Friday, March 1, 2013

Ficbit: Black Lace & Trucks

Of Black Lace and Trucks

Dirk wasn’t a farmer. Oh, he looked the part, sure. Worn, faded jeans, plaid button up shirts, the occasional singlet. He wore work boots only because they were sturdy and comfortable – he’d had the current pair for a few years now, after all. His build wasn’t his fault. He got the broad shoulders from his father and his mother had started the habit of dragging him to the gym with her when he was fourteen so he was well-muscled.

He wasn’t a farmer, but he owned a truck.

Jason gave him grief about it all the time, but Dirk generally ignored him. Jason was Dirk’s polar opposite. No one would mistake him for a farmer (or a piece of alcoholic white trash living out of some broken down hole of an apartment, though Jason had repeatedly reassured him that he was far too well-groomed looking for that).

Jason was pretty, for one. He’d preen if Dirk said that though, so Dirk generally didn’t say it. His hair was thick and fluffy and hung everywhere, dropping in front of stellar blue eyes. He had high cheekbones and a killer smile, and he was slim and slender and looked capable of barely lifting his backpack, let alone standing up to a strong wind.

“Excuse me.” Jason signaled to a clerk and Dirk sighed, wishing he knew how Jason managed to beguile him into being here. Pure evil, that boy was, and Dirk decided he’d have to shove Jason into the coat closet for a few hours once they got home in recompense.

“Can I help you boys?” The clerk asked, looking amused, and probably for good reason. Dirk shifted uncomfortably, trying to not look at the racks of pink and black and god, that was a lovely red lacy thing that he shouldn’t be looking at. The floor was pink carpet, but totally safe, so Dirk stared at it intently, flushing furiously.

“Well, Dirk’s anniversary is coming up, and his girl requested something… pretty.” Jason gestured to the lingerie racks filling the store. “Of this ilk, you see. Only she wants it to be a surprise.”

“Aah.” The clerk laughed, and Dirk’s face burned even more. Maybe he’d leave Jason in the coat closet for a week. “Now are you looking for something… more or less substantial?”

Dirk glanced up helplessly. He didn’t know the first thing about women’s wear. “I – I have no clue.” He confessed, and the clerk nodded.

“Alright, how about I show you around, and you can see if anything catches your eye.” She smiled, gesturing him off to the left of the store, where the racks of lacy underthings - and surely that was meant to be a costume because he couldn’t imagine anyone wearing it – stood.

“Oh, hey, what about that?” Jason pointed at a rack with matching bras and panties, and Dirk smacked his hand.

“Pointing’s not polite.” He mumbled, hunching his shoulders and blushing again as Jason arched an eyebrow at him.

“Go get a closer look, then.” Jason smirked, his lips curving in a way that should’ve been illegal, and Dirk sighed, trudging closer. They were just bits of cloth – and the clerk hovered too close for him to talk to Jason properly about this.

“Can you see them on her?” Jason prompted, and he was far, far too pleased about this.

“I don’t know.” Dirk muttered, wishing he wasn’t here because this was embarrassing. “I guess.”

“That’s convincing.” Jason grinned at him, and Dirk knew his cheeks were burning. “I think we need to browse our options, ma’am.”

“Alright. I’ll be near the counter if you need me.” The clerk looked far too knowing, and Dirk sighed, frowning at Jason.

“I don’t like this.” He muttered, and Jason rolled his eyes.

“It’s not that difficult. What colors do you like the best?” Jason prompted, gesturing to the rack. “They’re mostly the same.”

“I don’t like the pink.” Dirk offered, trying valiantly because Jason was sort of doing this for him even if he was amused about it.

“How about that blue?” Jason offered, tugging free a blue pair of lacy panties from the back of the rack. It was a nice enough color, Dirk supposed.

“Black.” He said, though, and Jason grinned, shoving the blue back on the rack.

“Okay, black. Anything specific?” Jason coaxed, smiling slyly as he idly flicked through the hangers. Selecting another pair of lacy panties, he held the black pair up with a raised eyebrow.

