischievous grin again.

“Whatever it is, no,” Tyler said, glancing over his shoulder guiltily. The door was still shut though, and there was no one trying to peer in the tiny window set high into the top of the door.

“I was just going to say,” Greg said, his hoarse voice making Tyler wince, “that was a lot less difficult to talk you into than I thought it was going to be.”

“Not funny,” Tyler said, making a face as he tucked himself back into his pants did up the zipper and button. The last few hours of his shift were going to be hell… but he wasn’t actually going to complain.

Greg clambered to his feet, stealing a quick kiss before tugging Tyler’s shirt straight. He started doing up the buttons, and Tyler hesitated, a little thrown.

“Um, do you want –” Tyler started awkwardly, and it didn’t seem to matter how much they did together, he still had problems talking about sex.

“Nope,” Greg said, grin flickering across his face again. “That’s for later. Something for you to chew on while you’re still working.”

Tyler groaned, because he probably would spend most of the rest of his shift thinking about Greg. Not to mention that he’d never be able to set up an AV room again without blushing furiously.

“You’re evil,” Tyler said, but he smiled a little, shifting his glasses back into place properly from where they’d slid askew at some point. Greg grinned at him, stealing a quick kiss as he finished fixing Tyler’s shirt.

“You love me,” Greg said cheerfully, stealing another, lengthier kiss before pulling away. “Okay, now I need to go before I change my mind.”

Tyler laughed, running his hands through his hair and hoping he didn’t look too flustered as Greg scooped up his backpack and headed for the door.

“I’ll see you at home?” Tyler said as they left the AV room. A quick glance around proved that this area of the library was thankfully as deserted as it had been earlier.

“Yep, see you there,” Greg confirmed as Tyler pulled out his keys to lock the door. Tyler smiled a little, flushing as Greg hesitated for a second before ducking in to kiss Tyler quickly again. “Okay, really going now, bye.”

“Bye,” Tyler said, laughing a little as Greg darted down the nearest row of books quickly. He took his time locking the door, hoping that his face would cool down and he could lose a bit of his fluster before facing Ms. Pritchett again. Tucking his keys back into his pocket, Tyler laughed as he realized that the buttons to his shirt were done up wrong. Smiling, Tyler shook his head and started to fix it, making a note to not let Greg try and fix his clothes the next time they did this.