Friday, March 1, 2013

Ficbits: Quality Assurance

Eating Out

Quinn let himself into the apartment quietly, shutting the door slowly behind himself. To no avail, it seemed—there was a light on in the living room that hadn't been there when he'd left. Quinn dawdled for a minute, fussing with the chain on the door, depositing his key on the end table, and removing his shoes, before finally heading towards the living room.

Josh was sitting on the far end of the couch wrapped in a blanket. He looked two-thirds asleep as he watched some late-night infomercial on some brightly colored kitchen widget. Quinn felt guilty briefly, but it wasn't like he hadn't snuck out to eat a dozen times before when he was staying over at Josh's apartment.

Wandering into the living room, he hesitated, but finally just sat down next to Josh on the couch. Josh immediately shifted closer, draping the blanket halfway over Quinn's lap.

"Sorry if I woke you," Quinn said quietly, tugging at the blanket a bit to fully cover his lap—it was cold out.

"It's okay," Josh muttered, still watching the TV. "I never would have learned about this magic… magic kitchen thing."

Quinn snorted, but didn't bother to reply to that, just slid closer to press against Josh, who was much, much warmer than Quinn was. So he'd probably been here a while, and Quinn did feel guilty about that. If he hadn't gotten caught up at work… that stupid project could have waited until Monday and he could've eaten before heading over to Josh's for dinner.

"I want to buy six," Josh continued, wrapping an arm around Quinn's shoulders. He smelled good, Quinn noted as he moved into the space Josh had opened up for him. "Then I should never have to cook again."

"I don't think that's how it works," Quinn said, smiling despite himself.

"You only just got here, you don't know," Josh said, still sounding mostly asleep. "You don't always have to go out and eat, you know. I'm here."

"I know," Quinn said, even though he still didn't like to feed from Josh. As much as Josh said so, he never seemed completely okay with Quinn's vampire side. "It's not unlike eating food, you know. If I eat steak every time I'm hungry, I'm going to get sick of steak really quickly."

Josh laughed. "So I'm a steak?"

"The very best kind," Quinn said, feeling a little silly, but Josh grinned, looking pleased enough with that assessment that Quinn wasn't going to take it back.

"So you'll have me on special occasions?" Josh asked, and he looked uncertain again, and Quinn hated that.

"Not if you're uncomfortable with it," Quinn said, shrugging and looking away. He wasn't going to force it—Josh was the first boyfriend he'd had who actually knew, and he wasn't going to mess that up by feeding on Josh all the time.

"I am," Josh said, muting the TV mid-word. "Uncomfortable, that is. But I could be comfortable, I think, I just have to get a normal bite, I think."

"A normal bite?" Quinn repeated, trying to interpret what Josh had just said.

Josh sighed, making a face at the magic kitchen implement—available for just three easy payments of $19.99!—before saying, "You've bitten me before, once, remember? But it hurt afterwards, and I think that's most of my discomfort with it."

"Not the fact that I'm eating your blood?" Quinn asked, not bothering to phrase it delicately.

"You've eaten other bits of me," Josh pointed out, grinning wickedly. "That doesn't bother me."

"Okay," Quinn said, freeing a hand from under their shared blanket. He ran the pad of his thumb over the artery in Josh's neck, feeling the shiver that elicited. "Are you sure?"

"Mmhmm," Josh said, reaching up and grabbing Quinn's hand. "I wouldn't have brought it up if I weren't."

"I can bite you now," Quinn offered hesitantly, letting Josh tangle their fingers together. "I'm not… I don't need more blood yet, but I can bite and heal it, so you know what it feels like normally."

"Do it," Josh said firmly, with no hesitance. Quinn stared at him for a long moment, trying to gauge whether Josh really meant it… but he looked sure.

"Okay," Quinn said finally, wiggling free of their blanket nest. Josh frowned at him in confusion, but Quinn didn't give him a chance to ask questions but moved to straddle Josh's lap. "You can tell me to stop at any point."

"Not when you're fangs deep in my neck," Josh pointed out, and Quinn smiled briefly, ducking his head and kissing Josh slowly. Josh kissed back, wrapping his arms easily around Quinn to steady his perch on Josh's lap. It was heady and potent and Josh tasted like sleep and Chinese food, which meant he'd had a snack while waiting up for Quinn.

Breaking the kiss, Quinn pressed a kiss to Josh's jaw, trying to ignore the hint of tension in the way Josh held himself and the way his breath hitched when Quinn pressed his lips against the curve where Josh's jaw met his neck.

"Say no," Quinn breathed the words in Josh's ears, eliciting another shiver.

"Yes," Josh said, and Quinn caught the quirk of his lips before Josh thoroughly distracted him with an oh-so-casual caress of Quinn's thigh. "Please."

Quinn mumbled something that was meant to be words but sounded like a whole lot of gibberish, but obligingly bent and licked Josh's neck, biting down in the next second before Josh could fully register the first sensation. Josh stilled, still tense but the hand resting on Quinn's thigh was relaxed and light in touch, so Quinn didn't panic. He swallowed a mouthful of blood—and he hadn't really been kidding with Josh earlier; his blood was like a fine cut of meat, despite the junk food Josh ate on a regular basis—and then pulled away, sealing the bite in the next second.

"That's it?" Josh asked as Quinn straightened, licking his lips.

"That's it," Quinn said, trying to make himself focus—something that was difficult with Josh's hand creeping up his thigh. "You okay?"

"Mmm, definitely," Josh said, grinning crookedly. "So you'll eat at my steakhouse, now?"

"I already did," Quinn said, moving his hands so that Josh would have no misconceptions as to what he meant.

Josh groaned, then grinned wickedly. "So how about some dessert?"