“That – that’s fine.” Dirk offered, swallowing hard. Jason laughed, taking pity on him apparently.

“Give me your money.” Jason demanded, his fingers still holding the lacy underpants tantalizingly. Dirk sighed, digging out his wallet. Pulling out the wad of twenties, he shoved them into Jason’s hand. “Go on, get. Wait for me at the food court. I’ll pick out something nice for you, I promise.”

“Thank you.” Dirk was a man, but he wasn’t man enough to admit he could hang out unscathed in a lingerie store for more than ten minutes. Jason snickered, and turned to another rack while Dirk beat a hasty retreat.


“Lace is expensive.” Jason grinned at him, carrying the distinctive black bag from the lingerie store. He handed Dirk a twenty. “That’s all that’s left.”

“Shit.” Dirk stared, then decided it was probably worth it and shoved the money into his pocket. “How much did you buy?”

“Oh, a few things.” Jason smirked, and Dirk decided he’d find out at home. He’d had enough of the mall for the day. Squeezing himself out of the little booth he’d managed to shove himself into, he wrapped his hand around Jason’s free hand and started them walking to the parking lot.

“Can I see them?” Dirk asked, then flushed. “Not here.”

“At home.” Jason smiled seductively, brushing hips with Dirk in a manner that was casual but damn effective.

“At home.” Dirk agreed, his boots clomping against the tiled mall floor. Jason’s sandals made next to no noise next to him, and Dirk resisted the urge to wrap his arm around Jason’s waist (half because it would make them walk slower and half because Jason’s jeans were low-riders (likely borrowed from his sister Katy) and were showing a bit too much skin for Dirk to keep his head if he touched).

They’d managed a good parking spot, at least, near to the front, and Dirk unlocked the truck, sliding in and across the seat to pop the lock for Jason. The truck wasn’t new – Dirk had gotten it from his uncle (and well, maybe he was a farmer) – but it was clean and it ran well. Dirk liked to work on it and maintained it well enough that even Jason deigned to ride in it.

Jason slouched in his seat as Dirk started the car, propping his bare feet up on the dash, his toes leaving little toe prints against the glass. Dirk smiled a little because he should mind that Jason was smudging his glass, but it was kind of cute so he was content to ignore it.

“It really is too bad we live so far from the mall.” Jason spoke up mischievously as soon as they were starting down the highway towards home.

“It’s only forty-five minutes.” Dirk shrugged, not looking away from the road as Jason shifted on the bench seat beside him (well, not really beside him, but the middle seat couldn’t really fit anyone substantial).

“Too long to walk.” Jason replied cheerfully, and Dirk glanced over, swearing softly under his breath as he swerved into the shoulder a little.

“Jason!” Dirk protested, his cheeks burning even as he itched to look again.

Jason’s jeans had ridden down even more, and showed a thin, black lacy strap that curved over his hip before disappearing into his jeans again.

“What?” Jason asked innocently, but the smirk on his face gave him away, and Dirk groaned (half-frustration, half-turned on) because they were in the truck and more than half an hour away from home.

“I’m just… sitting here.” Jason purred, when Dirk made no further response, and Dirk shook his head, training his eyes on the road, but really, it didn’t help because he couldn’t not see that bare skin, and the black lace –

Flicking on his turn signal abruptly, Dirk took a brief moment to be thankful that he knew the roads around here as he turned down a side street. Jason laughed, even as Dirk pulled into the snowplow turnaround area and killed the engine and the headlights.

He stopped laughing, though, when Dirk hooked his fingers in the waistline of Jason’s slipping jeans and tugged him across the truck bench to kiss him desperately. Jason kissed back without hesitation, his fingers threading into Dirk’s hair even as Dirk pressed him back against the truck’s seat and Dirk decided he needed to find out one of Jason’s turn-ons because this was totally unfair (even if he loved it).


Dirk wasn’t shy. He tended to be quieter and calmer than the other guys at school, if only because he knew what he could do with his strength and he really didn’t want to hurt anyone.

He wasn’t shy, not unless he ran into Jason. Jason was relatively new at school – he’d been there a month or two, by Dirk’s estimation, but he’d only started running into him everyday after spring break.

He fumbled over words, he dropped things, and in general made a fool of himself whenever Jason was around. Like now, for instance, and Dirk winced as he dropped his math textbook – it landed on his toes, which didn’t really hurt because his boots protected his feet rather well.

“Hey.” Jason greeted, and Dirk nodded dumbly, scooping up his math book and shoving it back into his locker. Jason was smiling, and Dirk honestly thought he had the prettiest smile (even prettier than his mother’s, which was something).

“So, Dirk.” Jason drawled, his eyes bright and his cheeks flushed, and Dirk stubbed his fingers against the side of his locker.

“Um, yes?” Dirk strove for casual, really he did.

“Are you a farmer?” Jason’s eyes trailed down to his boots and back up, and Dirk blushed furiously because he could swear Jason had just checked him out, but it was probably some sort of slight against his attire.

“No.” Dirk coughed out, shutting his locker and spinning the combination lock. Only to realize his English book was still inside.

“You look it.” Jason grinned, sliding across the hallway floor towards him as a girl started fiddling with the locker behind him.

“I’m not.” Dirk shook his head, turning back to his locker because looking at the lock had to be ages better than focusing on Jason’s too-pretty face. It seemed important though, to convince Jason that he wasn’t a farmer. “The clothes are comfortable.”

“And do wonders for your ass.” Jason agreed, and Dirk took a moment, spinning to 32 before choking, turning to stare at Jason. Jason just smiled mischievously and Dirk gawked for a moment, forgetting to be flustered.

“I – what?” Dirk demanded, and Jason laughed, moving so that his toes were half-an-inch from Dirk’s boots.

Leaning closer – and Dirk swore he should’ve been passed out from the amount of blood rushing to his face – Jason whispered in his ear, “Want to go to the dance with me?”

“Okay.” Dirk agreed, earning a brilliant smile.

“Cool. You’re eating lunch with me today.” Jason decreed, kissing him on the cheek, and Dirk’s slowly receding blush came back in full force.

“Okay.” Dirk repeated, and Jason grinned, backing up.

“See you then.” Jason ruffled his hair and turned on a heel, leaving Dirk to stare dumbly after him (and maybe at his ass a little).


Jason thought he was seeing things. Except that this wasn’t the community college downtown and no one on this poncy campus would dress like Dirk. Or look so incredibly handsome, like Dirk.

So he was forced to conclude that Dirk had tracked him down, which was odd. Jason grinned, pleased as he crossed the green to where Dirk was loitering near one of the tall, perfectly pruned oak trees.

“Hello, love.” Jason greeted cheerfully, just to see Dirk blush. Dirk did so, charmingly as usual, and Jason finished the greeting with a quick kiss-and-grope combo that made Dirk jump and his blush worsen.

“What brings you to this part of town?” Jason asked, curiously, leaning back to survey Dirk leisurely. Dirk was handsome, with light, fluffy blond hair and pretty hazel eyes. There was nothing feminine about him and he looked rugged, something only reinforced by his choice in clothing – the plaid work shirts did wonders for showing off his muscles, though Jason by far preferred to see him shirtless.

“Lunch.” Dirk replied simply, holding up a small cooler, and Jason laughed, delighted.

“That’s cute.” He told Dirk with a grin. “Are we having a picnic?”

“There are bugs.” Dirk told him warily, eyeing the ground suspiciously, and Jason shrugged.

“Not so many. Sit.” Jason ordered, dropping his bag on the ground. If Dirk was here, the truck was here, so he could get a ride back to the community college campus and not worry about rushing to get to his next class on time.

Dirk grinned, settling down on the ground and popping the lid on the cooler. Jason dropped his bag without care for its contents and settled down next to Dirk, wondering what Dirk would do if Jason started nibbling on him.

Probably blush. And they were in a public place so it wouldn’t get as far as Jason would like – he’d woken up late and had to leave with a simple goodbye kiss and nothing else, which was frustrating in comparison to their normal morning routine.

“Peanut butter and jam.” Dirk offered, and Jason snickered but accepted a sandwich. Homemade Dirk food, mmm (and he wasn’t thinking homemade Dirk would be better).

“Milk.” Dirk set out a thermos, and Jason snickered but started eating his sandwich because of course Dirk was a homebody and would bring milk.

“Thanks.” Jason mumbled through his mouthful, and Dirk grinned, pleased, and Jason grinned wickedly as he swallowed. “I’ll thank you properly later.” He winked, enjoying the way Dirk nearly choked on his sandwich, and it really was amusing that Dirk was still thrown by his innuendos, after all this time.

“You woke up late this morning.” Dirk reminded, taking a swig of milk, and Jason let his eyes wander because there were few things better than looking at Dirk. Touching Dirk was one of them.

“Sorry.” Jason grinned, playfully running his fingers along the knee of Dirk’s jeans. Dirk ignored him, continuing to eat his sandwich with frequent gulps of milk because he made his sandwiches more peanut butter than jelly.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Dirk asked, after a minute and Jason shrugged, tugging the cooler closer. There were four sandwiches left – Dirk would probably eat three himself – another thermos and a few apples. Happily abandoning his sandwich, Jason snagged an apple and let his hand sneak a few inches closer to Dirk’s groin.

“I don’t suppose-” Jason started, taking a bite of the apple. Chewing quickly while Dirk stared at him inquisitively, Jason swallowed and grinned. “- you’d want to cut lunch a bit early?” He asked suggestively, his fingers trailing closer to getting them fined for public indecency.

“Let me finish my sandwich.” Dirk decided, and Jason laughed, taking another bite of his apple as Dirk shoved the last bite of his sandwich in his mouth. Climbing to his feet as Dirk packed the thermos back into the cooler, Jason grinned, pleased when Dirk stood and wrapped an arm around his waist casually.

Dirk was hard to train – it had taken Jason nearly a year before he could get Dirk to do that on his own, and now he did that by himself. Jason grinned, sliding a hand in the back pocket of Dirk’s jeans, watching him blush as Jason led them back towards the class building. He knew of a conference room that should be deserted...


Dirk loved to be outside. He wasn’t a farmer, but he did like making things, and doing things with his hands (things other than Jason). So he liked his summer job working for one of the town’s two construction firms. He spent winters working in his father’s office as a sort of all-around errand boy, since the construction firm didn’t operate when there was snow on the ground.

Jason seemed to like his summer job too. Or maybe he was fond of Dirk coming home dirty and sweaty because whenever he was home and Dirk came home, Dirk was inevitably pounced on (sometimes in the front hallway, though occasionally Jason would let him get to the bedroom first).

Dirk laughed a little, panting and aching pleasantly as he stood up. He needed a shower even more now, and he helped Jason stand up carefully because he was still looking faintly dazed as he pulled up his jeans.

Dirk simply kicked his off, and tugged off his shirt, glad they’d decided to move in this year because it was much, much harder to hide this sort of thing when he was living at home.

“Welcome home?” Jason offered, and Dirk laughed again, pulling Jason close for another kiss. Jason groaned invitingly, shifting against Dirk enticingly and Dirk let his hands wander, more slowly this time.

“Shower.” Dirk managed, breaking away and Jason snickered, pulling off his tank top.

“Not yet.” Jason decided, and Dirk knelt a bit, slinging Jason over his shoulder because if they were doing it again, it was going to be in the bedroom this time. He was sick of rug burn. Jason simply snickered, running his fingers teasingly along Dirk’s back, and Dirk really was glad they were young enough to not have to worry about refractory periods too much.


“Hey, Dirk, who’s the pretty blonde?” George called, across the roof they were nailing into place. Dirk nearly missed barely shooting the nail gun into the wooden beam, and turned to see Jason waiting by the fence. Jason waved, then tapped his wrist where a watch would be if he wore one.

“Oh, shit. What time is it?” Dirk fumbled for his cell phone, digging it out of the little pouch he’d attached to his belt for it. 5:43, it read, and Dirk swore again.

“Get out of here, then.” George dismissed cheerfully, gesturing with his nail gun. “I can finish this.”

“Are you sure?” Dirk asked, itching to climb down though. Shoving sweat-damp hair out of his face, he frowned at his coworker.

“Yeah, it’s only a half-hour’s more work.” George replied agreeably, squinting through the sunlight at Jason. “Besides, if I had him waiting for me –”

“George!” Dirk protested, his cheeks burning. “Fine. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” George replied cheerfully, returning to his nailing as Dirk clambered down the ladder at the edge of the roof. Jason didn’t venture past the fence though, and Dirk grinned.

“Five minutes.” He called, and Jason nodded, smiling that wicked smile of his. Dirk flushed, and nearly dropped the nail gun on his foot. Dropping off his equipment, Dirk wrote the time on his clock-out slip and went to meet Jason.

“Hey.” Dirk greeted, flushing a little when Jason smirked at him expectantly. “I’m sorry, I lost track of time.” Dirk offered repentantly, and Jason grinned.

“You’ll be making it up to me.” Jason eyed him speculatively.

“Of course.” Dirk blushed, hooking his fingers in one of the belt loops of Jason’s jeans. “I’ll walk you home.”

Jason laughed. “You just want in my pants.”

“Possibly.” Dirk hedged, glancing down towards said pants and blushing again. “Jason!”

“What?” Jason glanced down, at the edge of lacy black that was just barely showing above the top of his jeans. “Oh, oops.” He grinned innocently. “How’d that get there?”

Dirk sighed, letting his hand drop. Jason laughed, tugging his pants back up, into place. “Come on, cowboy, let’s go home.”

“Cowboy?” Dirk questioned, trying his best to not think of lacy black underwear, snug against Jason’s pale skin -

“You’re not a farmer.” Jason smirked, and Dirk jumped as one of Jason’s hands slipped into his back pocket. And squeezed.

“I’m not.” Dirk managed to keep from squeaking the words out, and Jason snickered, nudging him down the sidewalk and Dirk really hoped George was paying more attention to the roof than to them because otherwise he was going to be teased mercilessly tomorrow.

“So a cowboy.” Jason snickered, steering him around the corner. He coughed suspiciously and grinned at Dirk mischievously. “Ride ‘em, cowboy?” He offered, and Dirk sighed, blushing viciously because that inspired bad thoughts. And images.

“I think you need to walk in front of me now.” Dirk decided solemnly, detaching Jason from his person and maneuvering him into walking just in front of him. Jason’s shoulder’s shook, which meant he was amused, and Dirk sighed, deciding that Jason needed another stay in the coat closet.

Though perhaps he’d let Jason play cowboy first.


“Dirk!” Jason yelled from inside the coat closet. Dirk ignored him, flipping a page in the newspaper. “Let me out now, Dirk!”

“No!” Dirk called, scanning the page for anything interesting. Finding nothing, he turned to the next page before finding an article on the zoo’s lion exhibit.

“Dirk, if you don’t let me out I won’t sleep with you for a week!” Jason tried, and Dirk snorted. That never worked – Jason inevitably pounced on him after getting out of the closet and ruined it right away.

“Oh, shut up.” Jason muttered, and Dirk grinned, shifting more comfortably against the closet door. The lions were apparently ill with some rare disease.

“If you let me out, I’ll clean the bathroom.” Jason tried, and Dirk grinned.

“Nope.” He replied, accidentally knocking his elbow against the door as he flipped the newspaper page. Jason fell silent, and Dirk set aside the local section of the paper and went for the comics.

“I’ll wear your birthday present?” Jason offered and Dirk paused. His birthday present had been an interesting array of lace and silk ties. Dirk grinned, setting aside his paper.

“Deal.” He agreed, and opened the door.

“Finally.” Jason muttered, glaring at him for a moment. Dirk laughed, and tugged him out of the closet, shutting the door behind him.

“Go get dressed.” Dirk ordered, propelling Jason toward the bedroom and swatting him playfully on the ass.

“Yeah, yeah.” Jason smirked, and disappeared into the bedroom. Dirk waited a minute before following, deciding that Jason might need his help for this (and that he really, really wanted to help).


Jason looked up at Dirk blearily, and then down at the steaming mug Dirk had set beside his open books on the desk.

“Coffee.” Dirk offered with a sympathetic smile and Jason drudged up a return smile, picking up the mug and inhaling slowly. Dirk had gone for the good stuff. Dirk didn’t drink coffee himself, but he’d learned to make it well enough.

Jason gulped a hot mouthful, wishing he had time to thank Dirk properly.

“Thanks.” Jason grinned a Dirk, happier already even though he still had half the material to look through before his exam tomorrow morning.

“Sorry I distracted you earlier.” Dirk replied, looking apologetic – he’d managed to ambush Jason on his way in the door and then had succeeded in banishing all thoughts of studying for hours. “How’re you doing?”

“Eh.” Jason shrugged, tugging on Dirk’s jeans. “I liked your distraction.” He grinned, because it wasn’t often that Dirk would pounce like that – usually only under the provocation of lace, or, like today, when Jason had gotten stuck out late the previous evening and left early in the morning.

Dirk predictably blushed, and Jason grinned, definitely cheered up. Glancing at the books, he caught sight of the digital clock perched on the far end of the desk and frowned.

“What are you still doing up?” Jason demanded crossly, frowning at Dirk. “It’s one-thirty! You have to work tomorrow!”

“I’m bringing you coffee.” Dirk replied, looking stubborn, and Jason sighed, exasperated.

“Dirk. Love. Go to bed.” Jason ordered, hoping that Dirk got the affection and exasperation he was trying for.

“Not until you’re done.” Dirk refuted, smiling maddeningly. “Drink your coffee.” Jason pinched Dirk’s thigh, sending Dirk jumping back.

“You have an early morning and I won’t have you going to work tired and falling off a roof and breaking your neck or something.” Jason chided, and Dirk smiled again.

“We’re not working on the roof tomorrow. Interior stuff.” Dirk supplied, shifting closer. “Can I help?”

“No. And that’s not the point.” Jason frowned. “Go to bed.”

“Fine.” Dirk sighed, looking put-out, like Jason was demanding he stay up instead of get rest. “But I’ll stay awake until you’re done.” Dirk warned, leaning down and brushing a kiss against Jason’s lips.

“Goodnight.” Jason told him firmly, resisting the urge to pull Dirk down for a real kiss because then he’d never get this done. Dirk slipped out of the room, leaving him with a steaming, half-full cup of coffee, and Jason let himself smile. Dirk would fall asleep, but he’d wake up when Jason came in because he was a light sleeper.


"Dirk?" Jason dropped his bag and stepped into the living room immediately. Dirk looked up, hitting the mute button on the TV, and Jason scowled.

"It was an accident." Dirk defended immediately.

“Let me see.” Jason demanded, moving to where Dirk was sprawled across the couch. They’d had to search for a while before they found a couch that didn’t offend Jason’s sensibilities and wasn’t dwarfed by Dirk’s size.

“I’m fine.” Dirk protested, tugging up his pant leg to show off the Ace bandage. “It’s just a sprain.”

“George said you went to the ER.” Jason muttered, moving to kneel in front of the Dirk.

“Just for an X-ray.” Dirk explained. “The boss wanted to make sure nothing was broken.”

“Oh.” Jason peered at Dirk speculatively. “So you’re okay?”

“Just a sprain. Did worse that season of football in school.” Dirk replied ruefully, and Jason snickered, remembering Dirk’s ill-fated attempt at football. He had the stature for it, but no skill, and had managed to sprain both ankles and fracture a wrist when he took a tackle wrong.

“I remember that.” Jason grinned mischievously, resting a hand on Dirk’s knee suggestively. “I remember what I did to distract you, too.”

Dirk blushed, and Jason laughed. “Sit up.” He ordered, and Dirk sighed, but moved to obey, holding his foot gingerly as he swung it over Jason’s head. Jason snagged one of the couch pillows – Dirk’s mother had bought them – and let Dirk set his foot on that on the coffee table. Standing up, he sat down next to Dirk, smiling as Dirk curled an arm around his shoulders.

Jason was going to have to kill George, or throw something heavy at him the next time he saw the bastard, for making him think something was really wrong. But for tonight he’d forsake his homework and spend the evening with Dirk, showing him how much he really appreciated that he was still whole.

“Jason –" Dirk protested, trying to shove Jason away. Jason just grinned and kissed him again, shifting impatiently in Dirk’s lap. Dirk kissed back, his fingers digging into Jason’s shoulders.

“This is so not appropriate," Dirk hissed when he had his mouth back again. “Oh, gah, Jason."

“It’s hot," Jason muttered, his hands busy beneath Dirk’s shirt. He flashed a grin in the dark. “Just keep quiet, no one will hear."

“Quiet? I can’t, not – not when you’re - damn -" Dirk hissed, his head jerking back and banging against the back wall of the tiny shower stall. “Ow."

“Poor thing," Jason purred in his ear, and Dirk squirmed, a frustrated sigh slipping past his lips because he couldn’t get the right angle and he could hear voices, coming closer to the little closet they’d slipped into.

“Jason," Dirk breathed into Jason’s ear. “I don’t want to get caught."

“Dirk. Love. If you stop now, I will not ever speak to you again," Jason told him seriously, his hand in Dirk’s pants. “Or at least until Sunday."

“Right, wedding," Dirk nodded, bracing his forehead against Jason’s shoulder. “Carry on."

Jason laughed quietly, and Dirk braced his boot against the closet door and hoped no one tried to look inside.

Sheetrock in the Attic

“Hey,” Dirk said sleepily as he wandered into the kitchen. Jason grinned at him, hastily swallowing the spoonful of cereal he was eating.

“Morning, stud,” Jason greeted cheerfully, winking. Dirk obligingly turned a dull red, but just made his way to the coffeemaker instead of calling Jason on it. Jason snickered, working on his bowl of cereal as Dirk fixed himself a cup of coffee.

“Sleep well?” Jason asked innocently, though he knew full well that Dirk had slept like a rock.

“Stop being smug,” Dirk muttered, sipping his coffee and leaning against the counter. Jason grinned, smothering his next comment with a spoonful of cereal. It was bad form to tease Dirk too much before he had his first cup of coffee.

“Don’t let them work you too hard today,” Jason said instead, and Dirk laughed, setting his mug down on the counter.

“It wasn’t work that knocked me out,” Dirk said, blushing a little but smiling still. Jason smirked, pushing aside his mostly empty bowl and standing.

“Hmm, well, you’re normally up for more than one round,” Jason replied thoughtfully, hooking his fingers in the front of Dirk’s work shirt. It wasn’t a thin cotton t-shirt that fit Dirk just a little too snugly for Jason to leave him unmolested when he wore it.

“I’m not going to be late for work today,” Dirk muttered, but he wrapped his arms around Jason’s waist and pulled him closer anyway. “We’re putting up sheetrock in the attic today.”

“Sounds fascinating,” Jason said, running his hands down the front of Dirk. Dirk squirmed a little, his hands slipping a little lower. “You’ll have to make it up to me later then.”

“I can do that,” Dirk promised, kissing him softly. “I’ll even bring dinner home.”

“Chinese?” Jason asked hopefully, grinning when Dirk nodded but didn’t let him go. “I knew I liked you for a reason.”

Dirk laughed, kissing him again before pulling away. “Have fun at class.”

“Not as much fun as I’ll have later,” Jason replied smartly, winking. Dirk shook his head, but he was smiling as he straightened out his shirt. Jason grinned, standing up on his tip-toes to bestow a last kiss on Dirk’s lips before Dirk slipped away, heading out. Jason sat back down, making plans. He’d have to go see if any of the black lace was clean, and that one pair of jeans that was always slipping...